Will this diet work?!



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    One site you might like just to see what those calories at different macro mixes look like, and with a wider variety of meal ideas is https://www.eatthismuch.com/

    I don't recommend trying to make a complicated plan or following what they give you, as I think that can make it too difficult. But I think seeing the different meal ideas and where the fat and carbs come from might give you some ideas.
  • Madmandan90
    Madmandan90 Posts: 12 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    One site you might like just to see what those calories at different macro mixes look like, and with a wider variety of meal ideas is https://www.eatthismuch.com/

    I don't recommend trying to make a complicated plan or following what they give you, as I think that can make it too difficult. But I think seeing the different meal ideas and where the fat and carbs come from might give you some ideas.

    I'll check it out when I get back from work. It will be good to see some examples. That's why I kept my new plan quite simple. I just wanted easy to prep similar foods to start with
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    One site you might like just to see what those calories at different macro mixes look like, and with a wider variety of meal ideas is https://www.eatthismuch.com/

    I don't recommend trying to make a complicated plan or following what they give you, as I think that can make it too difficult. But I think seeing the different meal ideas and where the fat and carbs come from might give you some ideas.

    I'll check it out when I get back from work. It will be good to see some examples. That's why I kept my new plan quite simple. I just wanted easy to prep similar foods to start with

    Another thing you could do is find some pals with a similar calorie goal to have a look at what they eat? Give you some ideas?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,498 Member
    I might have missed this, but why are you doing IF? Is there a specific reason for it? If you spread out your meals more then you can also eat more easily.
  • Madmandan90
    Madmandan90 Posts: 12 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I might have missed this, but why are you doing IF? Is there a specific reason for it? If you spread out your meals more then you can also eat more easily.

    I work crazy hours. For example on my early shifts I start at 7 and finish at 4-6 most of the time and I don't get a break. I'm now used to not eating for around the same times as I.F suggests.

    From what I've read and obviously I'm not an expert but there seem to be way more health benefits then not.

    I think I also prefer not having to worry about preparing food or finding the time to eat during the bulk of my day.

    I'm open to suggestions though if you advise against it. Thanks for your reply.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    edited January 2019
    Looking at what you are thinking about eating, if it were me, I would get bored super quick. You are basically eating exactly the same meal on repeat with a different protein. If those foods are things you love, then great but otherwise mix it up. If I couldn't ever have ice cream or yogurt, I would fail because eventually, I would eat it and way more than I should. By the way I notice there is no dairy in your meal plan. Is there a reason for that?

    You can still eat things you like just eat them in proper proportions. Here is an example using KFC. You can still stop on your way home but get three grilled chicken breasts, mashed potato with gravy and a diet coke. That is 750 calories (9% carbs, 29% fat, 62% protein). Compare that to three original recipe chicken breasts with a side of mashed potatos and gravy at 1080 calories (21% carbs, 38% fat, 41% protein) By looking at what you already eat and making small changes, you can make a big impact on your overall calorie intake.

    If you find that the C25K is too much, consider a run your first mile training program. They are similar to a C25K but a bit less aggressive and meant for people who are completely new to running.
  • Madmandan90
    Madmandan90 Posts: 12 Member
    Looking at what you are thinking about eating, if it were me, I would get bored super quick. You are basically eating exactly the same meal on repeat with a different protein. If those foods are things you love, then great but otherwise mix it up. If I couldn't ever have ice cream or yogurt, I would fail because eventually, I would eat it and way more than I should. By the way I notice there is no dairy in your meal plan. Is there a reason for that?

    You can still eat things you like just eat them in proper proportions. Here is an example using KFC. You can still stop on your way home but get three grilled chicken breasts, mashed potato with gravy and a diet coke. That is 750 calories (9% carbs, 29% fat, 62% protein). Compare that to three original recipe chicken breasts with a side of mashed potatos and gravy at 1080 calories (21% carbs, 38% fat, 41% protein) By looking at what you already eat and making small changes, you can make a big impact on your overall calorie intake.

    If you find that the C25K is too much, consider a run your first mile training program. They are similar to a C25K but a bit less aggressive and meant for people who are completely new to running.

    Tbh I'm a big cheese fan so I should include and probably will include some cheese in this diet. Maybe ontop of the chicken (personal favourite) not sure why I missed it off tbf is there a recommended daily amount of cheese I should eat?

    But honestly I don't mind boring food. Like I've said it's the coke that is really going to hit me hard.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I might have missed this, but why are you doing IF? Is there a specific reason for it? If you spread out your meals more then you can also eat more easily.

    I work crazy hours. For example on my early shifts I start at 7 and finish at 4-6 most of the time and I don't get a break. I'm now used to not eating for around the same times as I.F suggests.

    From what I've read and obviously I'm not an expert but there seem to be way more health benefits then not.

    I think I also prefer not having to worry about preparing food or finding the time to eat during the bulk of my day.

    I'm open to suggestions though if you advise against it. Thanks for your reply.

