Atkins Support Group



  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I was cheering for you as I read your post. I have to tell you and everyone one else on this thread how much I love you all. This is definitely my favorite thread here.

    Thanks. It's not like we go to any of the 5438503490586653 posts about low-cal/low-fat diets not working and tell them that they are doing something wrong. Why do people feel it is okay to bash/mock/criticize LCers? It's not like I am dying here. I've had to work just to get to my 20g per day, and some days I can't even make it there. Geez. Should I be stuffing myself with bread, pasta, and rice all day? That's what I did my whole life (even when I was thin) and I was always hungry, and always obsessed with food.

    Could it be that some people react differently to certain foods??? *gasp*
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    I have done Atkins in the past but it wasn't explained the same as it is now. I would consider it again but on my food budget and my non veggie eating husband it would be difficult. My sister-in-law has been doing Atkins for 100 days and has lost 74 pounds.. My fear, with anything is gaining it all back.

    The irony to me is that Atkins and other low carb diets are often criticized because 'when you stop doing the diet, you gain back all the weight you lost on the diet.' What is ironic is that part of the reasoning behind why the diet is criticized is that it is *effective*. It works so well that people will have something to gain back when they stop doing it. Other diets that don't work as well don't seem to get criticized in the same way low carb ones do when people quit them.

    From the studies I've seen the long-term success rate, by that I mean the ability to stay on the diet in the long-term, for low carb diets isn't really any worse than it is for ANY type of diet, even so-called 'balanced' moderation diets. My theory is that low carb tends to be effective for weight loss for so many people that when they do quit them and go back to their old habits, they also tend to go back to their previous weight but then they somehow blame Atkins. All we can do is fight the good fight and try to talk sensibly when the irrational low carb criticisms come up.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Could it be that some people react differently to certain foods??? *gasp*

    but... but... I lost 250 pounds eating 30 twinkies a day! This should work for everyone because it worked for me!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I tried it this morning....loved it! I didn't even use a tablespoon of pb, so it was only 1 carb. I wonder if I could make a chocolate MIM now!
    Those are my favorites. I just use a tablespoon of cocoa powder instead of the cinnamon. They even have the same carb count. :smile:

    So, would I need to add extra splenda, or mix the splenda and cocoa powder seperately? I'm going to try this tomorrow!
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    I was cheering for you as I read your post. I have to tell you and everyone one else on this thread how much I love you all. This is definitely my favorite thread here.

    Thanks. It's not like we go to any of the 5438503490586653 posts about low-cal/low-fat diets not working and tell them that they are doing something wrong. Why do people feel it is okay to bash/mock/criticize LCers? It's not like I am dying here. I've had to work just to get to my 20g per day, and some days I can't even make it there. Geez. Should I be stuffing myself with bread, pasta, and rice all day? That's what I did my whole life (even when I was thin) and I was always hungry, and always obsessed with food.

    Could it be that some people react differently to certain foods??? *gasp*
    I work on a University campus where there are obviously many students. The only nearby break room with snack machines is a student lounge. Anyone can go in it but it is primarily students who are in there, studying, eating, surfing, and game playing.

    Over the last several years, before starting low carb, I'd gotten the reputation as being the most frequent non-student snack machine user. Every afternoon, like clockwork, I would walk over there and buy at least one but often multiple snacks because I was hungry, even though I may have eaten lunch only a couple of hours previously.

    Since March when I started low carb I have not set foot in the lounge, nor have I felt the need to because I have had close to zero hunger cravings in that time. A student stopped me the other day and asked me where I'd been since she hadn't seen me in the lounge for my afternoon visit in a long time. After that, to test myself, I got some change and walked over to the snack machine and I can say in all honesty that nothing in it appealed to me. Even the cheddar cheese and sour cream Ruffles which were previously a staple of my afternoon snacks didn't look that good and I walked away empty-handed but satisfied.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hello All!

    I've been under 20g of net carbs for the past few days. Yesterday I only had 16.6. Is this bad? Do I HAVE to get to the 20g mark? Or is it ok to stay under?

