Binge Eating

Please help me.

I used to binge eat to cope a few years ago and recently it has started happening again. I am literally like a locust and consume everything in my sight at night time. Does anyone else have experience with this? Has anyone beaten it or is anyone going through it currently?

I wouldn't mind some friends to support me on this journey.

I have been trying to keep a food diary but usually give up because the binges are literally out of control and unloggable.



  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    It’s weird to think that a diet caused me to binge and now a diet has helped me stop binging.
    I did partially raw vegan 1.5 years ago, lost too much weight, was told I needed to gain weight, ended up binging and shot past my starting weight pre-diet, and now I’m fully raw vegan again and the binging has stopped. I think it’s more determination than anything, though. I’m hoping to lose enough weight to get a PR in the marathon in May and to fit into some of my old clothes that I love. And I want to feel more confident with myself and talk to this guy I’ve had a crush on since middle school.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Looking at your diary, it looks like your logged calories are very low (echoing Ksharma that I recognize you maybe aren't logging your binges). You may have more success keeping the binges in check if you are willing to up your logged and planned for calories to *at least* 1,200. Restricting down to what you're doing really perpetuates that restrict-binge cycle, and the first step to breaking free of that is getting adequate planned nutrition.
  • fatmonsters
    fatmonsters Posts: 30 Member
    Perhaps increase your daily calorie goal so the day isn’t as restrictive overall. Second the protein recommendations above.

    If you are binging at home during the day, then leave your house and go out. It’s more unlikely you’ll binge at work or at the library etc. when you’re around others. Move yourself physically away from your food supply.

    If during the night, then go to bed earlier. Seriously. And stop the late night tv watching which is full of food commercials and reality shows with people constantly eating. This was a big trigger for me. Now I notice how much people are always eating and drinking on shows. Pick up a book instead or go for a walk. Take a bath and go to bed.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited January 2019
    You're all so kind and supportive. You're right in that my binges are mostly junk. Lots of white bread with margarine and chocolate/biscuits and cereal. Nutritionally devoid sugary/carby stuff really. I don't know why once I start I can't stop. I also really struggle with sleeping so I don't think this helps. If I do sleep, I wake up hourly.

    I struggle with both as well... binge eating and sleep issues. For me, they are interrelated. Poor eating habits cause/exacerbate sleep problems. Fatigue leads to (indirectly) poor eating habits. Poor eating habits lead to poor sleep... and so on and so on.

    I go back to what I said before... figure out what's causing the binge and either fix that or develop better habits. For me, it's usually either boredom or depression. Boredom is easy to fix, but hard to feel coming (for me)... depression is the opposite. I'm working on trading bad habits/responses for slightly less bad habits/responses. It's definitely a process.
  • kt90gurl
    kt90gurl Posts: 37 Member
    Following this because I binge too, and its awful. I barely eat during the day, or even think about eating, then it hits about 8pm and its all i can think about despite having dinner etc. I've even logged on here because all I can think about is eating, I'm not hungry, its like my body is yearning for the taste of something and my diluted water and herbal tea are not cutting it!
  • sassypandabear
    sassypandabear Posts: 21 Member
    kt90gurl wrote: »
    Following this because I binge too, and its awful. I barely eat during the day, or even think about eating, then it hits about 8pm and its all i can think about despite having dinner etc. I've even logged on here because all I can think about is eating, I'm not hungry, its like my body is yearning for the taste of something and my diluted water and herbal tea are not cutting it!

    I'm almost the same way!! I try to restrict during the day to counteract the binges that happen at night but it seems to just make them worse. everyone is saying to up the daily calorie intake and eat during the day, too, so I'm gonna try that.
  • kt90gurl
    kt90gurl Posts: 37 Member
    amy19355 wrote: »
    kt90gurl wrote: »
    Following this because I binge too, and its awful. I barely eat during the day, or even think about eating, then it hits about 8pm and its all i can think about despite having dinner etc. I've even logged on here because all I can think about is eating, I'm not hungry, its like my body is yearning for the taste of something and my diluted water and herbal tea are not cutting it!

    I never understand the idea of not eating all day. Even if you don’t think you are hungry, eat something anyhow.
    Eat anything three times a day is better than nothing twice a day and a binge-fest once a day. IMO.

    Whatever you try, and it’s different for everyone, at least try something new.

    Good luck!

    Sorry, I do eat, perhaps I worded it incorrectly. I meant the binge doesn’t happen during the day and I don’t think about it until night.