

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    welcome back Barbie we missed you to.

    I am so bummed that I have gained most of the weight back. last year at this time I was 30 pounds lighter than I am now. I can't seem to figure out how to do the exersize thing with work. My eating hasn't slipped that much but I do drink more alcohol than I should or than I did when I was losing. I know I will find something that works for me but I am really felling low right now.
  • rozie229
    rozie229 Posts: 12 Member
    Of a 1,000 calories ingested as food before menopause, 700 of them would be used and around 300 of would be stored. After menopause, 700 will be stored and only 300 will be used! This is a huge difference, and the outcome is weight gain!"
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good Morning ladies.... I am going OUT today, someone is picking me up, and I am going to play BRIDGE, with my group.... I can't drive for 4 more weeks, (that sucks), but it was my right knee that was done, sooooo, can't drive with me left one.
    Tonight we are going to babysit for the new granddaughter... so daughter and SIL can go out to dinner.
    Didn't get on the scale this morning, ate before I could do that, and forgot..
    Just finished breakfast, nice to just relax, and drink my coffee without having to rush somewhere sometimes eh?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Just picked up 2 of "my girls" from the groomers and do they look purrrrty!!! The brown one, Ruby, and the brown and white one, Libby, have long hair and the black one, Molly is a smooth~ dachshund, that is~and really doesn't need to go to a groomer.

    Nonetheless, EVERYONE gets a treat on "groomer day"!

    Glad to hear your recovery is going so well Natalie~ a fearless, positive attitude like yours will do wonders for you!! Is your pup in your profile pic a long hair chihuahua?? Such a cutie anyway!

    Robin~ WATCH those calories in booze, doll~ they're gonna getcha!! I try to choose wine on drinking occasions and will even mix with diet 7up for a spritzer that lasts longer.

    Rozie~ you crack me up!! How true it is.......

    Got to the gym and walked on the treadmill today~ I usually do a Jillian Michaels DVD at home because 1, it's only 20 minutes, and 2, I LIKE being yelled at and threatened to work harder and bring my "A game"!!! lolol Nah, Jillian's OK, she's just highly motivated........

    OK, got to give my babies some "mommy-love" after the groomer trauma......check back later~
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Everyone!Missed you all.trying to catch up .Was sick last week.The move triggered an asthma flareup and 2 infections.On the mend now.
    Cathy-prayers for your brother.
    Natalie-u r making progress.have fun on your outing.
    Michele-Prayers your way for the biopsy.My sister just has one and was freaking out.Thank God is was normal.It`s understandable to be nervous.
    Everyon else have a good day.
    Welcome to anyone new or anyone I personally missed who needs prayers.
    Have a great fri.
  • middleofseven
    Hello everyone, I am new to the site so I am going to take a few time before I get everyone straight. I am 51 and thought I had been on the site before but lost track of it. I am going to attempt to do better in the future. My weight has been a problem for me from the time I was raped at the age of 9. I tried to hide my body that was completely developed by then and I was already having my period. I have been in therapy for a few years.

    Enough on the past ( there is too much to go into on here)

    I am working towards a goal of losing from my highest of 275 SW MFP 249 CW 247.9 only lost 1.1pounds in a month. That is not acceptable to me. I have physical limitations that I am trying to rectify (lessen pain) on a daily basis. I have days that I can't get out of bed because of Migraines. Loosing the weight is my ultimate goal I need to get down to 110lbs as I am only 5ft now. I have lost 2ins over the past 2 years.
    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabeties 1yr ago. I was at my highest weight then. I am interested in the greendrinks that I have been hearing about. Any info that you have available please send my way.
    Thanks for listening to my ramblings, I look forward to more talks (less on the poor me) in the future.
    Marian aka middleofseven
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Well, my goal is to show up, so I'm doing ok.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Rebel, congrats on the new grandson, Zachary, that is reason for a happy dance :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Sissy, I'm so glad the news was good from you follow-up mammogram:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Barbara, congrats on the good check-up:bigsmile: :bigsmile: good health is even more important than the numbers on the scale

    :bigsmile: Michele, I hope all goes well with your biopsy.

    :bigsmile: Robin, don't give up, maybe you can find a plan that helps you eat more veggies and less alcohol

    :bigsmile: Natalie, glad to hear that you will be able to get out......take it one day at a time and the four weeks of no driving will pass before you know it

    :bigsmile: Rosie, your dogs are darling :bigsmile: what would we do without our furry four legged friends to fill our lives with love

    :bigsmile: Jane, glad to hear that you are on the mend.......you are always so encouraging to all of us

    :bigsmile: Marian, It's good to hear that you aren't going to let any physical challenges get in the way of your journey to the goal of being slimmer and healthier :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: ahavoc.....the longest journey begins with a single step so showing up is definitely the way to get going :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today was the line dance performance at the county fair......there were eight of us doing eleven dances and I think we did a great job. my hubby couldn't come and watch because the man showed up to install the new garage door opener and hubby had to stay home to supervise:sad:

    :bigsmile: I am so glad to be back to reading your posts and logging my food and exercise:bigsmile: I do so much better with a routine
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome rhian! Sounds like you have a good handle on your eating, that's wonderful! I don't know if I could live without chocolate. I don't need it all the time, but never? I'd have a tough time with that one, so I give you lots of credit.

    rozie - another thing occurred to me today about plateaus. I usually exercise for about an hour/day. I know that when I go to FL where the classes are 45 minutes, I will lose. Also, the same thing if I exercise for more than an hour sometimes. Maybe mixup the amount of time you exercise if you do the same amount of time all the time? Surely can't hurt

    Sissy - in a way, I'm grateful that the biopsy is Tuesday. Wish it were today or tomorrow, would give me less time to stress (and stress eat, I've already started in on the stress baking).

