50+ male after the holidays

Hello fellow calorie counters!

I did my historic best this year, meaning that I was less than 6lbs above my goal weight on 1/1. I typically cut in January, and it should be a pretty easy job this time. So, yay me!

One thing I do in Jan/Feb is drop the booze completely. Just giving up that craft beer alone helps me lose weight. So, yep, I'm doing that.

And, I want to exercise every day, doing at least something, however big or small.

Also, I will log diligently until below my goal.

Maybe the first few pounds are just post-vacation water weight and will drop off quickly. One can hope!

Anyway, if anyone is in a similar situation, feel free to chime in. Happy New year all around.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Holidays weren't too bad...up 3 Lbs from Thanksgiving through New Years...but I'm up a total of about 9 Lbs since the end of August. Pretty typical for me. I don't give up booze completely, but I do cut out beer for a couple of months.
  • petethegamer01
    petethegamer01 Posts: 19 Member
    Thankfully I worked all of Xmas and new year so avoided the bad food and booze :-)
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in too JT! I need the support!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    It looks like I was lucky with the first couple of pounds. Pretty typical after a weekend of party's. I'm +4 this morning. That still means a month of cutting is in store.

    Best of luck all around!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'd like to know how you'll cut that Craft beer, I've been trying to get my hubby to cut back on it without success - my son brews his own so they always have to taste it!! LOL
    This is my 5th Christmas in maintenance, water weight is still hanging around from NYE and TOM for me but I know I'll be at my usual weight by next week no biggie - I am eating at slight deficit to ensure that regardless.

    All the best for your cutting :smile:
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Dropping 100% of the beer/booze is always a bummer at first, but I've never lost weight without doing it. I seem to get used to it after a short time. It opens up a lot of room for other foods!

    Anyway, I've seemed to have a bit of a setback with a head cold and missed a couple of workouts over the weekend. Trying to catch up this week. At +5 lbs this morning.

    Chime in with your progress!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I gained about 4lbs over Christmas and that's taken me up to the top of my maintenance range or what I call my intervention point.
    So it's time to intervene!

    Not logging food but will just make lighter/lower calorie meal and snack choices and limit booze to social events.

    A lesson to learn from last year is to drop the excess weight before my main cycling season starts so that I'm not having to do pre-event intense training while losing weight at the same time.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I did well through the holidays. I started planning my bulking cycles from Halloween through New Years and then cut in January in preparation for the multisport/OCR season.

    I don't cut alcohol completely, but I plan ahead and make sure I can fit it into my caloric budget. I've noticed that the majority of bars here now list calories on the beer menus, which makes planning in those 400 kcal casked stouts & barleywines challenging.

    3lbs down in 2019, but that's mostly water from high salt Holiday meals.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I am middle of my range, but hoped to be low in it as I have shoulder surgery in a little over a week. I won't be very active for a while and it would be really easy to let the weight start creeping back up. I am going to try to keep that from happening but was planning to have a bigger margin for error.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    @MikePfirrman : Sounds stressful, but also exciting and full of potential. I will likely be moving this year as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    I gained about 4lbs over Christmas and that's taken me up to the top of my maintenance range or what I call my intervention point.
    So it's time to intervene!

    Not logging food but will just make lighter/lower calorie meal and snack choices and limit booze to social events.

    A lesson to learn from last year is to drop the excess weight before my main cycling season starts so that I'm not having to do pre-event intense training while losing weight at the same time.

    I'm up to 190 from 180 and 15% to 20% BF so definitely intervention time. I didn't do too bad on the holidays, but I put on some pounds in the fall after a surfing accident in early Sept left me hobbled for a few months while the fall and winter brews were starting to come out.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I'm 37 Male post holiday. Can we make an exception? Lol
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    @MikePfirrman : Sounds stressful, but also exciting and full of potential. I will likely be moving this year as well.

    Don't know advise, just take a moment every now and again to breathe. I think you train for Tris? I'm not competing in any events this year (I do some semi-competitive Indoor rowing) but I planned on taking this year off for events. It would be really hard training and moving in any competitive sport.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    I gained about 4lbs over Christmas and that's taken me up to the top of my maintenance range or what I call my intervention point.
    So it's time to intervene!

    Not logging food but will just make lighter/lower calorie meal and snack choices and limit booze to social events.

    A lesson to learn from last year is to drop the excess weight before my main cycling season starts so that I'm not having to do pre-event intense training while losing weight at the same time.

    I'm up to 190 from 180 and 15% to 20% BF so definitely intervention time. I didn't do too bad on the holidays, but I put on some pounds in the fall after a surfing accident in early Sept left me hobbled for a few months while the fall and winter brews were starting to come out.

    I have a concern about upcoming down time. Shoulder surgery in a little over a week. i chose the date because I paddle SUP. I got a new board over the holidays (60th birthday) and visited FL family around New Year's and took it out a couple of days, all pre planned. So I avoided getting it done before that. I won't get to paddle again until late April and then not much at first. I have been going to the gym since it has cooled, but won't be able to do much of that for a bit. I will get to do a cycle cardio machine pretty soon. I know the real work is the kitchen, but note being active somehow makes bingeing easier. Fortunately I no longer drink due to some personal history. Unfortunately my history also means I won't get pain pills after surgery, another potential "look for comfort in food" trap. I just have to stay vigilant; keep tracking...
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    I gained about 4lbs over Christmas and that's taken me up to the top of my maintenance range or what I call my intervention point.
    So it's time to intervene!

