Starting Keto today - looking for new friends



  • sonician1974
    sonician1974 Posts: 15 Member
    If any ketoers would like to add me, I've been doing it since earlier this year and am down 50lbs so far. Happy to provide tips or support as well, if needed. :)
  • bohoT
    bohoT Posts: 37 Member
    I just started Keto yesterday and I would love some support friends!

    32 year old woman and I would like to lose about 30 pounds and get some non-drug relief from my migraines.
    Especially interested in other friends who love to cook and have fun while exercising.
  • risarichardson1
    risarichardson1 Posts: 1 Member
    I flirt with Keto, but have been successful with low-carb, maybe 50-100 per day with light exercise. Just wanted to tell you that there is a forum on this app for programming your macros for Keto in case you didn't know. It really makes it easier. Good luck!
  • markfloppy
    markfloppy Posts: 5 Member
    Spent most of summer at my heaviest ever peaking at over 21.5 stone, knees were getting worse every day so I started 7 weeks ago on a LCHF / Keto diet as best I can. I've lost 17lbs in that time and have logged every single item of food or drink I've had for 45 days now. There has been some bad days for sure, can't give up the liquid bread so easily, but trend is my friend and the pounds are falling off slowly but surely. People are starting to notice the difference and I fell 1005 better already. You are welcome to follow/help/advise/banter/tell me off on my little journey to my target of 15 stone.
  • jessdaytonxo
    jessdaytonxo Posts: 12 Member
    I’m 21 and I have been on Keto for a little over 3 months now. Coming from someone who over portioned food her whole life and loves sweets im 41lbs down so far and keto has been one of the only diets I actually enjoy sticking to and following. It helps a lot because it makes it clear pretty much what you can and can’t eat, which helps prevent me from digging into the wrong food and leading to any binges. Its great for jumpstarting weight loss and leaning out your body. My advice is to do research on what foods you can and cannot have along with some recipes before jumping in to avoid any confusion or frustration, because the first week or two of the diet may result in “keto flu”, causing fatigue and irriatability. Once you get through it your body will be transitioned into ketosis and you’ll start feeling great. If youre like me you’ll get to the point where theres no desire to cheat or binge. A simple google search of “keto foods” will bring up charts that pretty much show you whats ideal for every category in the food pryamid. There’s plenty of keto options or substitutes for a lot of foods that make it seem like its not even a diet or that its too good to be true haha. I went into the keto diet cold turkey and made the strict changes overnight, along with including intermittent fasting (an eating window of 12pm-7pm). I would advise to start with keto and if desired, to begin the intermittent fasting about 2 weeks into the diet to make a healthier transition. Wishing you the best on your journey!
  • jessdaytonxo
    jessdaytonxo Posts: 12 Member
    Lillys dark chocolate is great and keto approved!
  • jroe3127
    jroe3127 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all, I just started Keto today. Goal is to lose 30 pounds, avoid family history of diabetes, and rid myself of migraines. Would love some friends on this journey, so please feel free to add me.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I am 44.. also starting Keto. After losing 150 lbs... I'm at a stand still. Hoping the Keto diet will get rid of my last 60 lbs. Having some issues getting started and meal prep ideas. And of course ....late night eating still plagues me as well. Please feel free to add me so we can share ideas and motivate each other!

    its all about a calorie deficit when it comes to weight loss whether you do keto or not. if you are at a stand still you need to recalculate your weight loss goals. enter your new weight and how much you want to lose. the more you lose the less calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. keto wont get rid of the last 60 unless it puts you into a deficit if you arent one already.a plateau is 6-8 weeks of no loss or gain which would mean you are eating maintenance calories and not in a deficit.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I’m 21 and I have been on Keto for a little over 3 months now. Coming from someone who over portioned food her whole life and loves sweets im 41lbs down so far and keto has been one of the only diets I actually enjoy sticking to and following. It helps a lot because it makes it clear pretty much what you can and can’t eat, which helps prevent me from digging into the wrong food and leading to any binges. Its great for jumpstarting weight loss and leaning out your body. My advice is to do research on what foods you can and cannot have along with some recipes before jumping in to avoid any confusion or frustration, because the first week or two of the diet may result in “keto flu”, causing fatigue and irriatability. Once you get through it your body will be transitioned into ketosis and you’ll start feeling great. If youre like me you’ll get to the point where theres no desire to cheat or binge. A simple google search of “keto foods” will bring up charts that pretty much show you whats ideal for every category in the food pryamid. There’s plenty of keto options or substitutes for a lot of foods that make it seem like its not even a diet or that its too good to be true haha. I went into the keto diet cold turkey and made the strict changes overnight, along with including intermittent fasting (an eating window of 12pm-7pm). I would advise to start with keto and if desired, to begin the intermittent fasting about 2 weeks into the diet to make a healthier transition. Wishing you the best on your journey!

    keto flu is caused from your body depleting glycogen and water leading to an electrolyte imbalance due to low carb consumption. a person doing keto needs 3500-5000 mg of sodium(yes you read correctly) and needs to supplement with potassium and magnesium as well. it wont jumpstart weight loss(what you lose in the beginning is water and glycogen stores) and lean out your body that is done in a deficit keto or not,and comes from fat loss. Ive done keto and weight and fat loss was not any faster as opposed to non keto. you still need to eat enough calories to fuel your body too. if keto is causing you to lose a lot of weight quickly its just because your deficit is way too high.

    keto is not a special diet for weight loss no matter what people think. its not any better than any other diet for weight loss but it is better for those with type 2, insulin resistance,pcos.seizure disorders and a few other health issues. The fat you burn in keto is dietary fat. body fat is burned in a deficit regarless of what way of eating you choose. if it works for you thats great. but its not sustainable for everyone.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 838 Member
    Hi Monica!

    Pretty good beginner's guide here:

    Consider joining a group if you are serious about low carb / keto:

    Best of luck!
  • Purplestar422
    Purplestar422 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been doing keto for a few weeks, but I need some help with motivation. Feel free to add me.
  • AlishaJenner
    AlishaJenner Posts: 1 Member
    Just starting keto today!
  • newmamamfp
    newmamamfp Posts: 1 Member
    Starting Keto today as well!! Add me, I could use as many friends as possible :D support is key!
  • latoyamz
    latoyamz Posts: 17 Member
    Looking to start Keto today. Add me as well is there a keto group on here?
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 838 Member
    edited October 2018
    latoyamz wrote: »
    Looking to start Keto today. Add me as well is there a keto group on here?

    Here you go!
  • Toyaxrose
    Toyaxrose Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! It’s so worth it.