Christmas leftovers

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed and tempted by all the leftovers, or is it just me? We do lots of candy in the stockings, and man those calories add up fast. Suggestions?


  • confidenceinrain
    confidenceinrain Posts: 104 Member
    We make our chocolate last a long time. Just a little per day. We were away so have no leftovers but historically cook the meat into a curry or something with vegetables.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,670 Member
    I bring unwanted food gifts (such as hostess gifts of candy) to the homeless guy at the tube station. I am probably responsible for a lot of bad teeth.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Candy makes excellent exercise fuel.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I give all my extra food to my brother or take it to work, where it gets gobbled up quicker than a pack of wolves to a carcass. Fortunately, we don't host so it's easier to get away with only taking our own leftovers instead of being left with so much extra.
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    It’s tough, because I was raised to “clean my plate” and not waste food, but at the holidays, I have to give it away or throw it away. If it’s here, I nibble.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    zonkos101 wrote: »
    Does anyone else feel overwhelmed and tempted by all the leftovers, or is it just me? We do lots of candy in the stockings, and man those calories add up fast. Suggestions?

    I'm tempted by the leftover ham. I'm putting it in the freezer.
    I gave away a lot of our cookies so we only had a manageable amount in the house.
    Packaged stuff like candy I can eat a piece here and there over a couple of months. I put it away in a drawer or something. I get pretty tired of a lot of sugary food.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    My Christmas chocolate will last to Easter, I will have no more than one or two pieces per all depends on how your willpower is.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I divvied up the dinner leftovers to freeze for lunches. I did keep one portion out to eat yesterday but when I went down to breakfast yesterday I realized I hadn't put it in the fridge. Oops!

    As for sweets, I got one individual candy bar and then a bag of individually wrapped chocolates. I ate the bar on Christmas and will eat the others over time. We didn't make a dessert for Christmas this year. Our family get-together will be on Sunday and I'll make cake for that. My plan is to eat a couple giant pieces and then turn the rest over to my nieces/nephews.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Food I have trouble moderating I:

    1. Don't bring into the house.
    2. If they are already in the house, I put out them of site, like in a cupboard I don't often open, or behind stuff, or up high, or downstairs in a box tucked away, or for perishables in the downstairs frig or freezer.

    I've learned that if I have treats after lunch, this is a disaster for me, but I can moderate after dinner. (Other people are the opposite.)

    So last night I fit in two candies after dinner, and then some cranberry gingerbread as a bed time snack.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    We still have loads of Halloween candy when Christmas rolls around. We toned it down on the stocking and give pajamas every year and a few choice items, but with all the Christmas cookies and other bakery goods we don't purchase much else.

    I use the candy and running fuel and bring a bag of Skittles, Dum-Dums, etc. in my pack, so rarely just sit and eat. It's just a learned behavior and has become habit at this point. Note my weakness it potato chips, so I just make sure this isn't available 80% of the time. I still eat these things, but in moderation.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    So many people gave me christmas cookies, and for the most part I just passed them right along to others...everyone who showed up at my house went home with a sandwich bag full of goodies...whatever candy doesn't get eaten this week will go straight to work after new year...for me as long as I log it I'm good with enjoying a few goodies, but keeping it around too long, then it starts to be just a mindless eating habit and I don't like that.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    I received candy in my stocking including 4 Snickers bars. Luckily I'm a good moderator of candy and I hike and I love candy bars when I'm hiking. So no worries there.

    However if I had received potato chips it would be a different story. I would eat those over anything else in a heartbeat.