Least Favorite Foods



  • beetroot, fennel, hotdog sausages, white bread, offal.
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    Ranch dressing (gag- I even hate the smell)
    Raw onions
  • I only have two: celery and hot dogs.

    Celery is just...not good. Well, I will cook with it, but there are so many other veggies I'd rather eat. Hot dogs are made in hell I am pretty sure. Gross.
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    Mushrooms! :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Have to agree with you. I HATE mushrooms with a passion. The look, the smell, texture and taste. They are vile :sick:
  • Papiya smells like smelly feet
  • american cheese turns my stomach:-(
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    fish, except tuna and beer battered walleye
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I LOVE these threads. I always forget something, but mostly the following:

    *Any and all salad dressing, mustard, mayo, miracle whip, relish

    *I am not cheese-adventerous. I don't like gobs of melty cheese, don't eat bleu, feta, brie, provolone, swiss, etc. Even the mini babels and pots of cheese gross me out. Don't get me started on American "cheese."

    *Cream cheese, sour cream, cow's milk. I especially dislike full fat milk. The more fat the more it smells like old socks... Go ahead. Take a whiff of the top of your jug.

    *Mushrooms, asparagus, lima beans, purple cabbage, avocados, beets

    *Raw persimmons, raw bananas, raw peaches, raw apricots (I'll eat them dried or in baked goods, but there is something to the texture of them raw), coconut

    *Shellfish, including crab, lobster, scallops, clams, mussels-- if it comes from a shell I am not eating it. Even shrimp. They have the texture of eyeballs.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    To previous "worlds pickiest eater" I'll give you a run for your money! I'm very hard to please.

    Anything that swims is disgusting (smell&look....couldn't pay me to taste!)
    Anything that walks is off the menu
    I hate mushrooms, onions, most peppers, anything spicy, anything with too much flavor, cottage cheese, fancy cheeses, most bread, mustard, mayo, kim chi (GAG) , most Asian food, spinach, my eggs have to be very very well cooked but not brown, sugary yogurt, most salad dressings, over cooked oatmeal, kale, pears, papaya, the smell of popcorn, garlic, anything with vinegar, cabbage, sprouts, radishes, canned green beans, banana peppers, pickles, chocolate ice cream, pistachios, avocados (although I am trying to like them) ,beets,olives, potato salad...

    the list is never ending.....
  • Olives absolutely disgust me. If I even get a whiff of one, I gag.
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    I love most food but just have a few exceptions:

    Milk in hot drinks / hot milk
    Smoked salmon, in fact most smoked foods :O(
    Not keen on chips (love crisps!)
    Ice cream, except on holiday
    Breakfast cereal (except cinnamon and occasionally porridge)
    Raw onion
    sponge pudding type desserts
    Spirits except Southern Comfort in hot honey and lemon if I have a cold :O)
    Cashew nuts (intolerance) Walnuts - yuck! Have to be careful with nuts in general, although I do like them

    Think that's about it, more there than I thought!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    To previous "worlds pickiest eater" I'll give you a run for your money! I'm very hard to please.

    Anything that swims is disgusting (smell&look....couldn't pay me to taste!)
    Anything that walks is off the menu
    I hate mushrooms, onions, most peppers, anything spicy, anything with too much flavor, cottage cheese, fancy cheeses, most bread, mustard, mayo, kim chi (GAG) , most Asian food, spinach, my eggs have to be very very well cooked but not brown, sugary yogurt, most salad dressings, over cooked oatmeal, kale, pears, papaya, the smell of popcorn, garlic, anything with vinegar, cabbage, sprouts, radishes, canned green beans, banana peppers, pickles, chocolate ice cream, pistachios, avocados (although I am trying to like them) ,beets,olives, potato salad...

    the list is never ending.....

    Gosh! That is quite a long list!
  • shrek1970uk
    shrek1970uk Posts: 83 Member
    I cannot stand :

    peanut butter
    anything aniseed flavour
    black pudding
    oooh and anything that used to live in a shell lol

  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Just off the top of my head....I don't like:-

    Offal (Liver, Kidneys, Tripe, etc )
    Scotch Eggs
    Quiche Lorraine
    Black Pudding
    Mozzarella Cheese
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    What exactly is black pudding? Is that like a dark chocolate pudding or something? MMM pudding....that is something I DO like! Although not rice pudding or banana pudding...or coconut pudding....:laugh:
  • ukjude
    ukjude Posts: 28 Member
    What exactly is black pudding? Is that like a dark chocolate pudding or something? MMM pudding....that is something I DO like! Although not rice pudding or banana pudding...or coconut pudding....:laugh:

    Black pudding is nothing like a dark chocolate pudding (unfortunately!).... it's like a huge sausage that gets sliced up and usually fried to go with a breakfast fry-up... but it's made from pig's fat and blood... YUKKKKK!... it's defo on my hate list, along with

    any smoked fish
    anything too hot or spicy
    raisins, currants and especially sultanas

    offal (except liver)
  • kmumansky
    kmumansky Posts: 119
    I cannot stand :

    peanut butter
    anything aniseed flavour
    black pudding
    oooh and anything that used to live in a shell lol


    Peanut Butter seriously??? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not sure I could live without peanut butter...

    This is a fun topic. I love food, but a few things I really dont like are:

    Fish of any type except Crab & Lobster. Sometimes I can eat Mahi Mahi if it's firm enough.
    Canned Veggies except Beets & Tomatoes
    Lamb (never actually tried it, but I can't bring myself to eat such a cute animal)
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    I love most food but just have a few exceptions:

    Milk in hot drinks / hot milk
    Smoked salmon, in fact most smoked foods :O(
    Not keen on chips (love crisps!)
    Ice cream, except on holiday
    Breakfast cereal (except cinnamon and occasionally porridge)
    Raw onion
    sponge pudding type desserts
    Spirits except Southern Comfort in hot honey and lemon if I have a cold :O)
    Cashew nuts (intolerance) Walnuts - yuck! Have to be careful with nuts in general, although I do like them

    Think that's about it, more there than I thought!

    Oh yes, knew I'd forget something ... can't abide over ripe fruit, particularly bananas and pears, they go all 'woolly' :O(
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I forgot to add one thing: SPAM.
    I only tried it once and I will never try it again. I don't know what compelled me to try it, but it is vomit-inducing.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    brussels sprouts
    lima beans