kristinstephenson86 Posts: 27 Member
edited November 2018 in Getting Started
I pretty much went over every single day my first week logging. There was maybe 1 or 2 days I did ok. It is so hard for me to count calories and stay under. Did anyone else struggle their first week?? My name is Kristin by the way. I am 32 (but look like a 28 :wink: ), and I am the biggest I have ever been since having my daughter at 19. I am currently about 180-185 pounds, and I am only 5'1. I carry most of my weight in my lower half, but my curves are at the precipice of being gone! I still have some shape, and I am more muscular than your average female (which I don't like). I would say I am spoon shaped with the extra weight not quite pear but almost. I find it is really hard for me to eat a very low amount of calories which is a little under 1400 to lose a pound a week. I walk for 45-50 minutes every day on lunch (which doesn't burn a lot of calories) and I try to do HIIT a couple times a week. I am scared I am just going to get fatter and fatter, never lose weight, and lose my femininity. I feel totally unsexy for the first time in my life. I feel terrible, because I see middle aged women with no shape anymore, and it makes me depressed because I feel that will be me. I know that is shallow. I have always been relatively attractive, and at this point don't even get naked in front of my boyfriend and feel awful about myself!! I have PCOS, and there is SO MUCH conflicting evidence about what works and what doesn't I am totally lost, and sometimes feel like I'm trying this all for naught. Any thoughts!!? Thank you all.


  • kristinstephenson86
    kristinstephenson86 Posts: 27 Member
    edited November 2018
    Thank you for responding! Yes I sit at a desk job all day, and I have to travel in a car sitting several times a week. So it is accurate that I put sedentary :( My body HATES losing weight, and I have always been heavier even in my most athletic days. My body will make me go insanely hungry and my brain becomes obsessed with food as I lose. And it is really really hard. I also lose much slower than your average person. The cards feel stacked up against me, and makes me feel really depressed. I don't want to steadily gain weight- I want to look good and feel good in my 30s. But I feel like I'm going to just balloon up over these years with very little control. Even when I was exercising like an athlete in my mid 20s I was still over my recommended BMI. Sorry a little depressed about it!!
  • kristinstephenson86
    kristinstephenson86 Posts: 27 Member
    edited November 2018
    Tavis- I just learned what macros were the 2 days ago! So much to learn, and I plan on slowly figuring this out more. Hopefully it works for me. Mind/matter- Its a catch 22 because my pcos HATES carbs yet I feel like I'm starving without them. Thats why its hard to stay positive, because I really do feel like it is set up against me or for failure. That's why I am deciding to be active on the boards I need as much help as I can get. Right now, it really does feel impossible as I have tried this so many times. There was one time I was literally starving it felt like, and I was eating so so healthy, and I was still overweight! I want to figure out what I am doing wrong! :neutral:
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Tavis- I just learned what macros were the 2 days ago! So much to learn, and I plan on slowly figuring this out more. Hopefully it works for me. Mind/matter- Its a catch 22 because my pcos HATES carbs yet I feel like I'm starving without them. Thats why its hard to stay positive, because I really do feel like it is set up against me or for failure. That's why I am deciding to be active on the boards I need as much help as I can get. Right now, it really does feel impossible as I have tried this so many times. There was one time I was literally starving it felt like, and I was eating so so healthy, and I was still overweight! I want to figure out what I am doing wrong! :neutral:

    You're not doing anything wrong. PCOS is an illness. Your body IS fighting you, which is why you feel like your body is fighting you. You're going to get a lot of advice from people who know a lot about dieting but have no idea about the specific needs of someone with PCOS.

    It does take a couple of weeks eating lower carb for the cravings to stop, in my experience. The thing about insulin resistance is that since your body has to make so much extra insulin to digest carbs, and insulin makes you hungry and causes your blood sugar to fluctuate, eating carbs can cause mad cravings. When my diabetes was undiagnosed I would eat whole bags of candy and feel like I was starving. When I started limiting carbs to a level which kept my blood glucose consistent I felt much better. But it took a little while to adjust.

    How about first focusing on making sure you get enough protein and fat? It also makes a huge difference when you eat carbs - trying to work out on low blood sugar, for example, feels awful, so eat a little something before your exercise, and a little something to refuel afterwards. This isn't easy, but it is possible. Search the forums and you should find some support threads for women with PCOS.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    First week or two is for learning. Review logs tp see where a litte cut back, not cut out, would make a difference. Plan at least a day ahead and prelog then adjust. Use a scale for everything to learn serving sizes. You can do this if you understand it is a change for life, not a quick fix. Patience and commitmemt for long term are tje secret sauce.
  • missjck2
    missjck2 Posts: 146 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hey Kristin! Don't be so hard on yourself, if this were easy we wouldn't have to work for it. That fact that you're working for it speaks volumes. Im in my second week and still struggle mentally even though I had results my first week. My weakness is sweets, cookies to to be exact. I literally went from eating sugary cereals, cookies, donuts, drinking sugary tea and soda etc whenever I felt like it consuming less than 120g of carbs/1330 calories most days- and no I don't feel starved. My first week I tossed all garbage sweets in the garbage and replaced them with healthier sweets (sugar free jello, berries, chocolate rice cakes etc). While Im able to do away with temptation at home I still have to go to work where there's always a spread of garbage sweets in the kitchen- especially now that it's the holidays. Im no pro and am learning just as you are but I'd say will power and keeping your goals in mind is key. Good luck, you got this :smiley:
  • ToriPaigeChange
    ToriPaigeChange Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, have you ever tried paleo my mom got me into after have success with herself losing 60lbs. I started it with a bang! Losing 35lbs.

    Right now I eat a ton of healthy food and even though I do that I feel full... I eat every 4 hours. They’re so low calorie foods I barley hit my calorie intake (1200-1500)

    I wonder if you can get to a gym at lunch time it would be worth your while vs walking which will defiantly gone your legs.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I have PCOS, and there is SO MUCH conflicting evidence about what works and what doesn't I am totally lost, and sometimes feel like I'm trying this all for naught. Any thoughts!!? Thank you all.

    I thought the protocol by Melissa Ramos "Sexy Lady Balls" was very insightful regarding PCOS, hormonal, and generally ALL women's issues. She helped me a lot, and at a reasonable rate. Keep searching for answers!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    (Can't edit my post on my device....) I'm also reading "Cooking For Hormone Balance" ATM, which could be beneficial as well.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,996 Member
    How much have you been exceeding your goal by? If you're set to lose 1 lb a week, you have a 500 calorie cushion between your goal and maintenance. That is, you wouldn't be in danger of gaining weight unless you were averaging more than 500 cals above your goal.