Fat Loss vs Scale Weight Loss

AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
I want to share some information that might can help someone. I will speak for myself. I'm on the healthy and fat loss journey. I'm not trying to lose scale weight. I'm aiming to lose 100% body fat percentage/pounds of fat and inches.

I tend to make a statement that I truly believe in: "Fat loss and scale weight loss aren't the same thing."

A person can lose 5 pounds of scale weight in 5 hours, but they can't lose 5 pounds of fat in 5 hours.

I try to encourage people to track their body fat percentage and work the formula to see what they are losing or gaining. A loss can be lean body mass. A gain can be fat.

What is scale weight? In my own words: Scale weight is the combined pounds of fat and pounds of lean body mass that you are carrying.

Example: Jane Doe weighs 250lbs with a 40% body fat percentage.

Here's the formula to use, to determine how much of your scale weight is from fat and how much is from lean body mass.

Weight x body fat percentage = Pounds of fat
Weight - Pounds of fat = Pounds of lean body mass

Jane Doe's formula results:

250 x 40% (0.40) = 100 pounds of fat

250 - 100 = 150 pounds of lean body mass

Jane Doe's results shown a different way:

Weight: 250lbs
BF% = 40%
Pounds of fat= 100
Pounds of lean body mass = 150

A lot of people look at their scale weight, to determine how much weight they want/need to lose.

I'm going to tell you something that's going to surprise a lot of people. Your scale weight doesn't determine how much pounds of fat you need to lose, your body percentage does. Note: I've said pounds of fat, instead of weight/scale weight. There's a difference.

I will show you what I'm talking about. But, first I want to make two more important notes:

1. Your pounds of lean body mass is the requirement for your body. You want to do your best to maintain that number. Increasing it will never hurt.

2. Your pounds of body fat is not the amount of fat you need to lose nor is it the amount of scale weight you need to lose. You don't want to even lose close to that number.

Let me share the body fat percentage information. I'm breaking up the genders information. You can see the original body fat chart on this website. http://weightlossbase.org/wp-content/uploads/Body_Fat_Percentage.jpg

I want to note that the essential fat percentage is the body's requirement for the different genders. I also want to note that it's not required for a gender to get down to his or her essential fat body fat percentage. Everyone should aim for their healthy body fat percentage. When you start going below your healthy body fat percentage, you are losing lean body mass.

Classification: Women:

Essential Fat 10-12%
Athletes 14-20%
Fitness 21-24%
Acceptable 25-31%
At Risk 32% plus

Classification: Men

Essential Fat 2-4%
Athletes 6-13%
Fitness 14-17%
Acceptable 18-25%
At Risk 26% plus
(I've changed the At Risk from 25% to 26% for men. On the original chart, you will see it states 25% plus for men. If you look up body fat percentage charts online, you will basically see the 25% for At Risk for men, but to me, it doesn't make sense that a man can be both acceptable and at risk with a 25% body fat percentage. )

Now, lets look at fat loss vs scale weight loss:

Say Jane Doe looks at her 250lbs scale weight and says she wants to lose 100 pounds. Will that be healthy and realistic? Lets see.

I know the answer will be no, it's not healthy or realistic. But, I want to show why. Above, I've stated that a person's pounds of fat is not the amount they need to lose. And Jane Doe's pounds of fat is 100 and she wants to lose 100 pounds of scale weight.

Here's the way to figure out if your weight loss goal is healthy and realistic.


A.) Initial weight - weight loss goal = future weight
B.) Future weight - Initial pounds of lean body mass = future pounds of fat (Keep in mind that your initial lean body mass is the requirement for your body)
C.) Future pounds of fat / future weight = future body fat percentage

Jane Doe's results: If she loses 100 pounds of fat.

A.) 250 (Initial weight) - 100 (weight loss goal) = 150 (Future weight)
B.) 150 (Future weight) - 150 (Initial pounds lean body mass) = 0 (Future pounds of fat)
C.) 0 (Future pounds of fat) /150 (Future weight) = 0 (Future body fat percentage)

Every body requires fat.

Let me show you a shortcut, to finding out how much pounds of fat you need to lose to get to a healthy body fat percentage and healthy scale weight. Some people may disagree with a healthy scale weight and body fat percentage result. They might think the numbers are too high.

Note: The key is to get your future pounds of fat to equal your current body fat percentage. If your body fat percentage falls under your future body fat percentage, then you will be losing lean body mass.


