Unexplained Weight Gain

Over the last year I have gained 15 pounds. I was diagnosed with colon disease and had to change my diet significantly and have several surgeries. However I have maintained my exercise routine and track my calories. Therefore I am unsure why I have gained this weight. My doctor says it is just part of being a woman in her late 30s. I’m frustrated though, because I don’t know what to do about this. I maintain a small 250 calorie deficit each day, run 40-50 miles a week, and lift weights three times a week. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • adrianegenette582
    adrianegenette582 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for these responses. I try to maintain a small deficit to account for errors and give myself a margin. I originally wasn’t trying to lose weight, but now I have this extra 15 pounds. I use a food scale and track exercise in MyFitness Pal. I set my base calories at 1250 and eat back exercise calories.

    I suppose it is possible my nutrient absorption is better now that I am on medication. I guess I’m just confused because I am eating according to what my calorie burn is, and still gaining.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,733 Member
    I had a couple of doctors and nurses say the same thing to me. Finally one asked if I had any family history of thyroid issues. Sure enough, my mother was on thyroid meds. I was tested and it turned out I had a sluggish thyroid. Once on meds, I was able to control my weight again.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Can you make your food diary public?
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    "My doctor says it is just part of being a woman in her late 30s." - Oh dear, if my doctor said this to me I'd find a new one ASAP and warn others about this one. Hopefully they are helpful in other ways but this "advice" is just nonsense.

    Agreed! As a woman in her late 30s this is total BS
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Good points @GottaBurnEmAll.
    Stats and an available diary would be good.
    How do you get the 1250 base?

    Asking because I'm a very average 5'1, 102lbs, 65yo woman and maintain on a little more than that, plus 200-250 per hr for exercise.

    (Not that that means we are all the same, it just raises questions on why you have gained)

    Cheers, h.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    "My doctor says it is just part of being a woman in her late 30s." - Oh dear, if my doctor said this to me I'd find a new one ASAP and warn others about this one. Hopefully they are helpful in other ways but this "advice" is just nonsense.

    I once saw a doctor for neck pain related to an auto accident. After telling her I lifted weights and ran, she actually got mad at me, saying weight training's bad for bones and running's bad for ovaries. How someone like that holds a medical license is beyond me.

  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for these responses. I try to maintain a small deficit to account for errors and give myself a margin. I originally wasn’t trying to lose weight, but now I have this extra 15 pounds. I use a food scale and track exercise in MyFitness Pal. I set my base calories at 1250 and eat back exercise calories.

    I suppose it is possible my nutrient absorption is better now that I am on medication. I guess I’m just confused because I am eating according to what my calorie burn is, and still gaining.

    I would either skip the eating back exercise calories and just add in a reasonable amount to your daily calorie limit or try eating back only half your exercise calories. Some cardio machines and exercises in MPF have too high of a burn. Like, it'll say 600 calories burned per hour when you're really only burning 3/4 or even 1/2 that.
  • adrianegenette582
    adrianegenette582 Posts: 21 Member
    So I am 5’ 4” and 135. One year ago I was 120, eating the same calories and with the same exercise routine. The only thing that changed was my diet (I am now gluten and dairy free) and having 2 surgeries on my colon. I do carry some muscle but I can tell from the way the weight sits that it isn’t all muscle.

    I use the database to log my runs and weight training and add this to my base. So for example if I run for an hour and weight train, I add that 600 or so to 1250. If I walk a substantial amount I add that as well, like if I walk an hour at lunch. I sync everything with Fitbit and try to eat under that total. I feel like Fitbit always says I have calories left when MyFitnessPal says I have hit my total.