What counts as processed food?



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    What does Greek yoghurt taste like? Is it sweet like normal yoghurt, or bland like natural yoghurt? I've never had it.

    Its very thick and a bit sour, like sour cream. in fact, you can use it as a sour cream replacement - I don't though. I purchase sour cream for taco salads and such and my beloved Fage greek yogurt is reserved for berries and vanilla.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Okay so I know this is a stupid question... But what actually counts as processed food? Obviously I know the big ones like fast food, store bought cookies and cake and all that, but what about things like rice cakes? I eat sunrice rice cakes that are just 100% puffed brown rice... But it's not 'natural' as in you can't find a rice cake growing on a tree. But if it's just brown rice, surely it's okay to eat? Sorry if this is a stupid question. I've seen people say that if it comes in a packet or has a barcode it probably should be avoided. What about things like cheese, pasta, pesto, bread... Etc. If they are made out if natural ingredients (with no chemicals or HFCs), are they still to be avoided if you want to eat clean?

    Anything found in a package on the inner aisles of the grocery store, found in the freezer, etc............

    Bread is still processed, so is pasta, pasta sauces, etc................Cheese is pretty natural if it is a hard cheese, but no velveeta or packaged american cheese food stuffs............

    Anything in a package, like cheese, butter, yogurt should be limited to the ingredient list. Like butter should be heavy cream and salt. Cheese should be similar as well.

    Good rule of thumb, if it has 5 ingredients or less and has common items such as milk, cream, salt - ingredients that are prounancable and would normally be found in your own kitchen.

    One of my reasons to sticking to fresh meats, eggs, small amounts of cheese, greek yogurt, raw nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

    I like your rule of thumb, thank you! :) I stopped eating Yoghurt about 4 months ago because I found out how processed it is. Then about a month ago I tried to eat some (was feeling like eating it) and I found it disgusting! Lol. I think your tastes change once you stop eating as much processed stuff, so that's what I'm trying to do!

    Yep, your exactly right, taste buds change quick too.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    What does Greek yoghurt taste like? Is it sweet like normal yoghurt, or bland like natural yoghurt? I've never had it.

    Its very thick and a bit sour, like sour cream. in fact, you can use it as a sour cream replacement - I don't though. I purchase sour cream for taco salads and such and my beloved Fage greek yogurt is reserved for berries and vanilla.

    Sounds interesting, I'll buy a small tub and give it a try :) When you say vanilla, do you mean vanilla pods?

    Yes, just grind them up...........and mix in
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    www.marksdailyapple.com for starters.............

    http://www.newtreatments.org/why are grains and legumes so unhealthy
  • diabettie
    CHECK OUT TOSCA RENO'S COOK BOOK!!! Clean Eating does not mean you have to sacrifice TASTE :) Trust me! Totally worth it!