Help! My spouse is an enabler!

adnuckolls Posts: 13 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been a member of MFP for 45 days now - and I've lost 12 lbs. I find this awesome but it's so hard! I'm realizing that my hubby is an enabler! Yesterday I was on my target all day and exercised and was within my calorie goal but I came home from work last night and my hubby was taking a homemade pizza out of the oven. How was I to resist all the warm, bubbling cheesy goodness? I ate 2 pieces. Consequently, it put me over my goal. This has happened on more than one occasion. I create weekly meal plans and grocery lists to make sure I'm getting the best, healthiest food for my family, only to be at the store and have him calling me, asking to buy strawberry pop tarts and pepsi! Seriously?!

I've told him that this isn't helping me and that I seriously struggle with food issues. He doesn't get it. He says he understands but I know he doesn't because he's never been overweight a day in his life. He has been eating healthier foods with me and just "cutting back on the soda" and he's lost 5-10 lbs. He brought home oatmeal cookies from the bakery the other day and I ate 3. I told him to take the rest of them to work tomorrow so they wouldn't be in the house. I'm a SAHM during the day and work a few nights a week, so I knew those cookies would be calling out to me all day if they were in the house. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this through to him? I'm trying to be nice about it but I feel he's hindering my success. Thanks!


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Congrats on only eating two pieces. Good portion control.
    Its a tough situation, but what is he supposed to do? Eat in secret?
    You should make an agreement that certain foods won't be in the house, but other than that, ots your issue, not his.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Men just don't seem to get it that we burn a LOT less calories than they do. My bf can down a whole day's worth of my calories at a single meal, and he has 10% body fat. Yet he can't keep up wityh me on the jogging trail! I find myself struggling with the same thing you are here. I save for cheat days, when I am with him, and that's how it is going so far.... Not the best solution...
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    My other half eats no end of crap, and stays ridiculously skinny.
    He keeps waving yummy foods in my face, i just stick with the image of his metabolism catching up with him and we having to push him around in a wheelbarrow.
    It works!
    Plus, refusing the food makes you feel great!

    Keep going, you're doing so well.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Doesn't sound like he forced you to eat it.

    My OH eats pizza and fried chicken I just choose not too, if you are at work and someone brings in something do you eat it?

    Ultimatly at the end of the day it is your decision what you eat, if he made pizza, or brought cookies it doesn't mean you have to eat them.
  • I am probably going to sound like the bad guy here, but here it goes. I am in the same boat, my fiance is skinny, bicycles everyday and loves to drink soda and eat really unhealthily, it makes it really hard when I am trying to keep on my diet plan.

    While I think you should just keep on him about certain things (especially about unhealthy things he wants, if he wants them he should buy them.), other things you are just going to have to have the willpower to say no to (don't get me wrong, I struggle myself.). While your family and friends are there to support you, it is you who has the choice whether or not to eat things. It is your choice to eat the pizza or not to eat the pizza.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    I have been dealing with the same issue. During the weekdays, my fiance works away, so he isn't home.. It's the weekends that are my problem. I get totally sidetracked especially with my exercise. Honestly though, I've definitely gotten much stronger willpower against food, I am amazed. You really need to just stick to your guns. If you are gonna have that cookie, then you better schedule in some time for an extra exercise. Until you can control your cravings, there really is not much you can do. You can't force your husband to be understanding of your situation, because he has never dealt with it before. All you can continue to do is explain to him how much he is hurting your progress every time he asks for the junk. Try to implement more healthy ingredients when he wants to make a homemade pizza, whole wheat crust, low fat mozzerella. There are plenty of ways to make that junk food still look like junk food in his eyes, but be low in calories for you. It's all about compromise. He needs to bend a little to help you out, and I'm sure he will be willing to try. Good luck..
  • My mom does the same thing, but lately she's been eating away from me. She'll go out and have a meal and not bring anything back. I think it really comes down to have a bit more self control, and having him truly see what's best for you as well! :D My boyfriend was the same way. I gained 65 pounds in a year! Now im paying for it, i've lost 42 lbs so far but I have a long way to go, as I plan to lose more after that. Men tend to eat more, truth is I can't do the same. I have a completely different body. I think it's best to have a little more effort on both of you and meet in the middle. It's one of those tough irritating situations, believe me I've been there.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Gotta get tough if you want a healthy body, an enabler has no power on his own only if you allow them power do they actually have it.

