OPERATION: Skinny B*tch 2: (8/19-10/28) WEEK 1!!!!!

HELLLLLO ALL MY SKINNY B*TCHES!!!!!!! (Sorry I got up a little late today :wink: ) Are we all pumped and ready to rock this challenge?!?!?! I hope so... if you're not... GET ON IT-- you want to be a skinny b*tch right?? Well, Skinny B*tches aren't skinny because they lacked motivation!!!

Current Weight (8/19): 155.2 (TOM & Bloated as hellllll)
Weight lost since last week: 0
Calories burned since last week: 1,917
Nutrition goal met??
How many miles did you travel this past week: about 6

NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
Calorie burn goal: 8,000 (haha! I want to see how close I can get anyway)
Weight loss goal: 6lbs..I want to break into the 140s!!!
Nutrition goal: under 1400 total consumed for most days, more water, NO pop.

Age: 21
Height: 5'2.5"
Chest: 33.5
Waist 27"
Hips: 40.5"
Thighs: 21.5"
Calves: 17"
Arms: 11.5"

ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 130.

I don't think 20lbs in 10 weeks is too extreme.... actually is right on target with 2lbs per week. :bigsmile:

I keep track of all the calories I burned while exercising, I usually make a huge goal so I just have something to work towards!


  • How do I join this challenge?!?
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Is this an "open" group to join!! Would love to join and become a skinny biotch!! :wink:
  • JessicaHerleXO
    JessicaHerleXO Posts: 19 Member
    GIRL! I love your energy!!! Talk about amazeballs. I agree, how do I jump on this bandwagon?
    And also, goodluck to everyone!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    It's always open for new comers, just copy my original post and enter your info!!!

    Welcome skinny b*tches! :wink:
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm new the MFP and would LOVE to join this challenge. What kind of info do you need??? and which original post?? (sorry!!! i will get better at this) :)
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Finally, sheesh :noway:

    I am in it to win it!

    Current Weight (8/19): 198
    Weight lost since last week: 4lbs (dunno how that happened but I will take it..)
    Calories burned since last week: 1451
    Nutrition goal met?? : ehh.. I went over a bit.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: About 6-7

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2000
    Weight loss goal: 3lbs.
    Nutrition goal: Keep under 1300 consumed, more water, one snack a day.

    Age: 28
    Neck 15.5
    Waist 44.0
    Hips 48.0
    Right Arm 14.5
    Left Arm 14.5
    Across chest: 45.5
    Chest (Band): 38.5
    Navel 46.0
    Right Thigh 27.0
    Left Thigh 27.0

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 178 (2lbs a week)

    Bring it b*itches!!!!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I'm new the MFP and would LOVE to join this challenge. What kind of info do you need??? and which original post?? (sorry!!! i will get better at this) :)

    Fill this in: :bigsmile:

    Current Weight (8/19):
    Weight lost since last week:
    Calories burned since last week:
    Nutrition goal met??
    How many miles did you travel this past week:

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal:
    Weight loss goal:
    Nutrition goal:


    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge)
  • blue04711
    blue04711 Posts: 45 Member
    I would be interested in joining as well. Here is my info:

    Current weight: 130
    Weight loss since last week: 1.5

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3"
    Chest: 29"
    Waist 28"
    Hips: 35.5"
    Thighs: 22.5"
    Calves: 13.5"
    Arms: 11"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challenge) 125.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Current Weight (8/19): 134
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned since last week: 2253
    Nutrition goal met??
    How many miles did you travel this past week: Unsure

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 4,000
    Weight loss goal: 24 pounds
    Nutrition goal: Under calories. Drink more water, less Diet Coke

    Age: 35
    Height: 5'2.5"
    Chest: 36
    Waist 40" (stupid post baby belly)
    Hips: 42"
    Thighs: 24"
    Calves: 12"
    Arms: 12.5"

  • Current Weight (8/18): 150.4 lbs - I'll weight in at the gym on lunch and update. If you see my diary from yesterday, this won't be pretty! :(
    Weight lost since last week: 1.8 lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 684
    Nutrition goal met: ??
    How many miles did you travel this past week: about 5

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 1,000 minimum
    Weight loss goal: 2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: 1200 net consumed for most days, more water, only 1 DDP a day!

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'2
    No clue on my measurements, I'll have my hubby help me with that tonight.

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challenge) 135 lbs.
  • WOOO! Checking in--

    Current Weight (8/19): 144.4 this morning BUT I was 140.8 for my weigh in on Wednesday-- talk about fluctuation?
    Weight lost since last week: Depends on the # you look at... I would say about 1 pound.
    Calories burned since last week: 1200
    Nutrition goal met?? : I went over on 2 days by about 300-400 but all and all I am happy.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: About 5 actually running, quite a few more on the elliptical.

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 300-400 EVERY DAY (so 2100... whew)
    Weight loss goal: I want to see 139. something on the scale!
    Nutrition goal: Stay around 1200, drink more water, up the protein.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    I'm in. Sounds good to do a 2 month group.