    Bought some zucchini and made a chocolate zucchini bread. I accidentally left the zucchinin on in the food processor too long, but in a way it was a blessing in disguise. The zucchini is so small that you really can't see it in the bread. So....I took 1/2 of it to this gal at the Y and I'm telling Vince that I made a different chocolate bread and to please tell me how it is. I just accidentally on purpose omitted the word "zucchini". Update: Vince said the bread was very choclately on the outside but as you get to the inside there isn't as much of a chocolate flavor. I just said (which may be true) that perhaps the cocoa didn't get mixed up that well with the flour.

    barbie - no interrnet! Isn't that the pits??? Did you feel like you were cut off from the civilized world....lol? I remember once we lost power (and therefore Internet). Bryan had no idea what to do with himself! I thought it was so funny. We're so glad to have you back! You've been missed sorely, but glad it was for a good reason

    ritamerlot - thanks for the good thoughts. I'm going to (try) to be optimistic. Say, is that a bellydancing costume in your pic? I took a bellydancing class a while ago and a few things really struck me. One was how very comfortable the women were with their bodies. Some of the women were BIG, and I do mean BIG, but they had no qualms whatsoever about wearing the short tops and displaying the rest of their bodies. The other thing that really impressed me was the comraderie amongst the women. It was almost like a sisterhood. To me, that was very special.

    Robin - can you perhaps have 1/2 club soda and 1/2 of wine? Wonder if that'll help you. You may even have to start out 1/4 and 3/4.

    Natalie - I remember when I broke the bone in my foot, it was the right one. What a pain it was to have to have Vince drive me everywhere! So I fully understand how you feel. Just think, pretty soon you'll be back to your old self. Already you are better than before the operation, you'll just do better and better

    Mirian - welcome back! I was wondering where you'd been. So glad to have you back. Glad to read that you're not letting anything hold you back

    Well, the PLAN was to do the Stairmaster today. However, there's no way I can put that much pressure on the ball of my foot (where the wart is). So I just rode on the stationary bike for 45 minutes. Then I went to a taichi class. I like the woman in that she spends a lot of time talking about how the body heals itself. I tried to stand up while biking, and there's just no way. It is better than it was yesterday, tho. Tomorrow...yoga I was surprised to see my yoga teacher in the taichi class. The biggest problem I have with the taichi class (besides feeling like a fish out of water) is that the instructor has such a heavy accent that I find it hard to understand her most times

    Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes for Tuesday. Keep thinking those positive thoughts........

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Welcome to the new folks....you are going to love it here!!

    I have been out of sync since last weekend....trying to get back to my schedule but fighting it at the same time. I am logging in ...but later than usual. I did get back to the gym. I just feel like I go back to my old choices---with heavy carb foods and sitting- not exercising--when my schedule gets thrown off. I do know that in the long term, I need to live in a new way no matter what is going on in my life. Coming here and reading your posts really does help me.

    Michele.... I hope all goes well with the medical issues. What a day you had!!

    Rosied and Rozie...welcome! I do love yoga and have been practicing for a very long time. I now teach two classes a week and I love that too.

    Barbie..... So glad you got your pets back....a house feels so different without your pets. Our newf passed away a few years ago but we have two dogs who live on the other side of our house (we are in a duplex) and they are here all the time...thank goodness!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I on track and feel great about it. I fight all the bad things that go through my mind and feel like a winner. My weight and exercise seem to be on track. Sometimes I don't want to walk but with the help of my hubby we do. After its done I'm happy we did it. It might rain today so I hope we can get to the gym to burn calories.

    Started here 2009 have been up and down but never got to my goal weight. THIS TIME i AM. I have to many medical problems to ignore it.

    For so long I felt my life was just not worth anything. I was a happy and funny person and I want that back for sure.

    Thanks to all the people that send me messages of encouragement.

    Kathy (plantlady) Really should change that name cause I have very little plants left. Just lost interest in spending time on them. But, maybe I will again.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I've not posted in a while - I am still logging etc, just seem to be super busy and get very little time in front of the computer (not a bad thing as it means I'm moving more!)

    DH is trying very hard not to grieve for his father - but I can tell he's struggling, so I am trying to be as supportive as I can without smothering him. Neither of us are sleeping particularly well and we often end up talking in the wee small hours. All I can say is thank goodness for my early morning cup of caffeine!

