THE Team - Week 2 - 2/13/09



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Today is my much needed day off from the gym. My house was a mess! LOL

    I managed to get the whole house vaccumed and got my floors mopped. That in itself is a workout! We have laminate flooring through about 1/2 the downstairs so I cant just wash it. Have to dry it too. Then I headed upstairs, cleaned our bathroom (yay) and managed to get about 4 loads of laundry done so far. I just sat down to take a break and have a snack (chocolate milk & an apple). Still have the kitchen to do, but that will only take a few minutes. Then its folding laundry and trucking it up the stairs to put it away. I was just joking with adopt4 yesterday at the gym that if I dont take a day off from the gym, i dont get my laundry done and wont have gym clothes. LOL I could probably easily move down a size now, but figure I can go a little longer with what I have since money is tight and I dont wanna have to buy new gym clothes again in a month. (gotta love them drawstring waists!)

    Anyway....Thats my day. My house smells springtime fresh now and is pretty dang clean. Oh and to answer the question "do you log your house cleaning calories burned" the answer is No, i dont because I consider that to be normal activity at lease a couple times a week.

    Hope yer all havin a great day!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Also...Im having a hell of a time getting my water in today. Ive drank a liter, but like Tuesday... I am just struggling to drink my minimum amount. Guess I'll be chugging it down from now till bedtime.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Also...Im having a hell of a time getting my water in today. Ive drank a liter, but like Tuesday... I am just struggling to drink my minimum amount. Guess I'll be chugging it down from now till bedtime.

    sounds like it giggle.gif

    don't feel bad. I haven't wogged yet.MCDuh.gif
  • Kelleighanne
    Hi :)

    Sorry I've been MIA for a day or two. I was busy with work, kids, and working out. Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow (as much as one can LOL).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Hi :)

    Sorry I've been MIA for a day or two. I was busy with work, kids, and working out. Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow (as much as one can LOL).

    Hi, Kelleighanne!hug.gif

    ooooh thx for reminding me.....I came on the computer to draft tonight's intro to "Week 3".....instead I got sucked into the message boards. DUH.

    So don't forget, WEEK 3 tomorrow.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am soooo NOT looking forward to tomorrows weigh in... :laugh:
    Ive been good all week but Ive just got the blahhhs about steppin on that scale since I know Im retaining water.

    I had to laugh yesterday at the gym tho. We have a scale in the ladies locker room that is sooooooo generous! By like 10 pounds! Maybe I'll use that scale tomorrow instead.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Off to drink more water and LOTS of green tea....:drinker:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I thought I was doing so good... did yoga, but was sore from previous workouts so thought I'd let my body rest (supposed to be my day off, but I usually don't take them)... had to take my son to his physical therapy and had pretzels to snack on for the way home... forgot to log them.. messed up the pizza calories because I added more veggies, etc... so ended up 400 over! Grrr! And tomorrow is weigh-in! Today I was at my lowest so far... I was pretty excited... can I cheat and add this morning's number? LOL
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Anyone here doing the two hundred sit-up challenge from

    Im thinking I may give this a shot instead of trying to cram the ab weights at the gym into my weight time. I recently upped the weight on the ab weights from 50 to 65 pounds to add a bit more challenge to it and honestly I feel more in my abs when i swim than when I do weights. I usually do 6 sets of 15 reps for a total of 90. I have terrible core muscles and need to focus on working them more.

    Any advice from the team would be greatly appreciated :heart:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I thought I was doing so good... did yoga, but was sore from previous workouts so thought I'd let my body rest (supposed to be my day off, but I usually don't take them)... had to take my son to his physical therapy and had pretzels to snack on for the way home... forgot to log them.. messed up the pizza calories because I added more veggies, etc... so ended up 400 over! Grrr! And tomorrow is weigh-in! Today I was at my lowest so far... I was pretty excited... can I cheat and add this morning's number? LOL

    I wouldnt worry about it... just see what the scale says tomorrow. Ya never know, it could be very very kind to you even tho you went over today. Besides, going over on veggies is better than going over on a giant bowl of ice cream or something bad. You've been pretty dang good this week and a champ at the gym so just see what it says tomorrow. You may not noice that big of a change from what it said this morning.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    This thread ends tonight. new weigh-ins or whatever you are up to starts on Fridays.

    NEW THREAD: new.gif
  • healthymom2009
    Hey, I found this site called that does a virtual nip & tuck with real picture of you and its free!! They take your picture and show you what you might look like after losing 10, 20 or 50 pounds.

    This new profile pic is me at my goal weight of 175. Im a bit to embarassed to post the original photo up there also... maybe after I lose more but for now the before photo is just grossing me out.. LOL!

    I'll stick with the nipped photo for motivation! Gonna stick it on the fridge :bigsmile:

    Losingit4good: I finally took a picture to submit to the site. Let you know if I like the results! :noway:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    This thread ended Friday 2/21/09. New weigh-ins or whatever you are up to starts on Fridays.

    NEW THREAD: new.gif