SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Well guys i leave for vaca tomorrow, and i know i havent had my motivation... so i guess im backing out since i havent been posting and what not, but i sure hpe we all stay friends and keep motivating outside of this challenge :)

    Have an incredible time on your vacation Katelyn. We will all certainly miss you!! We for sure wills stay friends, and hopefully find some motivation to get you to your goal!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Those bagels sound so good! Im a sucker for a bagel and cream cheese and If I can call it a pizza thats even better LOL!

    Katelyn-Welcome back!!!

    I was in the grocery store the other day and wanted bagels so bad! I didn't buy them because of the calories, but I'm thinkng I may try the new "thin" bagels they have. They are just smaller and thus less calories.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    So, my fellow team members with Katelyn leaving our group we are going to be adding another member to our team from the red team! As soon as I get some more info. i will pass it along, or pull her on board! We have three more weeks of this challenge so lets all keep rocking it!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Sad to see you go Kaitlyn, we will all keep in touch im sure! I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Well guys i leave for vaca tomorrow, and i know i havent had my motivation... so i guess im backing out since i havent been posting and what not, but i sure hpe we all stay friends and keep motivating outside of this challenge :)

    Awww! Have a wonderful time!! :) And I will still be here to keep you motivated outside of this challenge! :)
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    So, my fellow team members with Katelyn leaving our group we are going to be adding another member to our team from the red team! As soon as I get some more info. i will pass it along, or pull her on board! We have three more weeks of this challenge so lets all keep rocking it!

    That would be wonderful for Shawn!! I think she was suppose to go to another team, but that did not happen! I know she's been keeping up on her points and stuff for the week too ~ just in case a team needed her!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi all, sorry it took me so long to post today. It's been a long day, two different open house events to attend, then dinner, then cardio, and now a little sit back and relax time, then off to bed!!!
    Let me start by introducing myself... my name is Shawn, I'm Mom to 4 kiddos, ages 23 (not at home anymore), 12, 5, & 3. Not only am I a SAHM, but I also have an in-home daycare, so I'm always on the verge insanity, I mean drinking, ummm I mean I'm always busy!!! (I also have an odd sense of humor)
    Anywho, I've entered my calorie goal and my daily calorie burn. Do you guys post daily for your challenges or at the end of the week?? Let me know.
    Oh, a big "HI YA" to Redheadhen, we're back on the same team again!!
  • Emmabella11
    Well guys i leave for vaca tomorrow, and i know i havent had my motivation... so i guess im backing out since i havent been posting and what not, but i sure hpe we all stay friends and keep motivating outside of this challenge :)

    awww...of course ill keep in was nice to meet you!
  • Emmabella11
    Hi all, sorry it took me so long to post today. It's been a long day, two different open house events to attend, then dinner, then cardio, and now a little sit back and relax time, then off to bed!!!
    Let me start by introducing myself... my name is Shawn, I'm Mom to 4 kiddos, ages 23 (not at home anymore), 12, 5, & 3. Not only am I a SAHM, but I also have an in-home daycare, so I'm always on the verge insanity, I mean drinking, ummm I mean I'm always busy!!! (I also have an odd sense of humor)
    Anywho, I've entered my calorie goal and my daily calorie burn. Do you guys post daily for your challenges or at the end of the week?? Let me know.
    Oh, a big "HI YA" to Redheadhen, we're back on the same team again!!

    Welcome to the team!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi all, sorry it took me so long to post today. It's been a long day, two different open house events to attend, then dinner, then cardio, and now a little sit back and relax time, then off to bed!!!
    Let me start by introducing myself... my name is Shawn, I'm Mom to 4 kiddos, ages 23 (not at home anymore), 12, 5, & 3. Not only am I a SAHM, but I also have an in-home daycare, so I'm always on the verge insanity, I mean drinking, ummm I mean I'm always busy!!! (I also have an odd sense of humor)
    Anywho, I've entered my calorie goal and my daily calorie burn. Do you guys post daily for your challenges or at the end of the week?? Let me know.
    Oh, a big "HI YA" to Redheadhen, we're back on the same team again!!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome Shawn!

    Sounds like you are very busy! My mother used to do an in-home daycare when I was younger .. and it was insanity!

    We post our challenges at the end of the week usually, some people post their progress along the way. As long as you all check-in every Wed. I don't mind either way!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So, a part of this weeks challenge is to post how many calories you have burned each day on the spreed sheet, but also post here in the thread what you have been doing to burn those calories. Ooppps, I kinda dropped the ball on that one!

    But, mine are pretty simple. The past two days I went and did laps in the swimming pool, participated in an aquatic fitness class, walked the dogs, and did the treadmill.

