Sweating excessively at gym!

I've always been a major sweater, it doesn't take much for me to start sweating whether it's from the heat or exercise. It's something that usually makes me self conscious anywhere, but specially the gym. Not exaggerating, I start really sweating after just 10 mins on the elliptical at a low resistance setting and am completely drenched after 30 minutes of light to moderate cardio. I always have to bring a hand towel and have to blot my face with it almost every 30 seconds. Normally I wouldn't be so self conscious about sweating so much at the gym if it was after intense cardio but I feel like people around me there think it's weird for someone to be sweating so profusely just walking on the treadmill. Typically the only people I see sweating as much as me are those running on the treadmill for long lengths of time, not just doing light cardio. Anyone else have this issue? I am quite out of shape as well as being about 30 lbs overweight so I'm hoping it'll get better after losing some weight, however I'm a bit discouraged after reading how the fitter people get, the more they sweat! I can't imagine sweating anymore than I already do. For those who have/had a similar problem, how do you cope with it? Has it gotten any better with weight loss/getting fitter?


  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    I've been that way for a while, too. I like to think that it's proof positive of how hard I'm working at the gym. And while it doesn't bother me per se, I am more physically comfortable when I wear breathable gear like UA's Heat Gear and Nike's Dri-Fit apparel. I do notice is that I lose a lot of salt when I sweat, so I really have to stay on top of my hydration and electrolyte intake.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    My nickname at my old gym was "Swamp Thing". They loved me there and it was all in good jest. There is nothing you can do about it, don't be embarrassed, and wipe your sweat where ever it lands, it's all good.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 701 Member
    edited November 2018
    I definitely sweat more after I lost weight / got fitter. It was a total surprise to me. I'm a runner and when I start running, I'm dripping from my elbows around 5 minutes in no matter how slow I'm going. I go for a 30 minute walk around lunch most days and will have sweat running between my breasts, even if it's <55F. I just dress for it, layers and lots of tank tops! Being outside helps a bit with the sun and wind drying me off.

    I was never self-conscious about it, maybe because my dad was always a heavy sweater; however, I do tend to also get very red in the face and was a bit self-conscious about it. I try not to think about it, but when I see my beet red face in the mirror after running, I just think, "You're at the gym! This is what's supposed to happen!" I bet no one even notices, honestly.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Honestly I don't care about how much someone is sweating. I care about whether or not they wiped of the equipment they were on, but that isn't exclusive to sweaty people. I do sweat a lot, but it is what it is. I wear black tech shirts at the gym for that reason.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't think people care. I know it can be hard not to feel self conscious, but people aren't focusing on you. They also don't know if you just got out of a spin class or had a long bike ride to the gym or had a run outside before coming to the gym. I have some clients who are super sweaty people and it doesn't bother me or any other of the trainers. I've had clients apologize for sweating all over the equipment and I tell them "you're here to workout, it's a good thing to sweat!" We provide towels and housekeeping for a reason.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited November 2018
    It's largely genetic and just an indication that you have an efficient cooling system. In my family we jokingly say that we can make anything look like hard work. At my tri club I've only come across a couple of people who can generate as big a puddle under their bike after an hour of spinning.

    I've found that gyms are often worse as they're too warm and poorly ventilated.

    Just keep well hydrated and wipe down the equipment when you're done. I'm pretty sure that most other people working out are focused on what they're doing; people get sweaty at gyms, don't worry about it.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I honestly, sincerely envy you! I have the opposite problem. I don't sweat. I overheat and then get a migraine. It's some weird genetic thing. My daughter has it too. My hands are the only thing that sweat.
  • sam72691
    sam72691 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I'm sure it's all in my head about people judging me, just need to focus on what I'm doing rather than worrying about other people. I definitely wipe everything down! I'll look into some of the more breathable workout clothes as well.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    It's better than not sweating! The gym is one place where it's acceptable to sweat like crazy, and it's just evidence you worked hard lol. I'm a heavy sweater too, even when I'm not working out (unfortunately. Ugh.)
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,970 Member
    For what it's worth, the only thing I ever think about another person at the gym ever is when are they going to be done with whatever piece of equipment I need. If I saw you sweating on an elliptical, I'd have no idea how hard you had been working, and I'd assume you must be kicking butt.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    sam72691 wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies! I'm sure it's all in my head about people judging me, just need to focus on what I'm doing rather than worrying about other people. I definitely wipe everything down! I'll look into some of the more breathable workout clothes as well.

