How easy to revert to old habits

kds10 Posts: 452 Member
edited November 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Did great from end of March to August lost 25 lbs then have struggled since then...I did IF...18 6 day. I always tell myself even if u r going to eat junk keep it contained the within six hours but nope last 2 days are junk from morning thru to bedtime.

I seem to be doing that a few times week for the last couple of months...I had 8 lbs to go in early September thus no weight loss and even gain of 2 lbs

Even if I do good for 4 or 5 days per week my food bender wrecks it all
So close to goal why do I do this??.



  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    amy19355 wrote: »
    In my case it was my inner child that I was allowing to control my food choices as if it were a game.

    Everyone’s motivator is different; don’t give up on yourself.

    Interesting explain please
  • jean133mjg
    jean133mjg Posts: 133 Member
    I do the same thing and I would love to know more about the inner child too. Please help, amy19355. You now have a captive audience.
  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    A lot of us have been there, its down to you to get back to doing what worked, im exactly the same , ive had a weekend of over indulging and my old ways are creeping in.ive only gone up a pound but it makes me think why bother and i slip back to bad old habits, its tough but only you can do it.

    Keep going mate
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    A lot of us have been there, its down to you to get back to doing what worked, im exactly the same , ive had a weekend of over indulging and my old ways are creeping in.ive only gone up a pound but it makes me think why bother and i slip back to bad old habits, its tough but only you can do it.

    Keep going mate

    It is almost like I think who cares I only have 8 lbs left to lose so even if I gain a bit....but it is like wtf keep doing this and by six months i will be up to where I was.

    I tell myself if u r going to do that at least keep the eating contained to six hours but nope my triggers get activated and I go back to all or nothing way of thinking...and my well might as well blow today
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sometimes this can happen if you're calorie intake is too low. Eventually your body simply can't sustain it. Maybe taking a break for a week or two and adjusting your calorie goal would be helpful.
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    I’ve had a few migraine lately which I find make me really crave lots of carbs which messes up my count. I was being gentle with myself (migraine are a *kitten*) but a couple of days of that and I just want to keep eating everything in sight. It is very difficult to pull it back in. I’m having to focus on one day not making it breaking a diet. Wake up and go for it again with a clean slate. And log everything good or bad so you can see it.
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    I think for me 2 factors:
    1 - all or nothing mentality which I have had for years
    2- low fat ....for years low fat was my way of thinking in my head thus eating cheese/nuts etc triggers in me that I wrecked my day as those foods r high in fat
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    Also, doesn't sound like IF is really helping you?

    Disagree. .if not for IF I do not believe I would have lost 25 lbs. Even though I have been hit and miss with it the last few months I always go back to it.
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    It may be IF helped get rid of most of the weight but now you are closer to your goal the margin for error is much smaller so a different approach is needed. I do IF but within that eating window I also count calories, I have to as even with two stone left to lose, eating whatever I want results in Weight gain. Do you also track your calories?
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I can revert back to old habits if my routine is thrown off or I am extremely stressed or work more which makes me forget to eat or makes me so tired I don't want to cook and instead go grab a sandwich from the convenience store. Very easy for me to fall back into bad habits.
  • HeyJudii
    HeyJudii Posts: 264 Member
    For me, the "inner child" thing is a kind of, "nah, na, nah, na, nah nah, you can't make me, I will do what I want! :p "
    Also for me, eating healthy and being active takes determination, dedication and commitment. In a sense strictness. I had a severely strict upbringing and became a rebellious teenager. Overly strict restrictions on my behavior and activities? "I'll show you!" So, it seems I am programmed to continue this behavior.

    But, I am an adult now. I am in control (mostly) of what I can and can not do. I try to nip this knee-jerk behavior in the bud, but being human, I am not always successful. *I just pick myself up. Dust myself off. And start all over again. ;)

    First though, I (briefly) stop everything I have been doing. Take a break. Review my routines. What is causing me to rebel? Am I overly restrictive in my calories? Am I doing too much activity to sustain long-term? What needs to be revised?

    *(It all reminds me of something my cousin said when we were little kids and she was asked why she was so late getting home from school: "I run-ded and I fall-ded and I got up again. And then I run-ded and I fall-ded and I got up again. All the way home." :D )
  • _aenyeweddien_
    _aenyeweddien_ Posts: 102 Member
    I know it's far from perfect, but I have a cheat day once a month. That way if I get any cravings, I keep myself going by explaining to myself I can have what I want at the end of the month:)