Dizzy spells



  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    Your blood pressure can go down as you lose weight. I get orthostatic hypotension (dizzy spells if I stand up suddenly) when I weigh under 20 stone, but not when I weighed more; the slight rise in blood pressure from being very heavy (even at my heaviest I was still in the normal range) basically prevented it dropping so low.

    That was a nasty surprise I can tell you :)
  • TilKingdomCome
    TilKingdomCome Posts: 89 Member
    OP I was having dizzy spells not long after a traumatic event (death of family member) and put it down to stress as my brother said he experienced the same and went to a Dr.

    Nothing else I was doing had changed in terms of food and exercise.

    However while the severity declined the frequency increased and over 10 months went from one dizzy spell every few weeks to multiple a day. No black outs, black spots, headache, rhyme or reason just huge amounts of nausea and often vomiting until I slept it off. Very similar to travel sickness which I’ve always suffered from.

    After trials of many medications for my ears/balance, tests confirmed it was from stress, but that stress had changed part of my brain and I’d developed epilepsy. Drs had not seen my type of ‘seizure’ before.

    So if there is no pattern and nothing else has changed then certainly see a Dr. I waited far too long.

    I hope all goes well for you and it’s just from lack of food before exercise
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    You have ~30lbs to lose to get mid range BMI.
    2lbs a week is probably too few calories for the amount you have to lose, especially if you are inconsistent in eating back exercise cals.

    I know you upped from 1200, but 1450 could well be too low. Just because you are eating more doesn't mean you are eating enough.

    1lbs a week would be a better goal (you probably don't have enough fat to lose faster without compromising muscle, etc),and consistently eating back 50%, or any other %, of your exercise cals.

    Is/has your daily activity dropped?

    If you don't see improvements by eating more, go see your doctor.

    Cheers, h.

    @corysmithsmail how many pounds have you lost in the last 4 weeks? How many pounds to goal? 2 pounds per week is only appropriate for those who have 75 plus pounds to lose.

    I suspect you are not eating back enough of your exercise calories and your deficit is too large for the amount of weight you need to lose.
  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    I have a dr appointment coming up so I will get it checked out then. My BP has always been normal even when I was at my highest weight.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    You have ~30lbs to lose to get mid range BMI.
    2lbs a week is probably too few calories for the amount you have to lose, especially if you are inconsistent in eating back exercise cals.

    I know you upped from 1200, but 1450 could well be too low. Just because you are eating more doesn't mean you are eating enough.

    1lbs a week would be a better goal (you probably don't have enough fat to lose faster without compromising muscle, etc),and consistently eating back 50%, or any other %, of your exercise cals.

    Is/has your daily activity dropped?

    If you don't see improvements by eating more, go see your doctor.

    Cheers, h.

    @corysmithsmail how many pounds have you lost in the last 4 weeks? How many pounds to goal? 2 pounds per week is only appropriate for those who have 75 plus pounds to lose.

    I suspect you are not eating back enough of your exercise calories and your deficit is too large for the amount of weight you need to lose.

    I've only lost about 6lbs in the past 4 months. So that's about 1.5lbs a week loss rate. I plan on changing my rate of loss from 2lbs to 1.5lbs or to 1lb next week. I'm just hesitant to because I dont want to think that I have all these extra calories and overeat. Or eat poorly.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I have a dr appointment coming up so I will get it checked out then. My BP has always been normal even when I was at my highest weight.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    You have ~30lbs to lose to get mid range BMI.
    2lbs a week is probably too few calories for the amount you have to lose, especially if you are inconsistent in eating back exercise cals.

    I know you upped from 1200, but 1450 could well be too low. Just because you are eating more doesn't mean you are eating enough.

    1lbs a week would be a better goal (you probably don't have enough fat to lose faster without compromising muscle, etc),and consistently eating back 50%, or any other %, of your exercise cals.

    Is/has your daily activity dropped?

    If you don't see improvements by eating more, go see your doctor.

    Cheers, h.

    @corysmithsmail how many pounds have you lost in the last 4 weeks? How many pounds to goal? 2 pounds per week is only appropriate for those who have 75 plus pounds to lose.

    I suspect you are not eating back enough of your exercise calories and your deficit is too large for the amount of weight you need to lose.

    I've only lost about 6lbs in the past 4 months. So that's about 1.5lbs a week loss rate. I plan on changing my rate of loss from 2lbs to 1.5lbs or to 1lb next week. I'm just hesitant to because I dont want to think that I have all these extra calories and overeat. Or eat poorly.

    How many pounds until you reach your goal weight?
  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    10lbs until I reach my original goal weight. But that goal is 165lbs which is still considered overweight...
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited November 2018
    I looked at ops food diary and I think they are eating more since most things arent weighed so too little calories should not be the issue. I doubt she is underestimating(I could be wrong,depends on how she is usin spoons and things) and they are eating more than 1450 most days so I would say that exercise calories are being eaten back. so then that means it has to be something else IMO.

    Everything is weighed in my food diary. If it's something that states 1 serving of something. That's based off a recipe that I made and inputted into MFP and also weighed. So most things are weight. And I eat back some exercise calories. Not all.

    Your stats are close to mine..I'm 5'5" and 170. How long have you been eating 1450? If you were still eating 1200 calories and keeping that kind of activity level, the dizziness would make sense. 1200 is way too little for someone close to our stats with an active lifestyle. For reference, MFP has mine currently set to 1560..i do about 10K steps and workout about 3x a week. Your intake might still be a little too low. Is the 1450 the amount you are netting (meaning you eat back exercise calories), or is it your gross amount (meaning you don't eat back exercise calories)? Do you drink enough water? Also, do you drink a lot of caffeine? Take BP meds?

    I do drink a lot of caffeine. No BP meds. Didnt notice the dizzy spells at 1200cal/day. I selected active level and 2lb loss a week and MFP gave me 1440cal limit.

    I'll echo what @middlehaitch said earlier about 2 lbs/week being too aggressive at this point. I tried too great of a deficit at one point when I was losing actively, and it caused me to have dizzy spells as well. The extreme deficit was robbing my body of proper nutrition and energy. Just something to consider.
    Another question I forgot to ask was about allergies. I have more than a few friends who have allergies which cause them inner ear troubles. That can also lead to dizziness and bouts of vertigo. Sounds like you have a doctor appointment coming up? Not a bad idea to cover your bases. :)