    Can you believe that my gorgeous grandtwins have just turned 9 months old and Molly has taken her first steps! She is such a precocious little thing. I'm certain that she will run rings round her brother Teddy until he gets up on his feet too!

    I must apologise for not responding to everyone's posts - it's difficult to keep up these days. However, you are all in my thoughts each day and I send you all fond hugs and welcome to the newbies.

    Must dash - I want an hour on the treadmill before DH gets home.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Weekend to everyone, I hope it's a good on for you and includes some kind of exercise and staying on goal

    Ahavoc, I loved your post, short and to the point but you made your goal, it made me laugh, I am not downgrading your effort, just applauding that you posted and didn't just lurk.

    Middleofseven, I want to tell you how brave you are to share with us. Stick with us and we will be there for you. I am always amazed at the stories and life drama that such a small group of woman share with one another. You are all truly amazing and inspirational woman..

    It's a gym day today, we usually try to go on Friday but my hubby hurt his rib the other day bumping into something and didn't feel he could exercise yesterday..so he will start back today with a reduced program until he feels better.

    Have to run, xoSissy
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Took a nice long ride with hubby around the cape. We had dinner I had a garden salad with grilled chicken breast, with balsamic Vinaigrette and unsweetened Ice teal As I drove I had unsweetened Ice tea with lemon. I could not believe how it filled me up. b/4 I would have had Fried clams plus and appetizer and a bloody mary. lol

    What a great day!!!.

    Could not wait to get home and log in.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Amanda - you have been doing an absolutely awesome job logging, you should be very proud. Those twins are already NINE months old! I can't believe it. Time surely is going much much too fast

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll probably go on Vince's recumbant bike for an hour.

    After the biopsy I'm not to immerse myself in water for 48 to 72 hours -- showers are OK, tho. Guess it's good that the pool is closed for repairs. The bad thing is that I won't be able to practice bowl since for 48 to 72 hours the heaviest I can lift is a gallon jug of milk. Looks like I'll be doing mostly cardio next week. Can you tell that I'm getting a bit concerned?

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    will keep you in my thoughts for when you have your biopsy, Michele

    and, in answer to a question you asked earlier, yes, that's a bellydance costume. i've been dancing since around 2005. i love it and would recommend it to anyone with any body shape.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: a beautiful 78 degree sunny day today......too beautiful to stay indoors.:bigsmile:

    hugs and best wishes and encouragement to all.

    Hubby got the garage so well organized today that we were able to put both cars in :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: quite an accomplishment after only a week in the new house.:bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Checking in with you again today, I lost 1 more lb. yay...
    I have a Question ... does anyone know what to do about plantar faceitis? Not sure how to spell it but I have it, and I can't walk for excercise and I love to walk. Any suggestions would be soooo helpful.

    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone, I'm back from my 4 day holiday in Bridlington. Sea air very refreshing, and went for a walk on or near the beach every morning. Feel so much better, the weather was lovely. I'll try and put some photos on later.

    :flowerforyou: Mynika I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago. The pain was so bad sometimes I just wanted to cry. I bought some heel supports from a shoe shop and they helped a lot, I also had ultra sound treatment at work. I had to keep walking though as I don't drive, so I walked slowly - I was given exercises to do by the physio, he told me to stretch my calf muscles by sticking my heel out. I must have looked a strange sight stopping every few paces and stretching my calf muscles. My daughter says she didn't realise how much pain I was in - she still wanted me to go with her to walk the dogs. I think I only missed a couple of times when the pain was so bad and I'd already walked a lot during the day. The pain went away after about a year and a bit, went as quickly as it came, I still get a little bit of pain in my heels every now and then, but it soon goes away thank goodness. And I still have heel grips in my shoes and soft inserts, I find I can't wear anything too hard on my feet even now.

    :flowerforyou: Still have loads of posts to catch up on, but need to go and get the dinner sorterd, I'll check in again soon.

    Viv xx
  • lillie961
    I know what you mean i don't get too hung up on how much i weigh the most important thing for me is how i feel on the inside and how i see myself in the mirror
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Been a long week, worked my scheduled days and had call ins on top, good paycheque. Keeping up to the fasting, I'm still feeling good no effects from it. Have not hit the gym steady, but I will get there. Calorie intake for the week thus far, has been between 1800-highest to 989-lowest. My worst calories come from olive oil and breads. I must keep my breads for the B vitamins, but I am looking at different ways to decrease the oil.
    Hope all is well here, I have been reading some books to pass time on my days off, thus no bordom--no snacking. The weather is rain or cloud, temperatures are slipping abit at night, the autumn is arriving on time.
    We have a new addition to our family, Ben, a yellow lab. He is a few handfulls at the moment, two months old and full of energy. He has responded to training quite well. My cats give him room and give him a word or two when their tails seem to be the toy at the moment. No claws or violent tempers have been shown, so I think things will be okay. Buttons is happy to have something to run and play with her, but Ben is heavy, we have to watch she does not get hurt. I'm all about discipline in the house, so they mind me.

    Continued good luck for everyone and keep true to yourself.
