What are your 2019 exercise goals?



  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Goal: 160lb bench (current max=150)
    Goal: 225lb squat (current max=210)
    Goal: 300lb deadlift...
  • TimeToReduceFat
    TimeToReduceFat Posts: 127 Member
    Looking to lose around 15 Kg.
    I have started C25K program. Hoping to be able to run 5Km next year. Improve my cardio health.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Is that a newly acquired medal @Chieflrg? h.

    No, I'm too lazy to take a pic of my most recent one. They look identical. :D
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    I’m ready to finish that marathon in January!!!!!
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I have a 1/2 marathon in February. I need to build my climbing skills on my bike. I want to do a mountain ride through the California Redwoods in July.
  • twatson4936
    twatson4936 Posts: 121 Member
    Break 25 minutes for a 5K.
  • sheltondq
    sheltondq Posts: 51 Member
    I have a few goals this year...
    1. A running friend and I have decided to try to do 1 race(5k or longer ) every month. We have planned to do the Shamrock Half, Highbridge Half, and Richmond Half Marathon so far as a few of the races . I’m hoping for a PR.
    2. Lose some weight.
    3. Build endurance
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Big goal: complete a Spartan Sprint with my husband.

    Smaller goal: rehab my hip impingement so I can train pain free (that’s already going in the right direction!) and avoid surgery. To achieve small goal: be consistent with mobility and flexibility work. I’m horrible at using my precious gym time for this...so I’m trying an at home program.

    Small goal 2: do an unassisted chin up. I’d love to do a pull up, but I’m starting with the chin up bc I’m so close!

    Cardio goal: do at least one 5k with my two older boys, and one on my own to beat my personal best.

    @GottaBurnEmAll , I’m in the same boat looking for a flexibility/mobility program that’s not yoga. I’m looking to rehab my hip, but also to gain more ankle mobility and shoulder stability (and general flexibility) so I can progress in my lifting injury-free. I’m on the 2nd week of GMB Elements course (and starting their Flexibility one) and so far I’m liking it. Already my hips aren’t popping every time I lift my legs up to put pants in :lol: Anyway, something to look into.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Thanks for the recommendation @gradchica27 !
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Mont Tremblant 70.3 (half iron distance) triathlon in June & Toronto Waterfront marathon in October with a handful of half-marathons & shorter triathlons thrown in.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,910 Member
    Be able to run 9 minute miles again for at least 3 miles. I've lost speed and strength over the past couple of years or so.
  • 7rainbow
    7rainbow Posts: 161 Member
    Hoping to do some yoga/stretching everyday in 2019! It's a big goal (for me at least) but I've already started working towards it. Can't wait to see how it changes me, mentally and physically! 💪🏻
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    To run at least one race (5K, 10K or half marathon) every month in 2019.

    To really dial in my nutrition (aka way less sugar!) to get back to my goal weight.

    To ramp up my strength training so I'm ready for my Spartan Sprint in November! I'm so excited for this -- checking off a bucket list item. :D
  • PennyP312
    PennyP312 Posts: 161 Member
    With a baby due in February, my main goal is to get my squat, deadlift, and bench back up to where they were before pregnancy and hopefully, beyond.
    Also work back up to 6 days a week at the gym.
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    Complete my first half marathon, hopefully in March or April but anytime during the year will do!
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    I have never benched 3 plates on each side in my life. I never really did squats, until I started last december, I never really ever deadlifted at all either. I started doing all of that in 2018.

    Here is my profile

    197 lbs, down from about 215lbs last December
    a hair over 6'

    Here are my 2019 goals.

    Bench 315 lbs
    Squat 350 lbs
    Deadlift 450 lbs

    See my abs??? :wink:
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    I want to be able to run a 5K.. last time I was training for one I injured myself (long time issue) and ended up having back surgery that put me out for over a year and half.. but I'm ready to try again 💪.. as soon as it stops snowing 🤣
  • jackis54
    jackis54 Posts: 5 Member
    Bike my age in miles - did that until 2018 when an injury or two kind of derailed it(no pun intended). I have 2 multi-day bike trips coming in NZ in Feb and and indoor rowing race in CA in late Feb. I will have my first self-guided bike trip in the San Juan Islands probably at the end of August. That's all I have on deck at the moment.