    There are all sorts of unsupported claims about how magical it is, but if it fits your schedule and how you like to eat anyway, sounds like a good idea for you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Looking at what you are thinking about eating, if it were me, I would get bored super quick. You are basically eating exactly the same meal on repeat with a different protein. If those foods are things you love, then great but otherwise mix it up. If I couldn't ever have ice cream or yogurt, I would fail because eventually, I would eat it and way more than I should. By the way I notice there is no dairy in your meal plan. Is there a reason for that?

    You can still eat things you like just eat them in proper proportions. Here is an example using KFC. You can still stop on your way home but get three grilled chicken breasts, mashed potato with gravy and a diet coke. That is 750 calories (9% carbs, 29% fat, 62% protein). Compare that to three original recipe chicken breasts with a side of mashed potatos and gravy at 1080 calories (21% carbs, 38% fat, 41% protein) By looking at what you already eat and making small changes, you can make a big impact on your overall calorie intake.

    If you find that the C25K is too much, consider a run your first mile training program. They are similar to a C25K but a bit less aggressive and meant for people who are completely new to running.

    Tbh I'm a big cheese fan so I should include and probably will include some cheese in this diet. Maybe ontop of the chicken (personal favourite) not sure why I missed it off tbf is there a recommended daily amount of cheese I should eat?

    But honestly I don't mind boring food. Like I've said it's the coke that is really going to hit me hard.

    I may have missed this - do you have a plan to keep getting caffeine? Otherwise, the caffeine withdrawal can be viscous. I need way less sugar in tea and coffee than is in coke. Also, there are caffeine pills, which my mom takes as tea aggravates her silent reflux and she doesn't care for coffee.
  • Madmandan90
    Madmandan90 Posts: 12 Member
    No plans really other then if I get desperate grab a coke zero or something. I stopped drinking coke about a year back and drank nothing but water for about 2 weeks. I had a killer headache the next day but after that it was fine. I think the sugar craving will be my issue which is why I went back to it before
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,061 Member
    yes stopping coke suddenly will often give people headaches - caffeine withdrawal. Not sugar withdrawal.

    If you want to reduce your caffeine intake (for whatever reason, is not a weight loss issue though) do it gradually - and using coke zero or similar drinks is a good idea.

    If you think your diet (as in your food intake) needs a rehaul then I would use you OP plan as a very rough guide.
    If it is at the recomended calorie intake for you (have not done the maths to ascertain this) but be flexible. Substitute any low calorie veg for broccoli or mushroom
    and your 3 meals do sound repetitive to me - same basic thing for breakfast, lunch , dinner.
    Do you not eat any fruit, grains ,cereal,dairy products etc? and small portions of treats are fine too.

    You dont have to - but does seem many foods are missing from that diet which would be problematic for most people

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    You must really love broccoli...

    Why not eat a wider range of food, it might make it more sustainable for you?


    Do you plan on eating this way for the rest of your life? If not then I wouldn't do this to lose weight. A lot of people who 'diet' or go on a 'lifestyle change' feel they have to eat the same foods over & over or stick to an eating regime while dieting & once the goal is hit they go back to eating how they did before.

    I would find a way of eating that includes a wide variety of foods that you enjoy & don't label foods as good or bad. I find when I think of a food as bad then I want to eat it more & when I finally do I'll binge on it.

    Eliminate any of the foods that you have trouble moderating for now & every now & then practice on moderating it in small doses.
  • monicapiazza
    monicapiazza Posts: 92 Member
    I will suggest dandelion root tea and milk thistle for fatty liver. Up your veggies too. Good luck
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    yes stopping coke suddenly will often give people headaches - caffeine withdrawal. Not sugar withdrawal.

    If you want to reduce your caffeine intake (for whatever reason, is not a weight loss issue though) do it gradually - and using coke zero or similar drinks is a good idea.

    If he's okay with having a couple of days of headaches and that's all it is, that could be workable.

    I've done it both ways (I tend to ramp up til I'm drinking crazy amounts of coffee and then quit it for a while), and while I've done the cut a cup each day or none after noon or replace with tea options (currently doing the replace anything after I leave home in the morning with tea option), I've also done cold turkey and it's not that bad, or at least not that bad for everyone. Had a couple days of being headachy and super tired and then adjusted. That I started sleeping better helped.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,061 Member
    Well that is true - if you want to get past caffeine withdrawal faster and are prepared to have headaches for a few days ,that is fine too.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    FWIW I eat approx 1800 cal/day. I don't do intermittent fasting & I'm not super low carb, either. I have a lot more balanced diet with a much wider variety of foods (and flavors!!!!). I also work 12+ hour rotating shifts so definitely know where you're coming from on that. My diary isn't public but if you want to shoot me a message I'd be happy to detail an average day or 2 of food for you.
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    Yes, you'll lose weight but honestly I don't think you'll sustain it. You said you're an all or nothing person and are you likely to live the rest of your life on nothing but broccoli, mushrooms and meat? Whilst yes, they make low cal meals that are good as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, you need variety in your food from a nutrition standpoint if nothing else. All those foods are nutritionally rich however they don't give you all the nutrition your body needs. If you want your body to co-operate then treat it well.

    I know your struggle because I'm an all or nothing person too, but in the weight or health game the key word is sustainable or else you'll put all the weight straight back on and start the yo-yo cycle