A.) Initial body fat percentage number written as a number (Example: 40% would be 40)/ Initial weight = Future body fat percentage
B.) Initial weight x Future body fat percentage = Future pounds of weight
C.) Initial Lean body mass + Future pounds fat = Future healthy weight
D.) Initial pounds of fat- Future pounds of fat = Fat loss
E. Initial weight - Future pounds of weight = Scale weight loss (Same as the Fat loss number)

Red light!!!!! I know that I have said that fat loss and scale weight loss aren't the same thing. So, does this mean that I'm saying they are the same thing now in step D and E? The answer is no. When you lose 100% pounds of fat, you will lose 100% pounds of scale weight in the same amount. The 100% loss will make the numbers match.

Lets look at Jane Doe's results, using the formula above.

A. )40 (Jane's original body fat percentage number) / 250 (Jane's initial weight) = 16 (Jane's Future body fat percentage)
B.) 250 (Jane's initial weight) x 16% (Jane's Future body fat percentage) = 40 (Future pounds of fat)
C.) 150 (Jane's initial lean body mass) + 40 (Future pounds of fat) = 190 (Future healthy weight)
D.) 100 (Jane's initial pounds of fat) - 40 (Future pounds of fat) = 60 pounds of fat loss
E.) 250 (Jane's inital weight) - 190 (Jane's Future healthy weight) = 60 pounds of scale weight loss

Although, Jane weighs 250lbs, it doesn't mean that she has to lose 100lbs of scale weight. She can lose 100% of 60 pounds of fat and get down to 190 pounds of scale weight and have a lean look.

Losing 24% body fat percentage ( 40% - 24% = 16% body fat percentage) and getting down to a healthy scale weight of 190lbs will give Jane the lean look. To a lot of people, 190 pounds equals fat and that's not true.

I want to show another example of fat loss vs scale weight loss.

I'm using Jane Doe again with her initial reading. 250lbs with a 40% body fat percentage:

Say Jane Doe is a person that weighs herself every week and on 08-21-11 she weighs 250lbs with a 40% bodyfat percentage and on 08-28-11her results are 235lbs with a 39% body fat percentage. In 7 days, she has lost 15 pounds of scale weight, but lets see if she has lost 15 pounds of fat.

08-21-11 Results:

Weight: 250lbs
BF% = 40%
Pounds of fat = 100
Pounds of lean body mass = 150

08-28-11 Results:

Weight: 235lbs
BF% = 39%
Pounds of fat = 91.65
Pounds of lean body mass = 143.35

Jane lost 15 pounds of scale weight. Lets compare her results.

08-11-11 results minus 08-28-11 results:

Weight: 250 - 235 = 15 pounds
Body fat percentage: 40% - 39% = 1%
Pounds of Fat: 100 - 91.65 = 8.35 pounds of fat
Pounds of lean body mass: 150 - 143.35 = 6.65 pounds of lean body mass

Out of the 15 pounds of scale weight that Jane Doe has lost, she lost 8.35 pounds of fat and 6.65 pounds of lean body mass.

A lot of people don't track their body fat percentage. They go by what their scale weight says. When they see a lost, they link that to being (a number) fat loss. But, the example above shows that a scale weight loss doesn't always equal to a 100% fat loss. So that means that a person can't say they have lost 25 pounds of fat, without knowing if their 25 pounds of scale weight loss is 100% fat loss.

I can't tell a person what to do, but if I can advise anyone that's on the healthy road, I would advise them to start tracking their body fat percentage and working the formula to see what's going on with their body.

Here's a list of things you can use to test your body fat percentage. Keep in mind that all these devices can have up to a (-/+) 5% margin error. The only test that's said to be 100% accurate is an autopsy. Stick with a device that will show you the changes your body is doing. Just like different scales can give different readings, different body fat percentage devices can give a different reading.

1. Body fat scale: I have a body fat scale that I had for 6 years. My sister have one of those new body fat scales. I don't know the brand. Last month, my scale and her scale have given me a difference of 1% body fat percentage reading.
2. Body fat handheld monitor
3. Caliper. It's said that a person should let a professional that has a high sucess rate of testing people, test your body fat with calipers. Please note that a person can get 5 different people to test them and get five different reading.
4. Dunk Test
5. Bodpod Test

I know how much body fat percentage and pounds of fat I need to lose, in order to get to my future healthy body fat percentage and scale weight. It may take me a year or so to get there and I'm okay with that.

