Need someone with a strong right hook!

Apparently I need someone to beat the crap out of me everyday and make me exercise and stick to a diet. I'm not motivated by anything. I hate my job and my situation and I have no idea what to do. Somebody please help me!


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Well, you can find motivation making good changes for yourself. It's easy to not exercise or stick to a meal plan; it's harder and more rewarding to push through the discomfort and urges to eat whatever quantities you want. What are you doing now to make changes to your diet or activity level?
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    It's hard to deprive yourself of food pleasure when the rest of your life isn't giving you much pleasure. Is there anything you can do to make changes to the job and situation, or at least give you some light at the end of the tunnel that it will change soon?

    If not, maybe you can find some other sources of joy to add to your life, such as listening to music. You do deserve to be happy. You don't need someone to beat the crap out of you! You need more happiness so food will not be so important.
  • MesmerEyesQQ
    MesmerEyesQQ Posts: 2 Member