    I agree with dmpizza, about the eating in secret part, now that wouldn't really be fair would it?:laugh:

    It takes time for others to get used to the idea of us changing our habits, and if he's not interested in changing his, that would be up to him right? No different than if he told you that you couldn't bring healthy food into the house.

    We all have to bad do we WANT IT?? ...the health, not the food!:tongue:
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    I suggest sit down with him and have a heart to heart. If he wants those things ask him to make a smaller portion that is right for him and prepare the planned meal for you. Then if you want take a bite or two of his but stick to your plan. If he truely supports you he will respect this. It is hard to say no to food and when it is around it calls your name.

    Another thing I have been doing is distract myself from the food. I have two small children that like pizza and snacks. They are active and at their ideal weight so I do not want to not give them only healthly food. They should be able to enjoy the unhealthier stuff also. So when I make or purchase these things for them I tell myself that they need it I do not. Every once in awhile I will take a small portion of their food but overall I tell myself that it is not worth it.

    I LOVE food and this is not easy I fight tempation every day. But I have been useing this method for about 45 days and I do not feel like i am missing anything. Hope this helps.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    You just need to let him know you appreciate his thoughtfulness and his kind gestures, but he's not helping you attain your goals. If he doesn't understand or stop, he may be trying to sabotage you. Maybe he thinks you want to lose weight for reasons other than being healthy? Not sure, but he should understand and cut back or stop bringing you or making you foods he knows you can't resist. Just MHO.
  • I feel your pain my wife is the same way always bringing home junk food. :(
  • My husband walks to a neighborhood water ice place EVERY NIGHT and buys himself water ice. He offers it to me every time out of politeness. I always say no. He's 6'2" and weighs 153. He never tries to force me to eat anything, but he still buys stuff that is tempting to me (crackers, pretzels). Sometimes I eat it, sometimes I don't. I certainly can't force my tall thin hubby to diet with me!!!
  • hsavas
    hsavas Posts: 14 Member
    Mine is the same way. He "supports" me, but doesn't have the issue himself, so brings home crap for him and our son.
    I like to keep WW pizza in the fridge for myself for when they order pizza. And I hide my fiber one brownies and don't let them eat them b/c they are MY treats for when they treat themselves. I suggest that next time your husband makes a homemade pizza, get out a FF wheat pita, lite cheese and veggies and make one yourself! Keep that fun family activity, just change how you do it. You can't really expect him to change who he is if he doesn't have the same issue you have- although it would be great if the world shaped to US, the problem here IS US. We have to learn to change how we respond to temptations.
  • MB4ever
    MB4ever Posts: 18
    I feel your pain. I have been trying to change my eating habits going on my third month. The first month was easy because I felt I could conquer the world and what everyone else ate didn't bother me. The second month I was craving, and seeing that the food or drinks was there I'd have a bite or just a drink and then I wanted more the next day and by the end of the month I was back to drinking soda again :(. I made me feel like such a loser. Why couldn't I do it? The I realized after I was weighed and only lost a few lbs. that month that anyone in my circumstance would have done the same thing. My husband has agreed to keep sweets out of the house as of now but he said he won't give up his soda. He just doesn't understand how I will end up drinking it if it's here. If he would realize how much better he would feel without drinking it he would stop.

    I'm sorry you have to struggle, but I think you saying take it with you is probably the best way to deal with it. I am as well a SAHM and work out of my home as a photographer. It is hard when we don't go out and have the foods easy and within reach. Seems at times it calls my name when it shouldn't. It nags at me until I finally cave. I make sure now that the food that speaks to me this time around is food that is better for me. This is my first time dieting/changing the way I eat and I'm am learning so much from here and friends. I hope to be able to carry this kind of thinking about food for life.

    This month my frame of mind is back to not drinking the soda. So day 4 without having it. I just have to make sure I have a lot of other good things to drink. Maybe one day I will be able to not crave it ever again. Until then I'll say moderation is the key.

    Good luck and I wish you well.

