What makes you happy?

SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
What are 20 things that make you happy? For me (in no particualr order after the first three):

1. My Creator
2. My kids
3. Nana & Papa
4. Going to church
5. Rodeos
6. Horses
7. Cowgirls
8. My friends on & off MFP
9. My cowboy hat
10. My boots
11. Coaching Sports
12. The ocean & beaches
13. Being a scout leader
14. kids
15. scalding hot baths
16. Louis L'Amour
17. Country Music
18. Hand Knitted Sweaters
19. wrestling
20. Sports

Smooches my gorgeous loves!


  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    1. My kids
    2. My family(parents, brother ect)
    3. My relationship and the man I'm in it with
    5. Iced Coffee
    6. HUGE defensive hits on college football games
    7. Having a job and a roof over my head
    8. My kids, family, and boyfriend all being healthy(oh yeah and myself)
    9. Cooking
    11. Ben
    12. Jerry
    13.How lucky I really am
    14.Having the guts to leave a loveless relationship and make it work all on my own, after basically being a trophy wife(lmao, some trophy!)
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    14.Having the guts to leave a loveless relationship and make it work all on my own, after basically being a trophy wife(lmao, some trophy!)

    And for that...you're so strong. I wish I had that ability.
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    1. God
    2. My awesome husband
    3. My boys
    4. My business
    5. My church
    6. Pink! (it's my favorite color)
    7. Nail polish ( have around 50 bottles, maybe more)
    8. SHOES!!
    9. My church friends
    10. MFP
    11. Koda & Jax (my cats)
    12. My bed
    13. Exercising
    14. Reading my bible
    15. My relationship with my mom
    16. Sitting on my couch watching one of my fave 5 movies
    17. Trading texts of movie quotes with my brother
    18. My hair (been natural for 2 years)
    19. Music
    20. My new body!
  • Michellerw1
    1. My partner
    2. My dog
    3. My cat
    4. Pasta
    5. Sunshine
    6. Thunderstorms
    7. Snowstorms
    8. Running
    9. Science (yup, nerd)
    10. Crafts/creating
    11. Pretty makeup
    12. My family
    13. Spicy, bold red wine
    14. Reading
    15. Guacamole
    16. Gardening
    17. Visits with old friends
    18. Boating
    19. Cleveland Indians
    20. Kisses

    Accccck I want to put more hahaha.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Without the obvious ...SHOES!!!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    1. Salvation
    2. My family
    3. My dogs
    4. My career/students
    5. Reading
    6. Running!
    7. Trampolines
    8. Dancing
    9. Cooking, especially decorating
    10. My friends
    11. MFP
    12. Singing/Performing
    13. Swimming/playing in the water
    14. Volleyball, tennis
    15. Indianapolis Colts & Peyton Manning
    16. Vampires, werewolves, supernatural creatures
    17. Musicals!
    18. Reality TV competitions
    19. Tall men with great shoulders and teeth
    20. Geeks, fashion, shoes, jewelry, and intelligence

    (okay, I cheated! Great topic, mister!)
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    1. Salvation
    2. My family
    3. My dogs
    4. My career/students
    5. Reading
    6. Running!
    7. Trampolines
    8. Dancing
    9. Cooking, especially decorating
    10. My friends
    11. MFP
    12. Singing/Performing
    13. Swimming/playing in the water
    14. Volleyball, tennis
    15. Indianapolis Colts & Peyton Manning
    16. Vampires, werewolves, supernatural creatures
    17. Musicals!
    18. Reality TV competitions
    19. Tall men with great shoulders and teeth
    20. Geeks, fashion, shoes, jewelry, and intelligence

    (okay, I cheated! Great topic, mister!)

