Christmas Eve Challenge: 20lbs in 9 weeks.

Tricia8008 Posts: 80 Member
It is 9 weeks exactly until Christmas Eve and I propose a 9 week / 20 lbs challenge! Who wants to join me?

This challenge will have you looking fabulous for the season and will help curb your cravings for seasonal sweets! And the prize? A wonderful Christmas present for yourself!

To get started, comment a quick synopsis of your plan and then check in EVERY Monday with your total pounds lost like this: Ex. 4.7lbs/20lbs

I'll start us off....

Plan: 10,000 steps per day + Weight Training twice/week with my trainer + 1800 calories per day

Christmas Eve Goal: 0lbs/20lbs



  • jjoy1117
    jjoy1117 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!
  • sonobear93
    sonobear93 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I'm in too!

    Plan: gym 5 -6 days a week (includes cardio & stregnth training) +1200 calories a day
    Christmas eve goal: 2/20
  • LoganGary
    LoganGary Posts: 4 Member
    I’m in!!
    Plan: Workout 6 days a week (3 weights, 3 cardio) + 1200 cal/day + IF 16:8
    I’m 5’6’ and currently 157. Hoping to be 135 by Christmas Eve!
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    I am in! I am 155 want to be 135,
    Weight train 4 days a week, interval cardio, track food and calories. Staying around 1500 on workout out days, lower on rest days.
  • _ecofeminist
    _ecofeminist Posts: 44 Member
    edited October 2018
    I’m in!
    My plan is 1400 calories/day of nutrient dense food, with 2 days in each week as OMAD (this can be no more than 2000 calories if needed.) Meditation every morning... because I think lots is stress fat. Stay active daily but it’s mainly in the kitchen so staying on top of tracking!
    Let’s go. We don’t need the new year to start!!!
    0lbs/20lbs 👊
  • ffdelorme
    ffdelorme Posts: 10 Member
    I’m in too!

    My plan : 1450 cal/day and increasing activity 2-3 times a week (walking/rowing)

    5”7 37yrs old
    SW: 310
    CW: 272.2
    GW: 175

    Christmas Eve Goal: 0/20lbs
  • Tricia8008
    Tricia8008 Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome everyone! I am already excited to weigh in next Monday! Have a fantastic day today and don't forget to track everything you eat and keep moving!
  • teelatesluk
    teelatesluk Posts: 59 Member
    Hello. This sounds great

    5'7" 33 Yrs old
    GW200 (#1)
    Christmans Eve Goal ONDERLAND!!!

    I am always doing good until I round near that 200 mark then I start climbing up again. I have only been below 200 1x in 10 years so thinking I could be 192 in 8 weeks sounds crazy to me but I know its doable just need to get past the mental blockage. My avergae without pregnancy is 210 -225 . I would like to be below 200 come Christmas time. Have a big Vacation in January :)

    My plan is to work out 2x a week (Jazzercise and weights) and do 50 squats minimal a day. I am eating low carb and trying to incorperate more veggies, higher fat and protein.

    Calorie goal is between 1500-1800 per day.
    Excited for weigh in. Cheers :smiley:

  • NetflixnChilln
    NetflixnChilln Posts: 1 Member
    47 y/o
    SW 265
    CW 195
    GW 165
    Christmas Eve goal weight is 175

    Workout goal is at least 3 times a week
    Keto diet. Macros 5 percent carbs, 70 percent fat, and 25 percent protein.
    Calories 1700/day

    Good luck to everyone
  • najlaguthrie
    najlaguthrie Posts: 1 Member
    I am in. I am 152 and want to get 132. I work out 3-5 a week.
  • lericksen
    lericksen Posts: 1 Member
    I am in. Walk 5 days a week. 3 days weights. 1600 per day. IFFYM.
    20lbs down by Christmas Eve.
  • I’m in! Walking outside 3 days a week, treadmill two days, and daily women’s workout short sessions. I’m also sticking to my calorie goals and intermittent fasting.
  • ssherry2003
    ssherry2003 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m in. My plan is to log my food everyday and stay within the calorie suggestions. I try to get 10k in steps every day and am doing pretty good at that. Down 8.7 as of today over the last 5 weeks. Let’s do this.
  • emelliot294
    emelliot294 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2018
    I’m in. CW:202 GW: 180 plan is to eat less carbs/processed foods. Workout 5x per week with 3 days of cardio and 2 weights training. Let’s do this. 👏. 0/20
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I am in! I am 155 want to be 135,
    Weight train 4 days a week, interval cardio, track food and calories. Staying around 1500 on workout out days, lower on rest days.

    This is very close to mine!
    Cardio 4-5 days a week +strength training. Calories about the same!
    Cw: 150
    GW: 130
  • jjheierman
    jjheierman Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in :) 35 / 5'8 / CW 163 / GW 145. Plan....stop losing my resolve on the weekends! Strength/cardio 6 days per week, IF 16/8, 1450 calories
  • hjoy450
    hjoy450 Posts: 5 Member
    Tricia8008 wrote: »
    It is 9 weeks exactly until Christmas Eve and I propose a 9 week / 20 lbs challenge! Who wants to join me?

    This challenge will have you looking fabulous for the season and will help curb your cravings for seasonal sweets! And the prize? A wonderful Christmas present for yourself!

    To get started, comment a quick synopsis of your plan and then check in EVERY Monday with your total pounds lost like this: Ex. 4.7lbs/20lbs

    I'll start us off....

    Plan: 10,000 steps per day + Weight Training twice/week with my trainer + 1800 calories per day

    Christmas Eve Goal: 0lbs/20lbs

  • hjoy450
    hjoy450 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m in. Starting tomorrow lowered carb intake focus on fresh foods
    Walking/hiking 4xwk, planks, yoga and pilates. 0/20 lbs. keep smiling everyone.
  • julgreer
    julgreer Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! :smile:

    Stats: 31 / 5'0" / SW:148 / GW:128
    Plan: 6000 steps per day, gym 2x a week (swim or weights), low carbs on lazy days, 1400 cals/day
    Current Loss: 0/20
  • lieslwish
    lieslwish Posts: 1 Member
    And me!
    Stats: 44 / 5’9” / SW: 164 / GW 144

    Plan: 15000 steps daily, gym class x4, 5k run x2, 1700 cals, 16:8 fast, lchf (Might be a tad more relaxed on the weekends!)

    Current loss: 0/20

    Good luck everyone! 🤞🏻