Tired every day but getting decent sleep?



  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Get TSH lab work to get a first impression of your thyroid function.
  • itzcath
    itzcath Posts: 94 Member
    Excessive daytime sleepiness can be caused by sleep apnea. Might be worthwhile to do a take home sleep study. I hope you find out what is causing the fatigue :smiley:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,474 Member
    edited December 2018
    Get a proper thyroid panel including fT3 and fT4, but also ferritin, Vitamin B12 and folate, and Vitamin D tested.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I also recommend seeing your doctor.

    A few months ago I was feeling so exhausted and was also getting more migraines...so I went to the doctor.
    The doctor just picked up on a few various symptoms and comments and put them together. Turns out I was sleeping really badly - I truly had no idea how bad.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    edited December 2018
    How long has this been going on? Also, what are your stats, how tall are you, how much do you weigh, what is your goal weight, and what rate of loss are you aiming for?

    Couple of things:
    - You are not eating very many calories and it could just be you're not eating enough calories. The reason we take diet breaks is because it helps us refocus and see how everything is going. If you have a break and find that it's got better, well then you've found your answer. It's because you're not eating enough.
    - In a similar vein: As you're not eating very many calories it may be that your diet is deficient in something, not getting enough iron (for example) can make you feel tired, and switching up your diet can sort that out.
    - Oh, and eat back your exercise calories. I see you said you didn't, which mean if you're only eating 1200kcals a day, you are definitely underfeeding yourself. Those calories are meant to be eaten back!
    - Are you drinking plenty of fluids? Dehydration can make you feel tired
    - Have you recently changed the amount of caffeine you consume. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are real. As is caffeine dependence. If you want to change your caffeine consumption, do it slowly.
    - Could you be suffering from SAD? Fatigue can be a symptom and if this has come on only in the last month or so, it could be the effect of the changing seasons. Getting some sunlight during the day, such as going for a short walk at lunchtime, can really help.

    If none of this seems to apply to you, then go see a doctor. But seriously, increase your calories first, as it'll probably be the first thing your doctor suggests. And eat back those exercise calories!

    Remember that when you are tired all the time, often your NEAT decreases (as your body tries to conserve energy). Meaning that over a normal day you burn less calories living. That might be partially contributing to your decreased loss rate. These are subconscious things, so you've probably not noticed them however they massively add up. Sorting out your fatigue will probably help with your weight loss.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Today was the last day of my monthly cycle could that be making it worse if my iron is low?

    Do you have normal periods, or "can't leave the house, get woken up throughout the night" periods?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I took a diet break in oct for about a month.
    I currently eat anywhere from 1200-1400 calories a day. I have been staying closer to 1200 because I was really trying to amp up my weight loss.
    I only work out twice a week and I don’t eat those back.
    I really don’t want to take a break because I just took one in oct.. and I haven’t lost a lot sense oct.
    I will book a appointment with my doctor.

    I would increase your calories a bit until you see a doctor. Maybe go to maintenance until you get checked out. If everything is fine then maybe have a smaller deficit and slower loss.

    When I was exhausted no matter how much sleep I got or how much I ate it turned out to be a thyroid problem.
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    As others have mentioned before, seeing your doctor and raising your calories are both solid ideas. It may be fatigue from not enough for our your thyroid. It may also be an issue with low iron or low b vitamins. You can't know until you see your doctor.

    Some things your can do to help until then:
    Obviously, eat more calories. I agree that half a pound per week is a great rate of loss. If you only have 20 pounds to lose, 1 pound a week is your maximum that you want to lose per week.

    Are you a meat eater? If so, maybe add an extra steak a week. I don't officially have low iron at the moment because my test came back good. I do have a history with low iron though and that level of fatigue sounds oh so familiar. I'm not saying that it is the problem for you and you should definitely see your doctor. However, you may want to try having some liver. I usually make a chicken liver patè that is really tasty with carries. That usually helps when I'm getting a little low. If you want a recipe, feel free to pm me.