    Also, I'm using to track my food (you can customize it for Atkins) and I am eating a lot of fat. I average about 60% a day of fat, with carbs being about 15% and protein as 25%. Is this ok? The high percentage of fat scares me. I'm not scared of fat, just scared of dangerous amounts of fat.

    There is no minimum daily requirement for carbs. If you are eating 20 grams of carbs per day, which is 80 calories, and carbs are 15% of your total calories, that would mean you're only eating a total of 533 calories per day. Are you sure you are eating 15% of your calories as carbs?

    IMO, there is nothing wrong with a high percentage of fat as long as you avoid trans fat and try to get as much 'good' fat as possible. I try to eat 70% of calories as fat if I can but that is hard to do so I'm generally where you are at around 60 to 65%.

    Actually, the Atkins rules are for induction 20 NET carbs per day. You really should hit that. Get your veggies in. When you move up to OWL you add 5 more NET carbs. Your fat percentage should be no less than 60% and then the rest would be protein. So you could do 15% carbs, 25% protein, and 60% fat. Not a problem.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    JT I did the HCG for 45 days and not worth it! I lost 30 lbs but gained it back within the month. I have always liked atkins and I shouldn't strayed.

    Question- I've been doing a lot of cardio and today I've been crazy hungry. I added the atkins bar in today and upped my calories from 1200 to 1500. Does this pass or is it always going to be like that when I burn a lot of calories? I've never had this problem before

    When you do a lot of cardio, you're going to be hungry. A ton of cardio isn't necessary. Too much puts a lot of stress on your body.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I was cheering for you as I read your post. I have to tell you and everyone one else on this thread how much I love you all. This is definitely my favorite thread here.

    Thanks. It's not like we go to any of the 5438503490586653 posts about low-cal/low-fat diets not working and tell them that they are doing something wrong. Why do people feel it is okay to bash/mock/criticize LCers? It's not like I am dying here. I've had to work just to get to my 20g per day, and some days I can't even make it there. Geez. Should I be stuffing myself with bread, pasta, and rice all day? That's what I did my whole life (even when I was thin) and I was always hungry, and always obsessed with food.

    Could it be that some people react differently to certain foods??? *gasp*
    I work on a University campus where there are obviously many students. The only nearby break room with snack machines is a student lounge. Anyone can go in it but it is primarily students who are in there, studying, eating, surfing, and game playing.

    Over the last several years, before starting low carb, I'd gotten the reputation as being the most frequent non-student snack machine user. Every afternoon, like clockwork, I would walk over there and buy at least one but often multiple snacks because I was hungry, even though I may have eaten lunch only a couple of hours previously.

    Since March when I started low carb I have not set foot in the lounge, nor have I felt the need to because I have had close to zero hunger cravings in that time. A student stopped me the other day and asked me where I'd been since she hadn't seen me in the lounge for my afternoon visit in a long time. After that, to test myself, I got some change and walked over to the snack machine and I can say in all honesty that nothing in it appealed to me. Even the cheddar cheese and sour cream Ruffles which were previously a staple of my afternoon snacks didn't look that good and I walked away empty-handed but satisfied.

    You ROCK! Amazing weight loss! You know, my husband and kids still eat all the carb-age that caused me to gain my weight: chips, cheetos, pringles, popcorn, Pop-Tarts. You get the idea. I thought I would have a hard time resisting the Satanic-like pull of the junk-food cabinet, but it hasn't been a problem. I just don't crave it at all.

    Unrelated, but funny. There's an ad on my MFP page right now that has the cartoon figures of a man and woman. My 4 year old just walked over, pointed at the man cartoon, and said, "Hey, those are man boobs!" LOL!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Oh, another Atkins-basher. I just LOVE them. :mad:
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Hello All!

    I've been under 20g of net carbs for the past few days. Yesterday I only had 16.6. Is this bad? Do I HAVE to get to the 20g mark? Or is it ok to stay under?

