Working out at home - anyone else?



  • grneyeddvl
    grneyeddvl Posts: 1 Member
    YES!! I used to workout exclusively at our local crossfit gym, but now I do at-home programming and LOVE it! Love the scheduling options, never having an equipment shortage, my own music of choice, and a lot more time to devote to technique and whatever else I choose. :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I workout exclusively at well for me!
  • noiseydonut
    noiseydonut Posts: 18 Member
    I'm working out home. I have a few used equipment that is not top notch but still runs. I mainly use a treadmill and I am doing a few strength training exercises after my runs. I may join a gym in the future when I hit a block in my weight loss journey. My goal now is just to move
  • johnderobeck
    johnderobeck Posts: 36 Member
    I work out at home as well. It is great because I can do it at any time, don't need to drive anywhere and the kids can join in when they want to (sort of). I think it is as much about habit as anything else, I have my gym kit at the end of the bed and it is the first thing I put on in the morning, so no excuse not do it.
  • JoAnna4731
    JoAnna4731 Posts: 115 Member
    edited October 2018
    I have worked out at home exclusively for the last fifteen years. I quit the gym because I was getting sick often, and it always coincided with my gym visits - so I decided to ditch the germs. I also found that it was far more cost efficient for me to invest in some solid gym equipment and DVDs than it was for me to spend money on a monthly gym membership. My husband and I invested in a small bench, a range of free weights, and a spin bike, and I get occasional new video workouts from instructors I like.

    For me, the motivation in the past year has come from following rotations from my favorite DVD instructors. I have been on a Jessica Smith kick since February, and follow her recommended rotations for her videos - it's the most consistency I have experienced in the past decade. I do four-six week rotations, and my goal is to finish the rotation on time (no skipped days!) I have lost 25 lbs, which is mostly due to my consistent calorie deficit, but I have also gained a ton in strength. I literally have no excuses not to work out - I have a place and plan!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    50% of the time at home 50% of the time at a gym
  • danavelling
    danavelling Posts: 1,224 Member
    I use the SWEAT app. It’s $120 a year and I love it. It does all your meal planning for you and what to do everyday. I sometimes you the meal planning sometimes not. The workouts however royally kick my tail.
  • kenyaking133
    kenyaking133 Posts: 1 Member
    I gave up on going to the gym years ago. It’s too easy to talk myself out of making the drive. It’s hard to talk myself out of a workout when all I need to do is go to the living room.

    I did Daily Burn for awhile and really enjoyed it. I decided I didn’t want to pay $15 a month for it any more though so now I find YouTube workouts to do at home - PopSugarFitness are probably my favorite. I do a lot of their videos. I also like Yoga with Adrienne. Oh and I use the Ace Fitness Library to help develop my own strength training routines since I haven’t found any YouTube videos I really like for that.

    i soooooo love Adriene !!! I just finished 30 days of yoga with Adriene and starting yoga camp with Adriene (another 30 days). I love her and her routine ! I never had biceps like this in my whole life.

    I love popsugarfitness dance videos, I wish they had zumba or belly dancing.

    Yes I would love to do exercises at home like for loosing my stomach
  • I can't imaging trying to drive home after a workout - my muscles are a pile of quivering useless jelly and there's no way I'd be safe behind the wheel! It's so nice to finish and hop right into the shower and feel fresh again.
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    I work out at home 100%. I have a pull up bar, weights, treadmill and and space to do other exercises. Lately I've gotten into the habit of doing my weight lifting sets and then taking the dogs for a brisk walk. I only jog on the treadmill because it is lower impact and my old knees can't take running on concrete. I make it a routine and don't spend more than an hour working out daily. I might go back to the gym someday but for now I have all I need at home.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    I gave up on going to the gym years ago. It’s too easy to talk myself out of making the drive. It’s hard to talk myself out of a workout when all I need to do is go to the living room.

    I did Daily Burn for awhile and really enjoyed it. I decided I didn’t want to pay $15 a month for it any more though so now I find YouTube workouts to do at home - PopSugarFitness are probably my favorite. I do a lot of their videos. I also like Yoga with Adrienne. Oh and I use the Ace Fitness Library to help develop my own strength training routines since I haven’t found any YouTube videos I really like for that.

    i soooooo love Adriene !!! I just finished 30 days of yoga with Adriene and starting yoga camp with Adriene (another 30 days). I love her and her routine ! I never had biceps like this in my whole life.

    I love popsugarfitness dance videos, I wish they had zumba or belly dancing.

    Adrienne is great! I’m not as consistent with my yoga as a I should be. I did one of her videos yesterday and felt so great afterward, it really reminded me that I need to be better about getting in a few sessions a week!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I don't necessarily work out at home - but I do walk. Once I get back into my routine I would like to include working out. I know it's stupid, but I just get self
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    If I was to join a gym it would need a pool and a sauna, otherwise it’s just not worth it for me. The only one close is on my way to work and they are not open early enough to accommodate me. I have gone past on my way home and it’s a mob scene and thats not my thing to deal with.
    I have plenty of good gear at home...just need more motivation to get off my rear and use it. My dogs like to walk/run so I get in at least some daily exercise . As a part time musician I get a lot of weekend physical activity hauling gear and playing 3-4 hours. Believe it or not there are lots of burnt calories playing drums.
    I maybe do once a week on the stuff I have, and want to start lifting a bit. I will be searching YouTube for beginner videos so I know how to start. I Am inspired by the folks my age I see here that lifting has helped so much.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited October 2018
    I gave up on going to the gym years ago. It’s too easy to talk myself out of making the drive. It’s hard to talk myself out of a workout when all I need to do is go to the living room.

    I did Daily Burn for awhile and really enjoyed it. I decided I didn’t want to pay $15 a month for it any more though so now I find YouTube workouts to do at home - PopSugarFitness are probably my favorite. I do a lot of their videos. I also like Yoga with Adrienne. Oh and I use the Ace Fitness Library to help develop my own strength training routines since I haven’t found any YouTube videos I really like for that.

    i soooooo love Adriene !!! I just finished 30 days of yoga with Adriene and starting yoga camp with Adriene (another 30 days). I love her and her routine ! I never had biceps like this in my whole life.

    I love popsugarfitness dance videos, I wish they had zumba or belly dancing.

    Yes I would love to do exercises at home like for losing my stomach

    You can't spot reduce. Your body stores fat where it wants to (there is some genetics involved here too). Your body also gets rid of fat stores in a predetermined order. I wish it weren't true, but my problem area has always been my thighs....and for me, those get smaller last of all.
  • cinderellas2315
    cinderellas2315 Posts: 6 Member
    I love working out at home. Gyms are germy
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Add me =)

    I work out at home. The only equipment I have is a set of adjustable hand weights.

    For the majority of 2018 I have watched Jessica Smith on Youtube.
    My goals are overall fitness/net calorie buffer increase. I need upper body strength, but also hate doing too much core-body (plank-based movement, ground pushups, etc).
  • MrSunshinez
    MrSunshinez Posts: 573 Member
    I workout at home as it fits my schedule for the most part. I like being about to get up, throw on the workout clothes, turn on my w/o videos and being able to jump in the shower all in the same place. Ready for the day!
  • MrWeather_81
    MrWeather_81 Posts: 82 Member
    I have never been a fan of gyms. Personally home and out on the roads running was how I done it !!!

    Now I'm just happy get short walk in to try build up my fitness again !!!
  • Crochetmama84
    Crochetmama84 Posts: 224 Member
    Me too.
  • littlebear0121
    littlebear0121 Posts: 1,073 Member
    I work out at home, although I would also love to workout at a gym if I had time. Feel free to add me!