What holds people back from noticing/ complimenting?

Aside from jealousy/ their own insecurity, that is.

I've come from XXL to M, and the only people who have said anything are the ones who already know I've changed my lifestyle around. Everyone else either hasn't noticed, or... something's keeping them from commenting on it. They're still just as friendly though, so I don't think they're being insecure... Or maybe I just need to lose more :laugh:

I know I've gotten significantly thinner. I know I look much better. I just want to know why sometimes people don't notice/ say anything. Not just to me, but in general.


  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    In today's society of being politically correct, they are probably afraid to offend you by saying anything. That would imply they noticed you were overweight before
  • warlocksmistress
    I find it awkward... because then you are acknowledging that you thought the person was larger in the first place!
    Silly, I know.
  • piglet513
    I think some people are afraid that if they say you look so much better now that they are telling you that you looked bad before. Even though you probably think you did too, they might be afraid to say something bad about you even though it was in the past. If that makes any sense. :tongue:
  • ApproachingDusk
    Especially if its in the work place, people might be afraid to offend. I have a coworker who's lost 60+ lbs and no one ever says anything.

    Sometimes people are just stupid.
  • tangdalun
    Hey withchaco,

    Perhaps some people feel that if they say how great you look or how great you are doing at losing weight, you may feel they are saying you looked bad before. Just a guess.

    Congratulations on your success thus far. :smile: Keep going like you are and those abs will come.

  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Aside from jealousy/ their own insecurity, that is.

    I've come from XXL to M, and the only people who have said anything are the ones who already know I've changed my lifestyle around. Everyone else either hasn't noticed, or... something's keeping them from commenting on it. They're still just as friendly though, so I don't think they're being insecure... Or maybe I just need to lose more :laugh:

    I know I've gotten significantly thinner. I know I look much better. I just want to know why sometimes people don't notice/ say anything. Not just to me, but in general.
    In the workplace I think people are held back because of harassment laws. Even if the compliment is not meant to be of a sexual nature. I know I've held back many times giving out compliments for that very reason. Darn litigious society... LOL
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    First off, CONGRATS on your accomplishments! Secondly, sometimes I think people are scared to say anything so they don't offend you. I've lost 34 lbs and I haven't gotten any comments like that yet unless it's from my MIL or my husband who obviously both know that I;ve been trying to lose weight. I don't know what holds others back other than maybe they're scared to offend us? I don't know lol.
  • newnormal2010
    I think sometimes people are afraid to say anything for fear of sounding like they're saying, "Man, you used to be really fat!" Commenting on something as personal as body size can be tricky, I think, especially for people who aren't really close -- coworkers, for example. Before I started seriously losing weight, I would sometimes see some of my husband's relatives (people I typically see maybe three times a year), and they would ask, "Have you lost weight?" This was clearly intended as a compliment, but (as I hadn't lost weight) it was hard not to hear it as, "You aren't quite as fat as I remember you being."

    On the other hand, the change you describe is so dramatic that I'm surprised more people haven't complimented you. Don't let it get you down, though! :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    They might not want to offend. Or maybe they're not sure their perception is right, especially if they don't see you often. I know there have been a few times where I'll see someone who I *think* has lost weight, but I don't want to mention it because I'm not sure since it's been a while since I've seen them. In your case, it sounds like it's noticeable enough that they should be confident in their perceptions, but you never know.
  • gamsler
    gamsler Posts: 1
    I've noticed the same thing. I too have gone from a size XXL (42" in pants) down to a M (32" in pants) and only the people that I'm around all the time have noticed. I've eventually asked a few people about it and they've told me that they just didn't want to say anything and embaress themselves. Don't be insecure and don't do it for them or for the compliments, do it because you like the way you look and feel. Most of the time those people that don't say anything really are just insecure, but not for the reason you think. I believe that they are just afraid they'll look stupid.
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    Some people are afraid that they will offend you, and others are afraid you will say something like "I have lost because I now have X disease", and that leads to uncomfortable conversation. Last time I really went on a diet my family literally thought I had stopped eating (which is ironic because in reality I eat more than most men do). People are weird.

    Just keep up the good work and know that you are doing a great job and you are losing! You have accomplished a great thing :).
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I work in a bar and I find all the women say "WOW, you're looking good" but most men are pretty blind to change LOL they dont notice so much - and I've lost 50lbs!! ... or maybe in my case, theyre more interested in getting a beer!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Same as everyone else: it's the PC-clause. You don't want to offend someone by saying "have you lost weight" since it means you know that they knew that they were fat and never said anything then so why say something now.
    Coming from a fat person, I've noticed people I work with that have lost weight & I don't hold back - so far no one has said back to me "so what, you're saying I was fat before", they get excited about talking about losing the weight, especially since they know I've been there, too.

    People that don't lose weight - whether they don't need to lose or don't want to lose - don't understand how that little compliment can egg a person on in the right direction. Ignore the Ignoramuses: you are doing AWESOME!!! Going from X's to M's is Fab-YOU-Loss!!!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I have a co-worker that has changed her lifestyle around...my comment to her is I notice you have made some changes in your lifestyle, way to go.
    Since I am on this journey I like it when people ask me what are you doing, instead of commenting about you look great or better or whatever. That is just my personal opinion for what it is worth. I have also hooked up MFP to my facebook account so the people know that I am in here daily monitoring my food and exercising.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    well ... being bigger than my peers all my life, it's my experience that it's kind of like 'the elephant in the room' that nobody really talks about. of course, my family & long time friends have seen my weight go up & down so nobody says much any more when I lose cause I think they just expect it to be temporary (suppose I do, too)
    I have ONE bff who is blunt about it (I love her to death) She'll compliment me when I lose and chide me when I gain. Other than that - if it's a 50 lb gain nobody said a word about it unless I bring it up.
    There really IS no tactful way TO mention it. I guess losing is the same thing - unless it comes up in conversation, it's kind of like saying 'hey, you're not as FAT as you were' . People do lose weight when they're sick, but nobody wants to be the one to compliment them for that. Cut them some slack, I'm sure they notice and approve, they just don't know how to tactfully SAY that.
    I will - GOOD JOB! you're awesome!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Do they know that you are actively losing weight? There are a ton of reasons for losing weight involuntarily, maybe they are afraid that you are ill, and they don't want to bring attention to it.

    It's like seeing a woman you haven't seen for a while who is substantially bigger, you think she's pregnant, but don't want to say anything in case she just happened to put on weight (not the best example, but it gets the point across, I think.)

    If it isn't someone I'm very close with, I usually don't mention anything about appearance changes, unless they bring it up first.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    this is a rather tricky situation- I've been on both sides- the person who's noticed others who've lost weight ( sometimes a GREAT DEAL)

    and now I'm the one who's lost a great deal.

    I'm not sure how to give compliments, much less RECEIVE them.

    I don't feel comfortable "judging" people by HOW THEY LOOK, so to vividly point out that I've noticed
    IMPLIES that I had a less favorable opinion of them to start with.......

    My worst "nightmare" has already happened to me just recently:

    A lady I hadn't seen for a while said, "Wow, you've lost a LOT of weight...You look GREAT!"

    I could have dealt w/ that OK, but she kept on going...... " I mean, WOW! I cannot believe HOW MUCH YOU'VE LOST...I can't get over it!"

    By now, I'm feelin' the urge to deck her......as the thoughts run thru my head, " Just how FAT did she think I was to start with?"

    So, I say all that to say that I have NO CLUE...
    I'm hurt if someone doesn't SEEM to notice, or SEEMS to be indifferent if they did,
    but I am also not completely comfortable IF they do say something...
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    In today's society of being politically correct, they are probably afraid to offend you by saying anything. That would imply they noticed you were overweight before

    this. I finally asked my nephew point blank and that is what he said. he didn't know how to say how great I looked without implying I looked awful before.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Aside from jealousy/ their own insecurity, that is.

    I've come from XXL to M, and the only people who have said anything are the ones who already know I've changed my lifestyle around. Everyone else either hasn't noticed, or... something's keeping them from commenting on it. They're still just as friendly though, so I don't think they're being insecure... Or maybe I just need to lose more :laugh:

    I know I've gotten significantly thinner. I know I look much better. I just want to know why sometimes people don't notice/ say anything. Not just to me, but in general.

    I echo a few other's sentiment.

    When I gained weight in college then lost it, my *now* husband told his mom, "Wow, she's REALLY lost the weight." It kind of embarrassed me...even though I knew I looked terrible when I gained and looked much better at that time. I was still just sensitive that I had let it even get to that point.

    So when I notice someone is losing, I do always comment and tell them that I'm proud of them and they look so much happier, etc. But I do watch my wording because if someone has just recently lost the weight they may be a little more sensitive at the time.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Have you ever complimented someone for losing weight only to find out it was due to a pretty serious illness?? Yeah. Awkward.