Morning vs Evening Workouts



  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    Same as a few others have said - morning workouts just do not happen. I can occasionally talk myself into getting up early enough for 10-20min of yoga in my pjs and that’s about it.

    I work out in the evening (after a day shift or before a night shift) - the only exception being if I’m on a 10-2200 or 11-2300 as the gym is closed after those shifts (I can’t even drag myself out of bed for a workout before a 9am start 😂).

    It absolutely does eat into your evening, although if you’re going home to sit in front of the tv it prob doesn’t really matter much. I have tried to reduce the number of days I work out (compound lifts rather than individual body parts) purely so I get some nights at home.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    I do both and my routine changes from time to time as my needs change. I go to spin at the gym in afternoons through the week and in the morning on Saturday. I do yoga at home. I used to enjoy getting up early and doing yoga in the morning before getting myself and kids read for work/school, but lately have been finding afternoon yoga (on days I don't spin) to be useful in helping me avoid the mindless snacking I tend to want right after I get home from work.
    Walks and runs outside are usually in the afternoons but I'm not opposed to mornings as long as it's daylight.
  • _aenyeweddien_
    _aenyeweddien_ Posts: 102 Member
    my only suggestion is to force yourself to get up and do it.... I'm sure you don't have energy to get up for work too, but you do it because you have to, right? ;) That's what I do simply because my morning workouts are much better/harde. And once you're up and start working out, it feels great
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm up at 3:45 and at the gym at 4:30 to get my workout in. After awhile, it just becomes habit. I don't even think about it any more. My gym clothes, work clothes, and food are all prepped the night before and ready to go when I roll out of bed.

    Pretty much the same only up at 4:30 - hour drive into the city and gym before work.
    I also try to get a 40-45 min cardio workout in at lunch..... luckily gym is like 60 seconds from my office.

    Sadly I am one of those hated creatures............. a morning person! :)

    Just works for me.
  • dommylifts
    dommylifts Posts: 96 Member
    Mornings. It’s a huge energy boost for me. It also gives me some free hours after work and I tend to go to bed earlier because I’m tired and I get more sleep.
  • candycrush1971
    candycrush1971 Posts: 3 Member
    MO-TU-TH-FR I have early morning workouts. I have workout clothes and gear all ready to go. 4:20 alarm. Gym at 5AM weight training with trainer. Work by 7am. Wednesday is my recovery day. Saturday is usually later morning 7am (weight training or cardio) and Sunday is usually 10am cardio.