I need some advice.

Kevin0511 Posts: 19 Member
I’m 20 years old, 5’7, 190lbs, with about 20% body fat. Just over 2 years ago I began changing my lifestyle. To sum it up, i was 215lbs 30+% bf and lost 45lbs in less than a year. It clearly wasn’t all fat loss though. I felt weaker than ever and had looser skin. Fast forward a year I decided that I wanted to gain some muscle mass so I changed my lifestyle again.

Here’s where I’m at now:
I found out that I wasn’t eating enough to gain muscle last year. My body was burning too many calories from my job and workouts so it started using muscle to breakdown instead. Eating more is a lot harder than it sounds. I eat clean 95% of the time so it’s hard to get in 3,000+. My TDEE is around 3,200. I’m barely eating that and feeling sick to my stomach from eating 5-7 meals throughout the day. I drink 10-20 cups of water a day and easily sweat it out and even mix in some pedialyte. Only other supplements I use are zippfizz for my vitamins, pre workout with creatine, and some premade protein drinks. After I workout at 6am I drink my homemade weight gainer. 1 cup oatmeal 1 cup milk 1 premade shake a banana and peanut butter. Easily gives me 700 calories after my workout to refuel myself. I eat a pbj sandwich before tho right when I wake up. 4 other meals including multiple grilled chicken/steak sandwiches or some rice/pasta with proportioned macros for carbs and protein. Easily over 2k calories now but definitely under 3,200 it feels like. My split workouts are 5/6 days a week for about an hour. I focus on each and every rep doing some supersets. Keeping the compound movements along 3 sets 8-12 reps usually. My heart rates at a constant 120-160 the entire time after a 5 min warmup on the treadmill. As I mentioned earlier though, I jog/run 5-10 miles 5 days a week at work. I’m easily 190 now with probably 23+% bf. That’s why I’m lost now 🤷🏻‍♂️ any advice is better than nothing. I’m not looking for overnight results, or ways to “cheat”. I’m being realistic and changing my lifestyle. I also forgot to mention I do get a good nights sleep as well 6-8 hours. 2lmfc8vk0i0y.jpeg


  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2018
    If you find it hard to eat so much then bring the cardio down. Which weight training program are you following?
  • Kevin0511
    Kevin0511 Posts: 19 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    If you find it hard to eat so much then bring the cardio down. Which weight training program are you following?

    Thanks for commenting. I have no choice with the cardio since it’s from my job. As for a program, I don’t really have a specific one set. It just comes from a variation I chose on https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/the-7-day-total-body-overhaul.html I’ll spend about an actual 50 min training 5 days a week with about 70% of my 1RM with the 3 sets equaling 20+ reps. I’m not saying I haven’t gotten stronger, I definitely slowly have compared to when I first started after losing all that weight. But I’m kind of looking like I’m on my way to how I use to look (loose skin, more fat in a lot of places).
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2018
    I would axe that and get on a progressive overload program from the stickies here. Anything that says 7 day overhaul sounds like garbage. If it said 7 years I’d be more optimistic. It’s a variation of a bro split and is less than optimal

    Also if you can’t bring your cardio down then start incorporating more calorie dense food. Even “junk” food
  • Kevin0511
    Kevin0511 Posts: 19 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    I would axe that and get on a progressive overload program from the stickies here. Anything that says 7 day overhaul sounds like garbage. If it said 7 years I’d be more optimistic. It’s a variation of a bro split and is less than optimal

    Also if you can’t bring your cardio down then start incorporating more calorie dense food. Even “junk” food

    Sounds good! I’ll try to make sure I’m incorporating more of that starting tomorrow. Any programs or sources that you can recommend online? I found this and just started looking at the workouts. Should I use it as a start?
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2018
    I don’t like any program , as a natural, that doesn’t have you hitting each body part twice a week. I tend to shy away from any program from BB.com or muscle and fitness. Any magazine routines.

    Personally I enjoy PHUL, PHAT, and PPL routines. I did begin on a bro split and stalled fast. Once I hit 2x a week everything sky rocketed.

    Someone new to training properly I would gravitate towards a 3x week full body compound for a few months. The reddit fitness thread has all these outlined as does a sticky here . Currently I follow a Upper Lower Rest Push Pull Leg Rest but I’m 3 years in and feel I can Taylor a program now. I ran those others to a T for a long time.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Check out the most helpful posts at the top of this forum. Lots of great info including the aforementioned list of programs
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