

  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    day 4 mission complete....ive done a total of 600 crunches have 400 more to do
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Week 3 Day 4 Missions Accomplished

    700 cunches down...300 to go
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    :bigsmile: Ok this is coming LATE LOL - (then everyone wonders why my meals are so messed up...because I stay up so late and then sleep in, HAHAHA - thats ok, back to work next week and then back to well...normal and boring life, HAHA)

    So here it is :

    WEEK 3 Day 4 :

    72 ounces of water : CHECK

    Under Calorie Goal : CHECK

    Complete Food Diary : CHECK

    300 jumping jacks : CHECK

    3 sets of 21s : CHECK

    3 sets of woodchoppers - CHECK

    250 crunches to my weekly goal of 500 crunches for the week - that means I only have 250 more to go!! :bigsmile: (that isnt counting the crunches for the weekly goal ladies...I dont know if they count or not, so I am just counting the extra ones that I am doing...if I do more than I am supposed to, thats great for me, HAHA) :laugh:

    50 Jack Knives : CHECK

    Ok ladies, I am keeping up, sorry that I have sucked with logging on here most of the week...I promise that next week will be better, all I can say is that I have been a bit lazy with things this week, I mean I have been working out, just lazy with other things, LOL. :wink: Once I am back into my usual routine, things will fall back into place :happy:

    Keep up the awesome work ladies, we CAN do this!! You are all doing fantastic so far!! :heart: :bigsmile:
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    week 3 day 4
    mission accomplished
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    mini challenge today - 50 jumping jacks and 50 jack knifes or reverse crunches
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    Week 3 - Day 4

    Mission Accomplished

    700 crunches done - 300 to go!

    Oh, and hubby decided to do the jumping jacks with me last night. Now that just made my day!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Week 3 Day 5

    300 crunches (1000 total) oh ya baby got those points
    100 jumping jacks
    200 knee raises
    3 sets of 21's
    5 burpees (my back just cannot take these)
    Got modified 50 squat kicks per gary's post for someone else that needed modified

    All missions accomplished for the day
    will log food and water and be under calories
  • msmonique0919
    I apologize MoonChild! I wish I could take you with me, but the challenge this month got kind of messed up because the teams were uneven and really were too large. As a matter of fact, there are people who have yet to hand in all their numbers for the week and it's almost the next week! I do not even know where we stand because he has not released the totals. So, smaller teams are better, but it makes it hard for me to leave some folk behind! :sad: :brokenheart:

    You can still post and follow along with us! I want you to keep it going so that you can be ready for October!
    Then I guess I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines in September. :smile:
    MsMonique0919 (Captain)
    VeMaddox (Co-Captain)

    Here is the September Challenge Team. I apologize for not being able to take more of you all with me, but the rules were 9 members plus yourself. We need a "tribal" name and then a new siggy (KAP) LOLOL name for September or the same?
  • msmonique0919

    Hey F2F! I know that your bodies are tired and some of you are like WHATEVER! But I want you to continue because you made the commitment!!!! If you need modifications, check YouTube and get them. If you need to use Sunday (I really want you all to rest) then feel free to catch up. Let's not lose sight of what we are in this lose weight in a healthy way! Yes, I want to win, but my focus is different! If we focus on losing weight and do that consistently, then winning will be a cinch! So, let's get that enthusiasm back...I have seen a few folk go over in calories...Yes, we are human, but guess what? That is what Sunday is let's get back to business with the same enthusiasm as we had in the beginning.

    We have 4,000 crunches to knock out. Please provide me with the total number of crunches, as well as your weight and mission accomplishments on Sunday...promptly. Thanks!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I just want everyone to know that you all ROCK and that I am SUPER-DE-DUPER PROUD of you ALL. I have enjoyed this challenge so so sooooooo much, and have seen my body change is great ways, I have also realized just how much I can push my body and how very strong I really am. Thank you for encouraging me and for being such a motivation to me in my journey.

    That being said I would like to propose a proposition to you MOONCHILD, how would you like to take my spot in Sept? I would like to follow along as an honorary member of the team...doing the challenges and weigh in's just like the rest of the team but not really receive any points...what do you think? Let me know, as this would help me out as next month things are going to get a bit busier for me and I probably won't be on as much as I need to. Blessings everyone....I am still in this August Challenge and I am still kicking some major BOO-TAY, so don't count me out !!!

    P.s. for some reason I am really feeling fat today, and I had a hysterechtomy years ago so it's not TOM...maybe I am just a little worried about the weigh in Sunday a.m. (frowny face)
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    I, too, am feeling the pain. My thighs hurt soo bad. However, I will not quit! I'm going to finish typing this and then go get my butt on the treadmill and crank out 30 minutes of sweat and then I am going to crank out 300 crunches to finish my 1,000 for the week. I'm going to go home and do my up/downs, jumping jacks, and whatever else is on that darn challenge, because I CAN!

    I will not let my team down, nor will I let myself down. The scale has finally moved for me and I plan to keept it going. Team Flab is turning FABULOUS!

    Everyone have a great night and do it for YOU! Much Love, Ivy
  • MoonChild_69
    MoonChild_69 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks, shananagins! I think I do need to stay on the team for the exact opposite reason you mentioned. I start back to work next week, and will be a lot busier but will need the team to stay on track. On my own, I would probably think of a ton of other things that I need to be doing....rather than taking care of myself? DORK.

    And Mo! You're the best. I don't know how you've kept it together this month.

    To all F@F: I am so proud of all of us. I have never worked as hard or seen the results I've seen over the last couple of weeks. My body shape is changing and I am STRONG! :flowerforyou:
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Glad to be able to help us both out Moonchild.....I will also enjoy being an honorary member of the Tribe for September, RAWR !!!! :bigsmile:
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135

    I did substitute squat kicks for the ups/downs - not physically able to do those. Did the reverse crunches for the jack knives.

    Ab crunch total for the week, so far is 580.

    I feel exhausted today. But am feeling like the scale might be nice to me this week. We shall see.

    Thanks, Team F2F, for all of the support. I have enjoyed working out with everyone (through cyberspace).
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Week 3 Day 5 All missions Accomplished

    Food logged
    Water logged
    Under Calories

    Have a great night F2F

    1000 crunches Accomplished !!!
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    week 3 day 5
    mission accomplished
    In Pain!!!!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Week 3 Day 6 Mission Accomplished

    I am sooooo tired and sore but will rest up this weekend and be raring to go again Monday!!!
    Bring on week 4
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    Doing my day 6 tomorrow. Today is the only day Hubby and I have off together. Spent my time with him.
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    Day 6 and mission complete! Good luck tomorrow everyone. It's weigh in day!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    All missions accomplished week 3