The ONE simple move you can do TODAY that will change your l



  • ohpretty
    ohpretty Posts: 58 Member
    For me, having my laptop is much much MUCH worse. I haven't turned on the T.V. all but 3-4 times since I moved here 5 months ago.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Get rid of your TV. NO..dont`just limit your watching, or cut off the cable. GET THE TV OUT OF THE HOUSE. CAN do this. It`s perfectly OK and doable for EVERYONE. Sell it, put it in storage, give it away.

    It will change your life. You will get more done, you will read more, exercise more, and yoru kids will realize they can play OUTSIDE

    ps..also do this with any vid game systems in the house.

    Get rid of the computer AND the TV, and double your success.

    Yeah. That's going to happen. I don't even watch TV and still managed to get fat [by sitting on the computer, in part]. I use the TV now for my Wii and my 30DS.
  • Ajontheguitar
    I use my TV for knowledge, surprisingly. I watch a lot of different type stuff anyway.

    My xbox is my form of stress reliever too.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,281 Member
    i forget to watch TV. Don't really need to get rid of it. I have two kids and I guess they are like me they seem to forget too. Computer however that is another story.
  • jc4199
    jc4199 Posts: 1
    Na just do the commercial work out. Every time a commercial comes on start doing sit ups or push ups. but do as many as you can in the time the commercial plays.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,281 Member
    I like netflix too. It is really the only time I seem to use my TV but also watch on my computer. I am thinking of lowering my number of movies I forget to watch them too.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    My biggest problem is my laptop not TV and i cannot get ris of my laptop, its th eonly medium through which i log on MFP and burn calories and eat clean...

    All we is need is discipline....
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I have a computer (obviously), but limit my time (which I can manage to do since i don`t play games and such). If it was taking hours and hours of my your boots Id get rid of it. I guess it boils down to what sedentary things are sucking up too much of your time. You could apply this to any bad habit really..but TV seems to be one that most people have..and don`t even think to get rid of for some reason.

    It's interesting to me because my most sedentary habit, aside from my cross-stitching while watching tv - is my reading. I am a voracious reader - usually on my days off I plow through 3 or 4 books in a day. I don't usually think of my reading as a bad habit - but I suppose it is sedentary when you get right down to it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,281 Member
    I have a computer (obviously), but limit my time (which I can manage to do since i don`t play games and such). If it was taking hours and hours of my your boots Id get rid of it. I guess it boils down to what sedentary things are sucking up too much of your time. You could apply this to any bad habit really..but TV seems to be one that most people have..and don`t even think to get rid of for some reason.

    I am not arguing with the general idea that people should not spend too much time on TV. It just isn't that people always have sedentary things sucking up their time. Sometimes the sedentary thing is a job or school or taking kids to activities or all three. I work out at least an hour a day. If I don't it isn't the TV. Actually it was while watching the TV that I decided I could run and I do. However generally as I said I don't really watch TV much. I even have the Zumba DVDs and don't have time to use them since I am doing so much exercise. So maybe you could just tell your story about how the TV was a hinderance to you and what you did about it. That I could learn from since I could replace TV with other things that are in my way and be inspired. I like to read alot. When I had a job with a huge commute that was the only thing I really had time for that was fun. I usually only read just before going to sleep or while waiting. It was time that was too short for much else. It was my only me fun besides family fun. Goodreads was the first website I ever got on. Maybe it made it possible to find MFP. So reading was maybe sedentary but it wasn't a harmful influence. It got me through those busy times. It was really the commute that was the sedentary influence of my life. The economy took care of it for me. So now I look for jobs, exercise but really don't watch TV. I will keep mine though. It may once in awhile inspire me to get out there and try something I didn't think I could do like run like those people on the biggest loser. When I do remember to watch a good movie on netflix it often inspires me as well. Often the stories are about how people overcome difficulties in life. I suspect that behind this post is just such an inspiring story.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't really advocate getting rid of anything. I have plenty of time to get everything done I need to do every day, and I still have time to play on the computer, play video games, watch tv, read books, and hang out with friends, all while supporting my family and raising a daughter. It's a matter of prioritizing and doing it. It's called time management, and throwing out the tv is not how you learn to manage anything.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's nothing wrong with an occasional slice of chocolate cake. Just like there's nothing wrong with watching an hour of tv. If you need to eliminate something completely from your life in order to not abuse it, then that's an addiction and not normal behavior.
  • kimziebaby
    kimziebaby Posts: 133 Member
    Eh, i workout in the AM.. So i watch TV at night for a treat.
    My TV is not going anywhere, we have a beautiful relationship. :)
  • kimziebaby
    kimziebaby Posts: 133 Member
    There's nothing wrong with an occasional slice of chocolate cake. Just like there's nothing wrong with watching an hour of tv. If you need to eliminate something completely from your life in order to not abuse it, then that's an addiction and not normal behavior.

    well said!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    How would I watch my 1980's porn on VHS?????
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    How would I watch my 1980's porn on VHS?????

  • FaithsVegWorkout
    How would I watch my 1980's porn on VHS?????

    Oh, I'm sure someone has uploaded it somewhere. ;)
  • bhagavatilad1
    sorry I have to say this is a bit extreme just limit your TV viewing time.