weight lifter

I am not quite sure how these things work. I need to lose about 15-20 pounds... and I think this site will help, but the problem is that I am on a track and field team, which requires a lot of weight lifting. I feel like I can never lose weight because we lift so heavily, which is frustrating because I am afraid I will bulk up. I feel like everytime i try to lose weight it doesnt work. BUT I hope that it will compensate and help me at least look better. Is there any way this site will help me lose weight even while I'm lifting?


  • Hello,
    I am not quite sure how these things work. I need to lose about 15-20 pounds... and I think this site will help, but the problem is that I am on a track and field team, which requires a lot of weight lifting. I feel like I can never lose weight because we lift so heavily, which is frustrating because I am afraid I will bulk up. I feel like everytime i try to lose weight it doesnt work. BUT I hope that it will compensate and help me at least look better. Is there any way this site will help me lose weight even while I'm lifting?
  • sanlin20
    sanlin20 Posts: 73 Member
    Don't worry. You just follow MFP's recommended calories for weight loss, and keep doing your weight training. Since you are not providing enough building materials to build new muscles, you will not gain more; but your weight training will help to retain the muscles that you already got while you lose fat. I've gone through similar weight-loss/retain-muscle phase, so trust me on this one.
  • hjcopeland
    hjcopeland Posts: 53 Member
    A better measurement for you might be your body fat percentage.

    Muscle weighs more that fat, so in theory, it shouldn't mater how much you weigh, but rather how healthy you are and what your body fat % is.

    There are scales that can estimate your body fat %, or you can buy a set of calipers fairly cheap and learn how to use them.

    This site can help you lose, maintain, or even gain weight, depending on your goals - for any of the three, you need to carefully track what (and how) you eat!
  • Thank you so much!