Harsh on resolutioners....

I’ve been on MFP for three years. So this doesn’t really pertain to me but I’ve noticed something. On my newsfeed with my friends and my FB, there are a lot of comments about the newbies coming in for January. Comments about how the forums and gyms will be overrun with “new year, new me” people and it’s annoying. Of course resolutions don’t always stick but it really could be the year someone makes a serious life changed forever. Its never bothered me.I guess I don’t really understand the hostility. (Not from all, but many.) Thoughts? Does it bug you?


  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I don't read my feed, but certainly haven't noticed anything like that on the forums.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    I don't read my feed, but certainly haven't noticed anything like that on the forums.

    Not the forums. I saw some snarky posts on my newsfeed and a local guy on FB. Total curiosity.

  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I don't inherently have an issue with them - I started my weight loss journey in January once upon a time so I get that. My issue comes when folks post about how they're going to lose XX amount of weight in XX amount of time using XX.

    I guess it's the same issue I have all year long, it's just magnified in January? I'm supportive of anyone trying to improve their health in a safe and healthy way.
    Thanks for your input. Makes sense.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Doesn't bother me at all. when I belonged to a gym it was just a given that the first few months of the year you better get to class early so you can get a spot, after that it was business as usual. Now that I do my running outdoors and don't belong to a gym it doesn't affect me. but I do think people can be very harsh and I hope, like you, that someone makes a change that sticks for life.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited January 2019
    It just annoys me because I hate crowds. Last year at this time, I tried going to the gym after work and all the equipment I needed was in use, and people were also standing around waiting. I couldn't even get on a treadmill to pass time because they were all in use too. It was a mad house. I ended up just leaving! I worked out at home for a month and then went back lol.
  • karaeaves
    karaeaves Posts: 6 Member
    I started October came off healthy eating mid dec and now back to it in Jan. I plan on being on this now all year and on mtp now to help keep on track. I would hope for friends and support Jan or July as everyone starts somewhere x
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    My biggest issue is on all of the weight/diet talk that is EVERYWHERE this time of year.

    Edit: ESPECIALLY when it's endorsing behaviors that are likely to lead to short-term fast losses that either can't be sustained, or then can't be maintained. And those people are annoying AF when they come back and whine, four or five months later, about how weight loss is sooooooooooooo hard, and how people who are successful must be freaks, and it's just impossible to lose weight.

    I agree with this.

    Thinking about this more, I also think a lot of people (in general, not here specifically or that I've noticed) are down on New Year's resolutions in general. I've heard lots of people saying things like "I resolved to give up resolutions," and I get that, as it's a bit magical thinking to assume that new year means all of a sudden you will be motivated and be able to follow through, and operates somewhat as an excuse to put it off until then (especially when the holidays are coming up).

    However, I quite like the concept of resolutions, and find that times of year can feel significant and give some impetus to changes. I actually did start my weight loss in Jan too -- it was New Year's inspired in part, although I delayed really starting until late Jan (2014).
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    There is kind of a weird negativity with resolutions, but I would never judge someone for wanting to be healthier, no matter when they choose to do it. And it's usually followed by "this won't last" comments, which just suck.

    For me personally, I started in the beginning of December on a Thursday. Purposely, because I never do well starting on a Monday or the 1st of the month or the 1st of the year. It's just some mind trickery, like if you only start on a Monday, and you mess up for one meal on Wednesday, you binge until the next Monday. That kept happening to me, so I said screw it and switched things up.

    I guess I can see it being a little annoying when the gyms are crowded, but aside from that, people need to learn how to be nice.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I also started weight loss for the first time at new years (2012). I didn't really consider it a resolution though, I just weighed myself at Christmas and was like omg I need to lose weight, and so I did. I don't have a problem with people doing new years resolutions at all. I think it's an ok concept. Being a new year, it can be a good time to reflect on the past year and what things can you do to make your life better. Like I said I just hate the crowds and all the annoying diet talk.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    My biggest issue is on all of the weight/diet talk that is EVERYWHERE this time of year.

    Edit: ESPECIALLY when it's endorsing behaviors that are likely to lead to short-term fast losses that either can't be sustained, or then can't be maintained. And those people are annoying AF when they come back and whine, four or five months later, about how weight loss is sooooooooooooo hard, and how people who are successful must be freaks, and it's just impossible to lose weight.

    I agree with this.

    Thinking about this more, I also think a lot of people (in general, not here specifically or that I've noticed) are down on New Year's resolutions in general. I've heard lots of people saying things like "I resolved to give up resolutions," and I get that, as it's a bit magical thinking to assume that new year means all of a sudden you will be motivated and be able to follow through, and operates somewhat as an excuse to put it off until then (especially when the holidays are coming up).

    However, I quite like the concept of resolutions, and find that times of year can feel significant and give some impetus to changes. I actually did start my weight loss in Jan too -- it was New Year's inspired in part, although I delayed really starting until late Jan (2014).

    I'm a late bloomer--I started in Feb 2013.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    It just annoys me because I hate crowds. Last year at this time, I tried going to the gym after work and all the equipment I needed was in use, and people were also standing around waiting. I couldn't even get on a treadmill to pass time because they were all in use too. It was a mad house. I ended up just leaving! I worked out at home for a month and then went back lol.

    Yup, when I had a gym membership I hated this month due to the crowds.

    Didn't like any of the gyms in my new city so working out at home these days.
  • eatingfoodles
    eatingfoodles Posts: 172 Member
    I'm a grad student, so I go to the university rec center. There isn't really a "slow" time because of the weird student schedules that everyone is on. Even at 6am ROTC invades the place. I do just fine with the moderate crowds. I can almost always get a treadmill or elliptical within a few minutes, otherwise I use the track.

    The very beginning of the semester is the worst, January or August. It becomes a social hangout. The regulars are pretty quiet and it's peaceful. The resolutioners are loud and often rude. All the machines are taken, the track is blocked by hoards of friends, no one cleans up after themselves, and I end up in the background of random selfies. NOT A FAN.

    I'm all for people working on themselves, but I also want to be able to continue my routine in peace. I can't wait until mid-February when it's back to normal.
  • Zodikosis
    Zodikosis Posts: 149 Member
    I started off a resolutioner and it worked out really well for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There are annoying know-it-all resolutioners, but there's a fair number of annoying know-it-all year-round gym-goers too, some of who somehow feel more entitled to the space despite paying the same fees as everyone else.

    Some people are just grumpy about crowds and their anger against resolutioners is misplaced frustration about something nobody (except maybe the gym owners themselves) can fix. I found the crowds pretty annoying too, which lead me to eventually setting up a home/outdoors fitness routine. The only thing I miss about this time of year is seeing some of the wild and sometimes scary ways in which some people decided they wanted to use the equipment. Try as I might, I'll probably never see someone try to lift a loaded barbell in a squat rack with their feet ever again...
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My problem is that a flock of newbies don't know the rules. The regulars do. It takes awhile for those that stick around to get with the program. I'm another that likes to get in and out, and when it's crowded that's hard to do.