Handstand Challenge



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    4 half marathons in 5 weeks meant I was sore a lot of the time lately and just did stretching instead of daily handstands.

    Then I swam freestyle a few times and have had sore neck/shoulder muscles this week.

    Handstands yesterday made the neck flare up. Will stick to stretching/balance/core/splits for a while.

    I do hollow body and L-sit to do at least something towards better handstands.
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry to hear about your soreness and injuries @Orphia. A break from handstands sounds like a good idea.

    I am still plodding along with handstands but not really practicing daily at the moment - rather simplyt going to class twice a week and doing stretching and conditioning work daily. My handstand is looking good but is nothing special. I will make January my back to daily handstands challenge as I really want to nail a minute hold and straddle press in 2019 and these won't happen if I just wish for it - i have to work for it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    how is everyone's handstands going and what are the intentions for next year.
  • wanderingarcher
    wanderingarcher Posts: 694 Member
    edited December 2018
    I’m in!
    Thanks @mbaker566 !
    Just starting out...

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    It's going. I made tremendous progress last year which I totally credit this thread. Next year I really want to work on my consistency. I'd like to be able to stick it pretty much every attempt. And to continue to work on opening up my shoulders so I can fix my form and not have to muscle through it.
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    I'm still going. Not as consistent as I would like but at least I am doing two classes per week. My plan for 2019 is to do a 365 days of handstand challenge as I want to improve my consistency. Apparently my lines are beautiful but lenghty balancing is elusive. Big goal for 2019 is to master the staddle press handstand and stretch target is one handed balancing.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I'm still going. Not as consistent as I would like but at least I am doing two classes per week. My plan for 2019 is to do a 365 days of handstand challenge as I want to improve my consistency. Apparently my lines are beautiful but lenghty balancing is elusive. Big goal for 2019 is to master the staddle press handstand and stretch target is one handed balancing.

    I would LOVE to get a straddle press, but I have the feeling it's going to take me longer than a year to get there. I've got to work on my flexibility first.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    I'm looking forward to much improvement in my handstand for 2019.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    I'm still going. Not as consistent as I would like but at least I am doing two classes per week. My plan for 2019 is to do a 365 days of handstand challenge as I want to improve my consistency. Apparently my lines are beautiful but lenghty balancing is elusive. Big goal for 2019 is to master the staddle press handstand and stretch target is one handed balancing.

    I would LOVE to get a straddle press, but I have the feeling it's going to take me longer than a year to get there. I've got to work on my flexibility first.

    I'm nowhere near flexible enough for a straddle press handstand either.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i would like to be able to hold off the wall, maybe from an l-stand. a press up would be nice but first i have to find my balance
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    After about 5 days just stretching, today I tried handstands again.

    Touched wall with one foot, held 4 seconds, light touch, held 5 seconds, light touch, held 9 seconds.
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    I tried a new handstand instructor/class today. Probably the best I have ever tried. He promised me that he would get me to a 1 minute balance though he ripped my technique to shreds as I need to focus on balance not line or form apparently which is the opposite of what I have been previously been taught. It is exciting.

    @mom23mangos - straddle press is more about core strength rather than flexibility. Well that is what my circus handstand teacher tells me but now I am doubting everything that I have previously been told.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I tried a new handstand instructor/class today. Probably the best I have ever tried. He promised me that he would get me to a 1 minute balance though he ripped my technique to shreds as I need to focus on balance not line or form apparently which is the opposite of what I have been previously been taught. It is exciting.

    @mom23mangos - straddle press is more about core strength rather than flexibility. Well that is what my circus handstand teacher tells me but now I am doubting everything that I have previously been told.

    Bwahaha. I'm so happy you really liked this new class. I'm sure you will have your minute before you know it. I'm pretty sure that if you can't forward fold or pancake that you will not be able to straddle press however. I just don't see how it would be physically possible. Your previous teach probably took for granted that people could already do those things.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited December 2018
    i would imagine if you can get your palms to the ground there is the possibility of straddling up.
    when i attempt, i feel like i can't keep my balance.
    we had a surprise student from out of town so we focused on handstands rather than tangentially yoga related things. i had no balance. so i hand balanced.
    (we worked from videos, i hoped that didn't put off the out of town student. we break it down and rebuild. it also helps the regular student learn to verbalize what she is learning. my regular student has a hard time saying it)
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    Happy 2019 my fellow handstanders!

    Today I kicked off my 365 days of handstand challenge. Woohoo. My motivation is high as I am determined that this year is going to be the year I reach my handbalancing goals.i have committed myself to 3 handstand classes a week to help cement the daily practice so it become a daily ritual for me.

    Sounds like a fun class @mbaker566 -always good to mix things up.
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,471 Member
    It's going. I made tremendous progress last year which I totally credit this thread. Next year I really want to work on my consistency. I'd like to be able to stick it pretty much every attempt. And to continue to work on opening up my shoulders so I can fix my form and not have to muscle through it.

    This is pretty much me, but I would add that I also need to learn how to breath while in handstand! As soon as I take a breath it knocks me off balance! :sweat_smile:
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    My kids made me PVC parallettes/dip bars for Christmas, but I also wanted a smaller, lower set I could easily bring to the gym, so I whipped up a wooden set this afternoon. First attempt at a parallette handstand. The height difference makes kicking up really difficult. Managed to balance for a few seconds at least.

  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    Very impressive @mom23mangos. I am far to scared to try that un my parallettes even if they were closer to the ground. Sometimes I practice on yoga blocks but it is equally terrifying
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Very impressive @mom23mangos. I am far to scared to try that un my parallettes even if they were closer to the ground. Sometimes I practice on yoga blocks but it is equally terrifying

    It WAS scary! I overshot just once, but it was like OH CRAP! It doesn't look very high, but it sure feels like it when you are upside down.
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    I had another handstand class at my new gymnastic studio tonight.

    It is amazing how much variation I have seen about what is taught in a handstand class by going to different places. At the pole dance studio I go to there is hardly any focus on technique and form rather working on pretty poses. At circus school, it is a lot of core conditioning and drills for handstand presses and circus hand balancing moves. At the new place is about technique and getting to a balanced handstand ASAP. It is fascinating really especially as the goal is meant to be the same for all of them.