Can I lose some lean body mass on my journey? The answer is yes.

Can I gain some pounds of fat on my journey? The answer is yes.

These things are normal. But, I will never give up. I'm going to reach my goal.

I know that I have said a lot, but I hope that I have helped someone.


  • "Here's the way to figure out if your weight loss goal is healthy and realistic.


    A.) Initial weight - weight loss goal = future weight
    B.) Future weight - Initial pounds of lean body mass = future pounds of fat (Keep in mind that your initial lean body mass is the requirement for your body)
    C.) Future pounds of fat / future weight = future body fat percentage"

    Hi AZ,

    First, thank you for such a detailed and informative post. I agree with your philosophy, and I'm on a similar path. I use a body fat % scale right now that gives me my total body weight, water % and fat %. I then plug all of that into a spreadsheet I created to get my number of pounds of body fat, body water, lean body mass. I too am most concerned about body fat - I've lost 38 pounds of body fat since March, but my overall body weight shows a loss of 34 pounds. And I still have forty more to lose.

    One thing that struck me in your post is the above on making sure your weight loss goal is realistic is the formula you gave above. While I had a general number in mind that I knew was ok, I used your formula above to give my goal more clarity. I think this is a great idea! Good luck with your journey and thanks for sharing!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You are welcome FitForties. I'm a detailed person. I like to explain things. I'm happy that my post have helped you.

    I also log my results in a spreadsheet that I have created in Excel. I do my weigh in and measurements monthly. I log my gains and loses as well.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    reading your post with interest, confused about how I find out my true fat % tho, I have been done with calipers, but it says there if 5 different people did the test I would get 5 different readins, body fat % scales are a waste of money ( IMO )

    so I do I get a 100% true reading ??

  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    thanks for sharing
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks :smile:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    reading your post with interest, confused about how I find out my true fat % tho, I have been done with calipers, but it says there if 5 different people did the test I would get 5 different readins, body fat % scales are a waste of money ( IMO )

    so I do I get a 100% true reading ??


    Papastu, how many professional have done a caliper test on you and how many sites were tested?

    I'm going to go edit what I have said about calipers, to state that it's possible that a person can get 5 different caliper readings from 5 different professionals and come out with results. I'm also going to note this in my post. Every professional doesn't test the same amount of areas. Some might test 3 areas, some 4, and some more. Another thing that can give a different reading is if a person isn't being tested in the same spots. Say someone is testing themselves. They might not be pinching the same amount of skin each time or even placing the caliper in the same exact place each time.

    As for scales. I don't think they are a waste of money. Why? Because if a scale can give me a scale weight, why can't it give me a body fat percentage. If my body fat percentage is off, can that mean that my weight is off as well?

    It's stated that 100% body fat reading would be an autopsy.

    I advise everyone to stick to body fat testing they feel comfortable with them. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate. They should use it to watch their progress.

    A lot of the devices I have listed in my original post can give the same reading or be very close.

    I can't edit my original post. So, therefore what I have said about the calipers in here, explains why there could be different readings.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    thanks for sharing

    Krstal02, you are welcome.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thanks :smile:

    THCAMEL, you are welcome.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    fair point, I will stick to the same way and keep an eye on it, Good Reply + Thanks

  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    fair point, I will stick to the same way and keep an eye on it, Good Reply + Thanks


    You are welcome Papastu
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Nice post. A lot of people don't realize how important it is to track bf%. There are so many skinny fat people and they wonder why they don't have the lean look. I would like to share that in order to get your lean body mass to go up is to lift weights. Muscle burns fat and this will help speed up the fat loss journey. Muscle is denser than fat and will take up less room than fat.
    I use a caliper and regardless if it's accurate or not at least you have a number to follow.
    A good sign that you are reaching your bf goal is the definition in your body. Especially in your abs.
  • Thank you so much for a great post, I've just spent ages getting my head around all the formulas and working out my results. I now have a much better way of working out my weekly weigh ins.