    Not logging food but will just make lighter/lower calorie meal and snack choices and limit booze to social events.

    A lesson to learn from last year is to drop the excess weight before my main cycling season starts so that I'm not having to do pre-event intense training while losing weight at the same time.

    I'm up to 190 from 180 and 15% to 20% BF so definitely intervention time. I didn't do too bad on the holidays, but I put on some pounds in the fall after a surfing accident in early Sept left me hobbled for a few months while the fall and winter brews were starting to come out.

    I have a concern about upcoming down time. Shoulder surgery in a little over a week. i chose the date because I paddle SUP. I got a new board over the holidays (60th birthday) and visited FL family around New Year's and took it out a couple of days, all pre planned. So I avoided getting it done before that. I won't get to paddle again until late April and then not much at first. I have been going to the gym since it has cooled, but won't be able to do much of that for a bit. I will get to do a cycle cardio machine pretty soon. I know the real work is the kitchen, but note being active somehow makes bingeing easier. Fortunately I no longer drink due to some personal history. Unfortunately my history also means I won't get pain pills after surgery, another potential "look for comfort in food" trap. I just have to stay vigilant; keep tracking...

    From what I know about you guys, you seem pretty active to me. I hurt my lower back way back in like October. I think I had a herniated disc. Not sure. Old hat for me getting over back injuries. I just know when I can nurse it back on my own. Really wasn't too terribly bad but slowed down my working out a bit.

    I just ate less and my appetite wasn't nearly as ravenous as when I can workout full on. I was kind of surprised at that but my body seemed to adapt to needing less. Maybe new habits now? Maybe eating to satiety? IDK, but the old me ate way more than that and didn't do squat for exercise, so that was a pleasant surprise. I do think it's harder, though, to be injured in Winter. Also, I wasn't completely sidelined, just had to take it easier.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I gained some over the holidays too and I am nipping it in the bud and taking it pretty seriously. January is such a drag anyway..why not just tackle those pesky pounds and get back to goal weight.

    I too am giving up alcohol, working out each day and eating on point. I have an exciting snorkeling vacation in mid February to keep my motivated. Plus.who wants to regain all their weight back. not me.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    I gained about 4lbs over Christmas and that's taken me up to the top of my maintenance range or what I call my intervention point.
    So it's time to intervene!

    Not logging food but will just make lighter/lower calorie meal and snack choices and limit booze to social events.

    A lesson to learn from last year is to drop the excess weight before my main cycling season starts so that I'm not having to do pre-event intense training while losing weight at the same time.

    I'm up to 190 from 180 and 15% to 20% BF so definitely intervention time. I didn't do too bad on the holidays, but I put on some pounds in the fall after a surfing accident in early Sept left me hobbled for a few months while the fall and winter brews were starting to come out.

    I have a concern about upcoming down time. Shoulder surgery in a little over a week. i chose the date because I paddle SUP. I got a new board over the holidays (60th birthday) and visited FL family around New Year's and took it out a couple of days, all pre planned. So I avoided getting it done before that. I won't get to paddle again until late April and then not much at first. I have been going to the gym since it has cooled, but won't be able to do much of that for a bit. I will get to do a cycle cardio machine pretty soon. I know the real work is the kitchen, but note being active somehow makes bingeing easier. Fortunately I no longer drink due to some personal history. Unfortunately my history also means I won't get pain pills after surgery, another potential "look for comfort in food" trap. I just have to stay vigilant; keep tracking...

    From what I know about you guys, you seem pretty active to me. I hurt my lower back way back in like October. I think I had a herniated disc. Not sure. Old hat for me getting over back injuries. I just know when I can nurse it back on my own. Really wasn't too terribly bad but slowed down my working out a bit.

    I just ate less and my appetite wasn't nearly as ravenous as when I can workout full on. I was kind of surprised at that but my body seemed to adapt to needing less. Maybe new habits now? Maybe eating to satiety? IDK, but the old me ate way more than that and didn't do squat for exercise, so that was a pleasant surprise. I do think it's harder, though, to be injured in Winter. Also, I wasn't completely sidelined, just had to take it easier.

    I hope I get that same effect of not being as hungry. Somehow I did it when I was first losing and not as active. I have become pretty active, but wasn't always.

    I have had my share of back pain. Two herniated discs (most common ones), spinal stenosis and undifferentiated spondylitis. All that is from MRIs. I got the 4 image guided shots a couple of times; they are at the "corners" of L5 as it has herniated discs above and below. Lately I just do exercises to get the muscles around it in good shape and try to keep my back straight and bend at the hips.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Well, another week in the books. I did very little logging, but I worked out M-F. (Swim, spin, run, spin, swim!) Today (Sat), I'll do calisthenics and go running outdoors. (when it warms up a bit, it was 18degF this morning!) I ate some contraband this week, but no alcohol!.

    I'm wondering if I can get the weight off with a more rules-based approach rather than logging. (That's what my wife does, and she's lost 60lbs!)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Lost a couple of pounds of 'Christmas Pudding' and need to resist the temptation to take my foot off the gas now I'm under my intervention point. Better isn't good enough!

    Great exercise week despite the calorie deficit and feeling a little rough fighting off the sniffles and having a sore back, increased my bench press to highest number for a few years and also set a new PR for cycling 40km indoors.