    Current Weight (8/19): 125
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned last week: 2000 +, this week so far 1220, but there will be more, hopefully 2000+
    Nutrition goal met: NO, ate too much junk
    How many miles did you travel this past week: A lot. Last week I finished C to 5k. I started Bridge to 10K yesterday. I don't have anything to track miles but I did running outside. walking outside, and also treadmill. I would estimate like 20 something miles...
    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26: Stop eating junk. Staying within my calories. Finishing week 1 of Bridge to 10K and starting week 2.
    Calorie burn goal: 2,500
    Weight loss goal: 121 by the end of this challenge. Goal for next weigh in 124.5. If I could loose a half a pound every week I would be excited. I have been at a standstill for months. I can't get under 125.
    Nutrition goal: stay within my calories, more water, no junk.

    Any other info I need? I don't take measurements.
  • Bmajhor
    Bmajhor Posts: 23 Member
    Current Weight (8/19): 186lbs
    Weight lost since last week: 2
    Calories burned since last week: (didn't count this one yet)
    Nutrition goal met?? I have done well sticking to my diet this week!! I have been allowing myself 1 "cheat" day per week :)
    How many miles did you travel this past week: I really need to go get a new HRM

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26: get my daily WATER !!!
    Calorie burn goal: I need to start logging my execise ......
    Weight loss goal: 2 pounds
    Nutrition goal: MORE VEGGIES!!

    Age: 31
    Height: 5' 3
    Chest: (I need hubby to do these for me tonight

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 165lbs
  • Current Weight (8/19):116.2
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned since last week: 0
    Nutrition goal met: ??
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 0

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 1000
    Weight loss goal: 1.2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: no "junk" food

    Age: 17
    Height: 5'2
    Waist: 32.5"
    Hips: 35"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 100-105.

    * 11-16 pounds to lose. around 1-1.5 lbs per week. *

    Height: 5' 2
    HW: 119, somewhere in 2009
    MFP SW: 115 August 2011
    GW: 100-105
    Mini Goal #1: 112
    Mini Goal #2: 109
    Mini Goal #3: 105
    Ultimate Goal: 100
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Bump for a bit later! I've posted some info on the original post, will fill in your form when I can get to the computer!
    LETS DO THiS!!!!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Current Weight (19/08): 228lb
    Weight lost since last week: 1 lb
    Calories burned since last week: 2877
    Nutrition goal met?? Only Friday over my cal goal ( due to anniversary dinner) within total week cals.
    How many minutes exercise : 420
    Total cals eaten : 9896 out of 10,500
    Victories : can get in the work trousers I had put away!!!! Also completed 1005 min of the 1000 target for august challenge, with 2 weeks to spare !!!!!

    NEW GOALS for the week of 19/08 through 26/08 
    Calorie burn goal: 2800
    Weight loss goal: 4lb
    Nutrition goal: under 1500 cals , 6 glasses of water a day , 10,000 cals per week

    Measurements : 
    Age : 35
    Bust: 44.5
    Chest (bra band) : 37
    Waist : 40.5
    Hips : 49.5
    Arm : 12.5
    Thigh : 22.5

    Ultimate goal for 28/10/11 : 210lb ( 15 lb) in 10 weeks
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
  • Delyla07
    Delyla07 Posts: 49 Member
    So Pumped!!:bigsmile:

    Current Weight (8/19): 174.8
    Weight lost since last week: 2.2 lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 921
    Nutrition goal met?? so far about even!
    How many miles did you travel this past week: ummm not sure

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 1000
    Weight loss goal: 20 lbs...2 per week! or more:D
    Nutrition goal: more water, keeping on eatting right!

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4
    Chest: 36
    Waist 35
    Hips: 42
    Butt: 45
    Thighs: 26.5
    Calves: 15.25
    Arms: 14.5

    5 lbs:
    10 lbs: Manicure
    20 lbs: Hair colour and cut
    25 lbs
    30 lbs: Massage
    35 lbs
    42 LBS: New Tattoo and new clothes!!!! And hopefully pass the test for New Job!!
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Current Weight (8/19): 167.5lbs
    Weight lost since last week: -2lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 2591 so far!
    Nutrition goal met?? Most of it.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: Not sure.

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2500+
    Weight loss goal: Another 2lbs.
    Nutrition goal: Drink 6 glasses of water and keep under calories!

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Chest: 39.8
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 39.8
    Thighs: 22
    Calves: 14
    Arms: 13

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge): 155lbs, at least!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    I've ben cycling the same 4 pounds up & down like a merry go round for the past 2 and a half month & I'm tired of it!!! On Monday, my kids and I start school & our busy back to school schedule. So, no time like the present to get my lazy summer butt off the chaise lounge & get back on the MFP horse!

    Fall is always the worst time for me for weight gain and I vow I'm not going to let that happen this year. I worked too hard in the spring to blow it now.

    It's going to be great to meet some new MFPers!

    Current Weight (8/19): 147.0
    Weight lost since last week: 0.4
    Calories burned since last week: Didn't track
    Nutrition goal met: Nope! That is why I'm joining this challenge!
    How many miles did you travel this past week: My elliptical has been gathering dust the past 2 weeks (& my *kitten* expanding) since I came back from vaca 2 weeks ago.

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2000
    Weight loss goal: 1.5-2 lbs.
    Nutrition goal: Reducing sodium & carbs. Boosting H2O!!!

    Age: Older than 21...much!
    Height: 5'8"
    Chest: 37" (30 under bust)
    Waist : 32"
    Hips: 39"
    Thighs: 24.25"
    Calves: R-15" (injury) L-15.5"
    Arms: 12"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge): 135 pounds