    I was disappointed this morning when I weighed in and had put on 1.75lbs, but working it all out, I've only put on 0.155lb of body fat, the rest is lean body mass, which I'm not so disappointed about. Just got to work out the best way to get my body fat down now.
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Excellent. Thanks so much. I had a weight loss goal in mind too and the formula clarified and confirmed what I was thinking. The regular scale makes sense now because in terms of pounds of 'fat' I am within the heathly range but 17lbs from the overall weight number I had in my head. This means that to get to that number I need to loose 17lbs of body fat which would then put me in the 'athletic range'. I wasn't aiming for that just to be at the higher end of the healthy range. My point is we (or I) get this magic number in our heads without realising what in means for our bodies. I'm not sure that a percentage of 19% body fat - athletic - is what I was aiming for so my orginal weight loss goal can be adjusted downwards. It means that I should really be getting more calories using the MFP formula since I am closer to my ideal weight in terms of lean body mass to fat ratio than I thought and I expend a lot of calories per day on additional exercise.
    Sorry for such a long post but everything is clear now.
    Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.
    You're a star!!:smile:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Nice post. A lot of people don't realize how important it is to track bf%. There are so many skinny fat people and they wonder why they don't have the lean look. I would like to share that in order to get your lean body mass to go up is to lift weights. Muscle burns fat and this will help speed up the fat loss journey. Muscle is denser than fat and will take up less room than fat.
    I use a caliper and regardless if it's accurate or not at least you have a number to follow.
    A good sign that you are reaching your bf goal is the definition in your body. Especially in your abs.

    Thanks Princesschic. Yes, there are so many skinny fat people. I was just talking to my sister the other day about skinny fat people and telling her what that means.

    Yes, to get your lean body mass up, you will have to lift weights and that's something that I do. I believe in strength training. Increase in lean body mass means muscle gain and increase in scale weight, right?
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Excellent. Thanks so much. I had a weight loss goal in mind too and the formula clarified and confirmed what I was thinking. The regular scale makes sense now because in terms of pounds of 'fat' I am within the heathly range but 17lbs from the overall weight number I had in my head. This means that to get to that number I need to loose 17lbs of body fat which would then put me in the 'athletic range'. I wasn't aiming for that just to be at the higher end of the healthy range. My point is we (or I) get this magic number in our heads without realising what in means for our bodies. I'm not sure that a percentage of 19% body fat - athletic - is what I was aiming for so my orginal weight loss goal can be adjusted downwards. It means that I should really be getting more calories using the MFP formula since I am closer to my ideal weight in terms of lean body mass to fat ratio than I thought and I expend a lot of calories per day on additional exercise.
    Sorry for such a long post but everything is clear now.
    Thanks for taking the time to do this for us.
    You're a star!!:smile:

    You are welcome Frannswaz. I'm glad that my post was able to help you.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thank you so much for a great post, I've just spent ages getting my head around all the formulas and working out my results. I now have a much better way of working out my weekly weigh ins.

    I was disappointed this morning when I weighed in and had put on 1.75lbs, but working it all out, I've only put on 0.155lb of body fat, the rest is lean body mass, which I'm not so disappointed about. Just got to work out the best way to get my body fat down now.

    You are welcome Repeattofade. I'm glad that my post was able to help you.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Nice post. A lot of people don't realize how important it is to track bf%. There are so many skinny fat people and they wonder why they don't have the lean look. I would like to share that in order to get your lean body mass to go up is to lift weights. Muscle burns fat and this will help speed up the fat loss journey. Muscle is denser than fat and will take up less room than fat.
    I use a caliper and regardless if it's accurate or not at least you have a number to follow.
    A good sign that you are reaching your bf goal is the definition in your body. Especially in your abs.

    Thanks Princesschic. Yes, there are so many skinny fat people. I was just talking to my sister the other day about skinny fat people and telling her what that means.

    Yes, to get your lean body mass up, you will have to lift weights and that's something that I do. I believe in strength training. Increase in lean body mass means muscle gain and increase in scale weight, right?

    There's a big debate about muscle vs. fat. One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat or one pound of feathers. Muscle doesn't take up as much room. So I'm really not sure that there would necessarily be a huge change in body weight.
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    To the OP. Thank you for your extensive information. I have used your figures and found that my future Body Fat % will be 16% like your example. According to your other information this will make me an Athlete. I am so pleased that I'm going to become an Athlete. I'm investing in some new running shoes to celebrate.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    So how does one lose 100% body fat, given that to be healthy even as a bodybuilder your fat should be 10%-12%?
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Okay this post has piqued my curiosity. By the very logic of the op, my body is made up of fat and lean muscle mass and nothing more. This makes absolutely no sense to me at all. What about bone, skin, fluids, waste, essential organs, etc.?

    Also, I guarantee that a person CAN indeed lose 5lbs of fat in 5 hours. It's called liposuction.

    I apologize if I appear more dense than I am in reality.