Screw this I'm done ( just started P90X as well)



  • CMoney412
    CMoney412 Posts: 28 Member
    I totally feel you .... The entire story. It feels like, can't I just live a normal life without my weight getting completely out of hand? But the good news is, our bodies are not static ... And the scale can be a liar. Do not let your self-esteem and commitment to your vision be measured by a number.(I am telling myself this too.) and I see you have a quote from wooden, so what would wooden say? This is where courage, commitment, and determination come in... It's easy when the journey is easy, but when it is difficult is when you find out what you are really made of. The difference between an Olympian and the average athlete is the willingness to get up when we fall and not give up. If it were easy, there wouldn't be thousands of peOple on this site ... Not to mention the people who are trying to do this alone. But the difference is that we are not alone .... I, for one, feel you more than you could possibly imagine. You just helped me in your post ... I was felling so despairing, almost suicidal to be honest, because it gets like that sometimes when our core feelings of low self-worth get activated. The good news is, the scale will go down again. And then it might go up. But this is living, right? Forgive yourself for letting other priorities surface (you did say it was work, right?) and I see you have a wife and kids. Stop with the perfectionism! We are living in the solution today! Together!!!
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    Macbarbie1966........ You are really an inspiration.... Thank you:flowerforyou:
  • Diveryanfitness
    First, don't get discouraged! It's far too easy to become discouraged and quit or skip your workout for the day.

    Second, screw the scale!! I weigh in only about every couple weeks ~ sometimes once a month. Your weight WILL fluctuate and that is discouraging. I've lost and kept off 51# since spring 2009, and have seen fluctuations of a few pounds and it's depressing and de-motivating. For example, I was 3.5# up from yesterday, and it sucked. But my 34" jeans now require a belt and I can no longer wear my old swim trunks! My XL t-shirts hang on me like a burlap sack now.

    My son had his sleep-over birthday party yesterday and at the party I had a sloppy Joe, potato chips, a peanut butter cup, and some Mountain Dew (skipped on the cup cake though, lol) but I also found myself making "mini-joes" out of the meat and potato chips. Later we had frozen pizzas for dinner and I had 4 pieces. I didn't keep track of what I ate and I am afraid to add it all up!

    I've bounced around a bit in weight (10# here and there ~ especially around family/holiday get together's) and I felt like crap when that happened. Now I've learned that for me, it's OK to enjoy a treat in moderation now and then. My take is it's better to give into a craving here and there (controlled of course) rather than depriving yourself and building a monster inside that will devour everything once it gets loose. I go out with friends for dinner or after a dive (I'm a scuba instructor) and have a couple beers, but then have a salad (or other low carb/calorie/fat choice) to make up for the beer. I'll have a mini-blizzard with the kids after a soccer game, but then will run around with them after we get back home.

    It may not be the best way to go about it, but I figure it works for me and I'm able to forgive myself for those little unhealthy eating moments by making up for it somehow. So today, I'll take a 20 minute jog with my son before I do Cardio X (instead of X Stretch) to burn off those birthday party calories.

    Keep pushing play! You'll see the results soon. Oh, and make sure you have taken those Day 1 pictures and measurements. It's great to see your progress.
  • DavidMStephens
    With those kinds of work outs, you are strengthening, therefore growing muscle. Muscle TRUELY weighs more than fat. I remember a few years back, I went from 280 to 235 and flattened, even gained a little. I didn't realize, until I ballooned back up to 265, that I was gaining muscle. My BMI continued to drop but weight was going up. I felt the same as you and quit the diet and exercise. 2 years later, I am back at it and struggling to get below 245! DONT QUIT. Stop weighing yourself and just measure BMI. If it goes down, Great! If it doesn't then readdress your techniques.
  • SouthernButt
    Bump for the super sad weight stall that has happened with having just started P90x. I was on a steady decline (of course with a stall or a pound or two gain here and there) and since I have started P90x I have noticed about a 4 pound increase since the morning after I started. I forgot I had read about this "phenomenon" with intense workouts like this. So interesting!! Imagine, before the internet what people were thinking? What if they didn't have access to publications and books to inform them otherwise?

    So, is it safe to assume that just with everyone else and every other issue there is no specific week or phase I can look forward to see the scale start to drop? I am pretty strict about my diet. The only thing I may be doing that isn't right is getting enough calories in. I am not hungry so I assume I'm doing ok. It's not that I fear eating too much and getting "fatter" it's just it's a lot.

    Also, I didn't get a measuring tape until today and will be measuring in the morning. That's on day four of P90x. Better late than never, right? I figure there's ample water/blood retention but I should still measure...?

    Anybody else enjoying the ride and in a similar place as I am?

    I just did Arms and Shoulders and I feel awesome. I know that feeling will dissipate tomorrow morning. Eek.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • FitnessChick707