    Hugs n Luvs

  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    Here is exactly what I would do- he's making pizza? Make yourself your own pizza- on whole wheat pitta bread with fat free mozzarella. He wants sugary soda? Buy it for him, and buy yourself some Crystal Light or Vitamin Water Zero. He'll see the good choices your making, you'll keep seeing your results, AND you might teach him a lesson in healthy eating, all while beating your cravings ;D

    If he's gonna be stubborn, you can be too- stick to your guns and show him how it's done! :devil:
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    Good luck with your self control. If he isn't dieting, and wants to cook a homemmade pizza....that is fine. I am wishing you the best of luck with this. : ) I really am! But, remember, just because YOU are dieting .....doesnt ,mean everyone else has to be. Cooking healthier for the whole family is great....buying groceries that are also great.... Having healthy snacks around for the family will make them realize that they may ACTUALLY like this stuff!! : ) Also, there is a recipe for low cal oatmeal cookies floating around on MFP....look it up. See if your husband likes them. I even read about cauliflower pizza being delicious! I looked that up and it look like a real pizza! lol
    He probably shouldnt have brought those cookies home...he should have been more considerate on that BUt, have things in your house that you can eat instead! It is all about choices..... Noone can blame somone else for eating a slice of pizza, eating ice cream etc. I've been there...I would get mad because my in laws would invite us to dinner and they would have cake etc...knowing we were all dieting....but, that is life. It was my issue if I didnt have enough will power to eat a small slice....or to say no. WE all need to realize that we are responsible for ourselves....: ) We have to learn to have will power!!! : ) We can do it!!! You can do it!; )
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I usually hide the stuff I don't want to eat somewhere that I won't see it (like on top of the fridge if it doesn't need refrigerated) & I always just forget about it. Mainly because I'm not really craving those things much but when I see them I want them.

    It is really hard to resist temptation but at some point I decided I don't want to keep doing this to my body. I'm really serious this time and this is the most weight I've ever lost changing my eating habits & I am not going to ruin it.

    I do eat treats but only if I have enough cals left.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I hear ya! It does not matter how much I say it everyone around me eats what they eat! I still eat the bad stuff and loose weight I just have to eat in moderation. When it come to me wanting a specific goal I pack all my meals and eat separately from everyone else. I pack my own foods and I don't think about there food. If I have an urge that bad than I take it as a loss and try to work it off or change for the next meal. I have been doing this since January and I have made it this far. Now I have a goal right now to work on a flatter belly and I am working on this till September 1st so I already told my husband to plan his own meals for dinner cause I am watching until then. Only clean foods for me and if I put anything different into my mouth its my own fault. You can do it and do not telly yourself otherwise! Us as people who are watching there weight will have to come above others and no matter what it will be hard but you can do it! I know its hard to hear others tell you to deal with it but unfortunately we have to. I choose to quit smoking and have been smoke free since April but I don't tell others to quit. Its there choice not mine although I would wish them to do the healthy thing, my friends still smoke and as much as I would like to join in to there smoking I do not as a choice. Use this as a way to channel your wants and exercise harder it will help. Find something that helps you not think about it!
  • I am a man, and while men can generally burn more calories than women, metabolism plays a major part in this equation of overall body fat composition. My wife is like your husband. She's never been overweight a day in her life. She's 5 months pregnant with our third child right now and she looks amazing. From behind you can't even tell she's pregnant! To top it off, she's a gourmet cook, and her favorite way to express "I love you" to me is through a meal. I am the opposite. I've struggled with carrying just a little too much body fat most of my life since high school. I've been pretty atheletic through high school and college, but I've never had a six pack. Not even close. It was not until I made a strong dedication to fitness AND nutrition with a big audacious goal of becoming a triathlete that I started to really lose the body fat. Unfortunately, I fell in love and got married to the world's best cook before I reached my ultimate fitness goals, and somewhere along the way I gave them up. I've gained over 30 lbs since then at my heaviest before I joined MFP and started training again. I struggle with the exact same things you are: homemade pizza (mine's from scratch and can feed like 8 people), homemade cookies, dinners loaded with butter & cream. I've been blaming her cooking (and the demands of our children) for my weight gain for over two years now. The truth is, this is MY problem. I've had to make time to exercise and discipline myself to control what I put in my stomach, regardless of what my wife makes or how much she makes. She's compromised with me some and has been making healthier meals, along with not leaving cookies in the house, etc, but in the end, this is my issue, not hers. I have to take responsibility for it. So do you.
  • Runninginafatsuit
    Runninginafatsuit Posts: 78 Member
    Are there some treats that he likes that you dont like or are not that tempted by? Have him just try to buy those, if so. Another solution would be to have him have a box in the pantry with his junk food that you can't see into and know nothing about. He could also try not to eat those goodies in front of you....or only buy enough so that there's just a small portion for him. That's all I got. We've been doing some of these ideas with my DH, who is also on the skinny side but loves junk.

    Most of all, I think it's important to buildup will power against temptation. Someone mentioned earlier that no one is forcing you and that's true. We have to live in a world full of temptation (outside of our door) but it does make it so much easier not to have temptation sleeping in bed next to you :)
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