    Love your #1 & #16!!!
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    I'm reading other people's and thinking, "dang, I should put that" :happy:
  • JessicaMarie9382
    1. God
    2. My Family
    3. All my friends
    4. My job
    5. Football season
    6. Sunshine
    7. Holidays
    8. Achieving my goals (both weight-loss and life)
    9. Music
    10. Coloring
    11. Ice Cream
    12. Vacations
    13. Swimming
    14. My kindle
    15. Random Acts of Kindness
    16. Iced Chai Tea Lattes
    17. NSV
    18. Self-esteem
    19. Love
    20. Meeting new people!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My children (when they aren't driving me beyond the edge of sanity)
    My husband
    My parents
    My little sister
    My nice and nephews
    Feeling loved
    Singing to an audience
    Feeling that my body is working for me
    Apples (ok, this theme could go on a while, I'll stop there with the fruit love)
    Sunsets over the South Coast when the sky is deep blue and the light is red
    Dorset, the whole county
    Having a reason to dress up and go out and be an adult
    Big sparkly rocks
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    1. The Holy Father
    2. My son
    3. My husband
    4. My family
    5. My friends( MFP included)
    6. My health and strength
    7. Listening to music
    8. Dancing
    9. Singing, even though I sound horrible, lol.
    10. Going to Red Lobster, not that much lately :0(
    11. Sitting on my back porch
    12. Reading mystery books
    13. Talking on the phone
    14. Playing phrase 10
    15. Playing angry birds
    16. Playing in the back yard with hubby and son
    17. Learning new and challenging things
    18. Working out
    19. Eating
    20. Cooking a new food and it turn out good
  • wolfey24
    wolfey24 Posts: 28 Member
    1- My Children
    2- The Beach
    3- Swimming
    4- Basketball
    5- Vacations
    6- Family get togethers
    7- Long walks
    8- Music, trying to sing and dance:embarassed:
    10- hot tubs
    11- dreaming:love:
    12- My family
    13- baking
    14- tanning
    15- lifting weights
    16- romantic comedy movies
    17- animals
    18- shopping
    19- long drives, seeing new things
    20- love
  • beautybrainsbooty
    beautybrainsbooty Posts: 122 Member
    mannnn, I love posts like these. Keeps us in a state of gratitude :bigsmile:
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    In no particular order

    1.Reading a good book or poem.
    2.Looking at leaves changing colors.
    3.Taking a walk.
    4.Watching the raindrops on windows.
    5.Collecting turtles.
    6.Candles burning.
    8.The smell of magnolia blossoms.
    9. Acoustic guitar playing.
    11.The smell of honeysuckle.
    12.Cerulean blue.
    14.A smile.
    15.Jade green.
    16.The smell of bread baking.
    19. Wildflowers
    20.Long slow kisses.

  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    1. Anna
    2. Jasper
    3. Stella
    4. Painting
    5. Singing
    6. Random happy dances
    7. Quiet evenings on the patio
    8. Wine
    9. Playing the piano
    10. shoes!
    11. Shopping
    12. Sunsets where the sky looks water colored and amazing
    13. My friends
    14. When I snort from laughing so hard. I go to an entirely different level after that. :)
    15. Making inappropriate shapes when playing with playdough
    16. Strawberries
    17. My bestie.
    18. Feeling HOT in this new bod!!
    19. Working out! Fixes me right up
    20. snuggles
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    1. My Faith
    2. My family
    3. my friends on and off mfp
    4. Learning
    5. music
    6. gardening
    7. recreational reading
    8. Christmas
    9. writing
    10. photography
    11. The ocean
    12. the mountains
    13. art
    14. journaling
    15. celtic music
    16. drumming
    17. tea
    18. Hand made gifts
    19. peacocks
    20. Husker football, hockey, figure skating, boxing
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    My salvation, it wasn't free it cost God His Son.
    My husband/best friend - he is one in the same.
    Being blessed to be a mother.
    The rest of my family.
    My church and friends.
    My dogs; past--present--future.
    Vacations at the beach, especially Cape May.
    Working with our church teen group.
    Chocolate; even though I am staying far away from it right now.
    Having money left after all the bills are paid.
    Eating out--especially seafood.
    Movies that make me laugh.
    Books that make me cry.
    Walking thru freshly fallen snow in the woods.
    The beauty of fall and all the colorful trees.
    Flowers and hummingbirds.
    Floating on a raft in the pool with the hot sun beating down.

    This was fun, but difficult. Thanks Ed.
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    2-My Husband! :)
    3-My pets
    4- Being in the back of an ambulace (as the care provider NOT patient)
    5- School
    6- Learning
    7- Being American
    8-Being Southern
    9- The ocean
    10- A good drink
    11- Good Music
    12-A cute outfit
    13- Animals
    14- Working out
    15- Other Navy wives
    16- Friends
    17- Traveling
    18- Family
    19- A goodnight's sleep
    20- Sunshine
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    15. Random Acts of Kindness

    Really good one. Love it.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    The smell of mandarins