The holiday depression and or anxiety support group



  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    I've cried so much this week. Some justified tears, some just ridiculous ones.
    Where's my muthatruckin bottle of rum at?
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Strive for worlds okayest...much more peace in being okayest

    Okayest mom
    Okayest cook
    Okayest friend
    Okayest host
  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    @FeelinFooFoo Sorry to hear about your cat. She was a beauty. It's the third year without my "firstborn" cat and the pain of losing her still hits me hard on occasion.
  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    The Christmas season is a lonely time for me. Don't really know why. I have a spouse and kids at home, so shouldn't I be happy? But at work I feel downright sad. Everyone else seems to be in the spirit and spreading joy. I just fake it.
  • crampus1
    crampus1 Posts: 519 Member
    The Christmas season is a lonely time for me. Don't really know why. I have a spouse and kids at home, so shouldn't I be happy? But at work I feel downright sad. Everyone else seems to be in the spirit and spreading joy. I just fake it.

    Fake it till you make it. Or die. The story of my life
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    I legit have anxiety that the town meth heads are gonna break in my house looking for Christmas gifts. Tis the season for extra thievery.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    Like the neighbor's car alarm just went off and dogs barking like cray, so now I'm on edge and can't fall asleep.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    Like the neighbor's car alarm just went off and dogs barking like cray, so now I'm on edge and can't fall asleep.


    Get a dog... I could loan you one of mine, maybe?

  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    Like the neighbor's car alarm just went off and dogs barking like cray, so now I'm on edge and can't fall asleep.


    Get a dog... I could loan you one of mine, maybe?

    I want a doggo soooo bad! My rental doesn't allow pets and no fenced yard. But I'm moving come summer so hopefully I'll be able to get a fur baby.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    Y'all....I HAD to go to the WalMarts today and it was a complete madhouse! But I had my earbuds in listening to music which helped so much. There was a kid with a bloody nose and his a-hole dad was screaming at him and I barely even noticed. Winning!
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Yeah... tell me about it. I'm sitting here all alone after my friend asked me 4 hours ago if I wanted to go run errands with her... but I guess family showed up unexpectedly so I'm alone while my husband is playing D&D with our other friends, and I made him take the kids too because my friend was supposed to be picking me up, and my daughter did NOT want to go, so now I feel like a *kitten* parent again too!

    Of course that got me thinking that I have no family around and really not many friends either, and that I'll always be pretty much second best to everyone's family (I know it's normal... I just feel like nobody cares about me sometimes). And I always seem to be the one trying to get together with my friends, and it's just exhausting sometimes...

    Also, my son was finally diagnosed with ADHD after failing at school for 3 years (he's in 5th grade), I still haven't managed to get him on medication because the two doctors can't seem to get their *kitten* together, I'm getting judged by some people for putting him on medication (he has no impulse control, still pees his bed, and can't write to save his life - theres probably more to that than ADHD too but we can't do any further testing until he's on meds). Daughter still has tantrums over anything and they are both completely obsessed with electronics and like NOTHING else. So we can never do anything together as a family without one of them complaining about it. Hubby is obsessed with his video games (online, that he can't pause when I need him), and is playing D&D every week end, seems too lost in his world to follow what's going on with the kids sometimes, and I just feel like a single mom way too often (really... he should help with homework and I shouldn't be the one telling them to take showers and go to bed EVERY single night).

    Then my 1yo female dog has started attacking our 14yo dog for no reason, so we've had to separate them constantly for 3 weeks now. So there's always a dog crying because he/she's not with us (the 3rd dog is a doll and is good either way, but he will join her in attacking the old dog if she starts, and he's 90 lbs, so it's not fun) and I'm stressing out all day making sure that they all get time with me/time outside/access to water. Poor 14yo dog has arthritis and is always limping everywhere, and the young dogs keep pestering my 17yo cat, and now that the dogs have to be separated, she hasn't been able to spend much time with me at all.

    I'm also constantly exhausted, still have anemia, the new dog wakes me up at 5am and I have to get up every morning with him, hubby goes to bed way too late because of his game to be of any help, and I've had a chest cold for weeks and have probably gained 10 lbs back again because I just end up in coughing fits after 5 minutes on the treadmill.

    So... kids are excited about Christmas. I kinda was too, but after asking my friends 3x what we are doing for dinner and them not having any idea, I just told my husband that I'm not making anything and I'm NOT going to the store at the last minute because people can't make up their mind (to be fair, he did go today, but he bought turkey breast, which really isn't my thing, but at least I won't have to cook). The only close family we have are away and I don't really get along that well with them anyway... so my friends have pretty much been my family in the last couple years. We usually see some of my husband old friends on Christmas' Eve but it's 90 minutes away and we always end up getting home late, and still have to put the presents once the kids are (finally) asleep, and I'm just too tired to want to go this year (plus, I just end up eating too much anyway because I don't really know anyone).

    And the house is a mess because hubby put the decorations up but didn't put any of the boxes away (but when does he?).

    Also I don't think that the anxiety meds I've been on for 2 months are really helpful.

    Anyway... I'm sorry this turned into a rant. Just feeling sad and lonely right now.

    And I'm so sorry @feelinfoofoo for your loss. It's always so hard to lose pets.

    I’m sorry. It does sound like you’ve got a lot on your plate and not a lot of support to handle it all.
    I’ve been dealing with a similar issue with two of my dogs for several weeks now. If you haven’t taken the older dog in for a full checkup really recently, I’d be sure to do so. As I’ve been working with our vet, a couple trainers, and some rescue groups trying to figure out why one of mine has decided to attack the other and find a solution, the consistent question from every professional we encounter has been whether or not there could be a health issue in the dog who’s being attacked, because if there is, the aggressor could be picking up on that and stressed by it.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    bojack5 wrote: »
    A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."

    Stephan Hoeller

    Stupid ol' Stephan can keep his pearls.

    I'd rather just kick back in the Sun, maybe put my feet in the surf; he can have the injured life. I'm good without it.

    Wouldnt we all rather live the the uninjured life, although not sure ive ever met someone that hasnt felt pain......


    That being said, some folks live a charmed life compared to others (obviously).

    Life is difficult for most everybody at some point in time.

    It's the issues beyond one's control that are the most troubling.