    Again, I am not a doctor and you should still see yours, but maybe have an extra serving of red meat with your extra calories.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Joining the chorus of blood test time. If everything there comes back OK, consider increasing calories for a while. I recently tested low in ferritin (but not quite anemic), which meant my diet was lacking in iron and my body was stealing from its stores to keep me (barely) afloat, so make sure they check for that in addition to the usual iron levels. Also, as already suggested, Vit D and B12. A full panel just to cover your bases.
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    I don’t eat 1200 daily that’s just the least amount I eat. Most days are 1400. Also the days I work out I definitely don’t eat 1200 calories I eat 1400.
    I’m a stay at home mom but I’m not very active to I find I don’t need a lot of calories.
    Already made a doctor appointment.
    I will say I went to bed super early last night and I do feel a bit better today.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    How are your macros? You mentioned the drop in calories, but have your macros switched up recently? When you described tired and foggy, my thoughts went to carb intake. I know a lot of people report those same feelings when the carb intake drops, so you may have unintentionally bumped those down lower than what your body likes when you lowered calories.
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    I think im getting enough carbs here’s my macros for the last week!
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    1041g over 7 days averages out to 149g per day. How does that compare to before you started feeling tired?

    149g would be fine for me, maybe even a little high, because that's around the place my body likes. A lot of other people would consider that too low. I've seen low carb defined as up to 150g, so if you were eating more carbs before, it could be the culprit.
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    I checked and it is a bit lower. So should I up my carbs a bit or just wait it out and see if it goes away?
  • ElC_76
    ElC_76 Posts: 3,054 Member
    edited December 2018
    So I’ve been on my weight loss journey sense June. I’ve lost 21 pounds. I’m recently trying to amp up my weight loss and lose another 20 pounds. I’ve been eating healthier and really trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep.
    I am seriously exhausted everyday.. I feel like my head is in a fog and I’m needing three cups of coffee a day just to get though. I know that coffee is not the answer because it’s only making the problem worse.
    Im wondering if maybe I’m lacking certain vitamins, or not enough calories..
    Anyone else experience something similar and found a solution

    Yes,.. I am totally the same.. I'm struggling with my last 10 kg bc I am like led. I have been trying different things and occasionally I get a good day. but I'm not sure if it's my patient PT that's pushing me along or it's the different high nutritious foods and vitamins I'm having when I remember or have the energy to have them.
    Sport I haven't read though all this thread but I am super interested in how you've gone.if you've got help or not.

    I feel embarrassed bc I'm want to be a support to others , so far I've lost near 30 kg now I'm fighting myself to get going.
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Talking to your doc, as you say you plan, is the right answer. Don't let us internet amateurs play like diagnosticians and tell you what the problem is.

    Comprehensive blood tests and other medical work-up are the right idea. It could be one of the things people here have mentioned . . . or not. No one mentioned sleep disorder; that's another possible one.

    +1 to doctor.

    Definitely the doc with blood work should be your first step. Please do not supplement with iron before you know if that is the issue. Don't play the guessing game because you could end up adding another issue to your problem. If you are not iron deficient & start supplementing, the excess will store in your organs rather than flush out of your body if you don't need it.

    I was anemic years ago & took a natural source iron rather than medical-grade high dose supplements and the reason is that your body can only process so much iron & what doesn't get processed stores in other parts of your body. Plus it will constipate you...not good!! Anyway, if iron deficiency is your problem, please look into the source of supplementation. Just food for thought.
  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    Agree with what's been said: go get your TSH and iron levels checked.
    I had brain fog and was feeling exhausted all the time, even on my days off and found out I have hypothyroidism.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Lots of good suggestions to talk to your doctor about. I second the sleep disorder one. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after reaching a reasonable weight and keeping it off. I was sleeping 8 hours a night, but clearly it wasn't restorative sleep. I hope you get your answers. I go through phases of what you describe, but can usually attribute it to the darkest days of the year. Be sure to press for answers. You know your body. Don't get blown off or dismissed. Good luck and come back and tell us what you find out.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    1041g over 7 days averages out to 149g per day. How does that compare to before you started feeling tired?

    149g would be fine for me, maybe even a little high, because that's around the place my body likes. A lot of other people would consider that too low. I've seen low carb defined as up to 150g, so if you were eating more carbs before, it could be the culprit.

    Yes, this is a definite possibility, 150g is on the edge for me. Below that I start getting ketones. And feeling tired.

    Others have already given good advice, get a full workup from your doc!