    As long as you are wiping down the equipment, I assure you that no one cares about how much you sweat.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    If you're considerate remembering to wipe equipment after use, no one cares you're sweating profusely. Check your sweat anxiety at the door. You should be in safe sweating company. It's a gym.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    just wear your wet tee shirt with pride and just say sorry if you splash anyone :-)
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I sweat a ton. For some reason if I am in the plank position, I instantly start sweating. I do 9Round Kickboxing and that one also has me drenched. It's kind of nice, our trainers will clean up the sweat you leave behind :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited November 2018
    sam72691 wrote: »
    I've always been a major sweater, it doesn't take much for me to start sweating whether it's from the heat or exercise. It's something that usually makes me self conscious anywhere, but specially the gym. Not exaggerating, I start really sweating after just 10 mins on the elliptical at a low resistance setting and am completely drenched after 30 minutes of light to moderate cardio. I always have to bring a hand towel and have to blot my face with it almost every 30 seconds. Normally I wouldn't be so self conscious about sweating so much at the gym if it was after intense cardio but I feel like people around me there think it's weird for someone to be sweating so profusely just walking on the treadmill. Typically the only people I see sweating as much as me are those running on the treadmill for long lengths of time, not just doing light cardio. Anyone else have this issue? I am quite out of shape as well as being about 30 lbs overweight so I'm hoping it'll get better after losing some weight, however I'm a bit discouraged after reading how the fitter people get, the more they sweat! I can't imagine sweating anymore than I already do. For those who have/had a similar problem, how do you cope with it? Has it gotten any better with weight loss/getting fitter?

    See bold. Your "feeling" what someone might think does not make it a fact. How can you possibly know what they are ACTUALLY thinking unless someone says something. If someone says "hey dude, what's wrong with you that you're sweating in the gym?" you can say "What's wrong with you that you're talking instead of sweating?" Some people sweat more than others, it's a fact. Just keep running!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Sweating is an autonomic function; you have little to zero control over it (some control based on drug usage).
    <-Sweats bullets during warmer months despite being in shape (I do prefer doing cardio @ home because of this). Winter months, I struggle to break a sweat (very heat intolerant due to a condition I have). Layering clothing appropriately can help as well as choosing the right fabrics (breathable cotton-spandex blends, modal, lyrca, etc. - tendency for cotton blends for absorbing some sweat)

    Various OTCs (certain dri - aluminum chloride 12%) can help block your sweat pores (stronger 20% Rx only drysol, various anticholinergic drugs available as well, formaldehyde (Rx only), & the latest topical anticholinergic gylcopyrrolate - little to zero systemic absoprtion -ask MD about if cerain dri does not alleviate). Anticholinergics essentially dry up you sweat secretions (includes the mouth & urinary tract the more non selective & systemic the drug is). Would opt for non-drug strategies first of course
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    I sweat like a shower head too. I do a 7.3 mile power walk/run interval workout at a local park on the weekends. The workout is pretty intense (for me), and i am in zone 4/5 much of the time.

    One very hot summer day i weighed myself before i did the workout, and again after i got home. I weighed almost 10 lbs. less than i did before the workout.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,975 Member
    I sweat a fair bit. Shoot, I started walking home from the train station a couple weeks ago (rather than driving) after realizing how low my daily steps were, and going home, it is (literally) up hill the entire way. I don't feel winded, I'm walking at a quick, but comfortable, pace, and I will soak through the back of my shirt on the daily! So gross! But is what it is - at least on the way TO work it's all downhill and not that big of a deal.

    At the gym I always grab two of the towels....one just to mop up my sweat.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,346 Member
    When I see someone really sweaty at the gym I just assume they’ve worked out really hard. And then feel inferior because I’m not sweating as much so I obviously haven’t worked out as hard!! 🤣