    Also, I'm using to track my food (you can customize it for Atkins) and I am eating a lot of fat. I average about 60% a day of fat, with carbs being about 15% and protein as 25%. Is this ok? The high percentage of fat scares me. I'm not scared of fat, just scared of dangerous amounts of fat.

    There is no minimum daily requirement for carbs. If you are eating 20 grams of carbs per day, which is 80 calories, and carbs are 15% of your total calories, that would mean you're only eating a total of 533 calories per day. Are you sure you are eating 15% of your calories as carbs?

    IMO, there is nothing wrong with a high percentage of fat as long as you avoid trans fat and try to get as much 'good' fat as possible. I try to eat 70% of calories as fat if I can but that is hard to do so I'm generally where you are at around 60 to 65%.

    Actually, the Atkins rules are for induction 20 NET carbs per day. You really should hit that. Get your veggies in. When you move up to OWL you add 5 more NET carbs. Your fat percentage should be no less than 60% and then the rest would be protein. So you could do 15% carbs, 25% protein, and 60% fat. Not a problem.

    Sorry I was unclear. I wasn't saying that Atkins had no minimum requirement for carbs, I was saying that the human body has no minimum requirement for carbs. You can completely cut them out of your diet with no ill effect and many people have done so. Do not try that with fat or protein however as there are deficiency diseases associated with too little of either of them.
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    Okay...MiM's was a success!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Okay...MiM's was a success!

    How did you make it? Cinnamon, chocolate or peanut butter? I tried it with PB today, and loved it. Tomorrow will be chocolate!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Oh, another Atkins-basher. I just LOVE them. :mad:

    This guy is almost not worth talking to. He's one of those that tried it, couldn't commit, failed, and now is an Atkins-hater, because he didn't give the program a chance.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Oh crap. My mom was so excited to make me an Atkins friendly dinner. She made me grilled lemon pepper chicken and carrots. I don't have the heart to tell her that carrots are not on the safe list. I'm gonna eat them :(
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Oh crap. My mom was so excited to make me an Atkins friendly dinner. She made me grilled lemon pepper chicken and carrots. I don't have the heart to tell her that carrots are not on the safe list. I'm gonna eat them :(

    Hee hee! You'll be fine! Since my husband is our family cook and meal planner, he read the acceptable foods list and now only makes me Atkins-friendly meals. He also checks net carbs on pretty much every item at the store. I'm so blessed!
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Oh, another Atkins-basher. I just LOVE them. :mad:

    This guy is almost not worth talking to. He's one of those that tried it, couldn't commit, failed, and now is an Atkins-hater, because he didn't give the program a chance.
    He says he tried it but he completely misunderstands the principles of Atkins so I seriously doubt he knew what he was doing. He's just another dipstick in my book who bashes things he doesn't understand. Galileo had to put up with them and so do we I guess.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Anybody here consume a fair amount of heavy whipping cream that is also lactose intolerant? If so, any do you take anything to ease or get rid of the symptoms?
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    So since you are all on this forum, you probably know about this, but I'll share anyhow.
    If you go on the Atkins website, you can register for a free starter kit with three Atkins bars and a pocket-sized carb counter (book).

    I just received mine in the mail a few days ago and I had never noticed it on their site before so I'm not sure if it's new. MMMM very yummy bars...but not sure I would buy them regularly.

    I have used this diet on my own off and on for several years and it is honestly the ONLY one that I have any success with. I don't know if I am sensitive to wheat or something, but this diet not only helps me shed the pounds, but the eczema I have on my fingers clears up almost immediately. Bah to the nay-sayers!
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    Its been hammered into the minds of the general public that fat is bad for you for the last 40+ years. The experts all thru that time decried anything that would say to the contrary. Even to this day the so called experts are still doing the same. Maybe some day they change their tune and admit they're wrong. Maybe then Atkins et al. will receive the credit they deserve. Until then we know something the others don't.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Have a great LC day everyone.