    I do the strength training, like lunges, squats, etc ... but I do not log them into my calorie intake into MFP because I don't think it accurately calculates it - that's just my quirk .. and I feel i have an extra cushion.

    So what have you all been doing for your workouts?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Shawn- Nice to meet you and welcome to the team!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So, a part of this weeks challenge is to post how many calories you have burned each day on the spreed sheet, but also post here in the thread what you have been doing to burn those calories. Ooppps, I kinda dropped the ball on that one!

    But, mine are pretty simple. The past two days I went and did laps in the swimming pool, participated in an aquatic fitness class, walked the dogs, and did the treadmill.

    I do the strength training, like lunges, squats, etc ... but I do not log them into my calorie intake into MFP because I don't think it accurately calculates it - that's just my quirk .. and I feel i have an extra cushion.

    So what have you all been doing for your workouts?

    I do a little yoga and cardio on the Wii and then some strength training just like you but I hardly ever log that either. I also chase after a 2 year old most of the day but I dont log that either because, I was doing that before and it didnt help me lose weight one bit LOL.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So, a part of this weeks challenge is to post how many calories you have burned each day on the spreed sheet, but also post here in the thread what you have been doing to burn those calories. Ooppps, I kinda dropped the ball on that one!

    But, mine are pretty simple. The past two days I went and did laps in the swimming pool, participated in an aquatic fitness class, walked the dogs, and did the treadmill.

    I do the strength training, like lunges, squats, etc ... but I do not log them into my calorie intake into MFP because I don't think it accurately calculates it - that's just my quirk .. and I feel i have an extra cushion.

    So what have you all been doing for your workouts?

    I do a little yoga and cardio on the Wii and then some strength training just like you but I hardly ever log that either. I also chase after a 2 year old most of the day but I dont log that either because, I was doing that before and it didnt help me lose weight one bit LOL.

    LOL I'm sure you built muscles with mom arm's and legs though!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I finally have a chance to get caught-up on posting my challenges, here we go:

    Cardio Challenge:
    Wed - A.M. 45 min strength training
    noon - 20 min aerobics
    P.M. - 45 min cardio

    Thurs - A.M. 45 min cardio
    noon - 20 min aerobics
    P.M. - 45 min cardio

    Fri - A.M. 60 min strength training
    noon - 20 min aerobics
    P.M. - 45 min cardio

    Sat - A.M. 45 min cardio
    noon - 20 minaerobics

    Strength Challenge:
    Day 1 - sit ups
    Day 2 - leg raises
    Day 3 - squats
    Day 4 - burpee's

    Recipe Challenge:
    Fruit roll ups
    1 small size tortilla
    half a banana sliced thin
    4 strawberries, chopped
    1-2 T peanut butter
    1-2 t granola

    Spread peanut butter on tortilla, top with fruit and granola roll and enjoy.

    Emotional Challenge:
    My weight gain has only been within the last three years, so I just told myself (as well as others telling me), that I'm now in my 40's and I've had 4 kids. This is the way things are going to be from now on, just accept it.
    I will never accept any excuse again! I can already see that I can get the body I had back, It will just take a different approach than what I was used to. I can't eat the way I did in my 20's, I could eat a higher amount of carbs and it didn't effect me the way it does now. I now have to listen closer to what my body is telling me, and follow the path that works for me, not the one that I was on in the past.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in real quick. Been feeling real sick this after/evening, so I'm going to just rest up. Hope you all are doing better and burning up those calories! Hmmm it's already only 4 days until weigh-in day!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi all, just checking workout today, no cardio, just shopping at Ikea. Which on a Sunday, could be considered an Olympic track & field event!! I feel like I've blown it with my carbs this week-end!! I feel really bloated, and I'm craving sweets, which I don't do every often.
    Well tomorrow is a new day, I'll go back to 20g carbs a day for two days and should be back on track....we'll see.
    Hope everyone had a good week-end, nite!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi all, just checking workout today, no cardio, just shopping at Ikea. Which on a Sunday, could be considered an Olympic track & field event!! I feel like I've blown it with my carbs this week-end!! I feel really bloated, and I'm craving sweets, which I don't do every often.
    Well tomorrow is a new day, I'll go back to 20g carbs a day for two days and should be back on track....we'll see.
    Hope everyone had a good week-end, nite!

    Wow, that is pretty impressive that you can do 20g carbs a day ,,, I used to remember thinking how a jolly rancher has like 5g! lol And you have IKEA where you are, I've always wanted to go ... but none around me!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Today was treadmill and did my challenge(s) bits ... I'm still pretty wired so I may try to do a bit more because apparently I need to burn a lot in the next two days to reach my goal and I have no intention of not meeting it!

    What are all you ladies up to? Did you all have a great weekend?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories on the main thread to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy!