Housemate keeps fridge full of junk food



  • pagesofastream
    pagesofastream Posts: 5 Member
    I think there's been a miscommunication.

    Since I can cook, my housemate doesn't want me storing prepared food in the fridge. As in, my making more than one meal at a time, or more food than I can eat in a sitting. I'm not complaining about the fact that I have to cook, I'm annoyed that I can't cook in batches.

    @collectingblues .
    Actually, all food is from shared grocery money. It's technically also mine, it's just terrible for me. And they are the kind of person who rejects anything with a recognizable vegetable. Our food usually stays apart okay because of that.

    @amy19355 .
    They never wash their sheets, and don't seem bothered a bit. I think they're rotting.

    @Lounmoun .
    You are describing what I would really prefer to do, foodwise. I just don't have housemate cooperation, and we're both paid up til June.

    @snickerscharlie .
    Junk like hot pockets, eggnog, soda, and miscellaneous super-processed meat producets, such as chicken nuggets and meatballs. And they like to only get sale food, so they stock up. It's the only part of this I sympathize with them on.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    We are sharing a brain today, @pinuplove. That can be a good thing or really, really scary. :D
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    @snickerscharlie Well stop it! I don't really have enough to spare :lol:
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    @snickerscharlie Well stop it! I don't really have enough to spare :lol:

    But 2 halves = 1 whole. Might be mutually beneficial.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    The shared food budget is because I have an irregular income. I'm a freelance carpenter and writer. They have a steady Walmart job. I usually pay a bit more than them, but when sales are slow for me, they pick up the slack. Makes sure neither of us goes without.
    They usually have four to eight days of food in there, and yeah. Freezer too.
    The issue with me moving is my carpentry equipment, which is hard to move, delicate, and hard to find a tolerant housemate. The issue with them moving is they don't want to.
    I'm beginning to realize perhaps I should just get my own fridge...

    That was going to be my next suggestion. Just a small bar fridge should be plenty for you!

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I have to agree that if you are equally sharing the rent/grocery budget, you are allowing yourself to be walked all over. Claim a refrigerator shelf and a portion of the freezer and do what you need to do.

    If you aren't equally sharing the rent/grocery budget, then you need to determine if the money you are saving is worth not being in control of your diet. Perhaps a one time purchase of a cheap dorm room style mini fridge would be worth it so you can keep some prepped stuff in your room? Otherwise, log whatever it is you have to eat, stuff a bag of frozen veggies in the corner of the freezer, keep fresh fruit and veggies in a fruit bowl in your room, and stick to your calorie goal knowing your diet won't be quite as healthy as you'd like it to be.
  • I don't get the issue. I have two roomates who don't eat anything like I do. They grocery shop together, cook meals for the two of them, etc and share food, I grocery shop for myself, and cook for myself. The only thing that is kind of an issue is space, but we make it work for now.

    If space is that much of an issue go on craigslist and buy a mini fridge to store your food. You can get a decent one for under a hundred.