Sexy in Six! (Closed Group)*****Week 1 Chat



  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112

    I know we talked about this before but it's true, my bf's mom is super hot -51 years old w/ six pack. She's constantly asking my bf how I look, if I lost weight, etc. Yesterday she took a picture in her bikini and sent it to my bf telling him to show me. REALLY????

    I would knock her out.
    And you will knock her out soon with your hot bod :)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    What is my biggest reason for losing weight?

    When I was young I had a very nice figure, but always had large breasts. I HATED the comments and looks I'd get and that continued as long as I wasn't heavy. Over the years I saw myself gaining more and more weight, and tried many diets, some healthy, some not so much. I lost weight several times too.. but I ALWAYS ended up sabotaging my weight loss. When I reflect back now, I see that I didn't want to allow myself to look good and to once again be vulnerable to lewd remarks. It wasn't a conscious decision to halt the weight loss by any means, but I just wouldn't let myself succeed in a big weight loss. Even as I got older, I didn't want to put myself in a position to have that happening again. Hey, boobs are boobs and there will always be dirty old men out there, unfortunately!

    But, throughout this jourrney called life I came to realize that I needed to really love myself and to celebrate the body that God gave me. And yes, I am and always will be busty. It's time to celebrate that!! And I am thrilled since I have lost 20+ lbs, to be able to shop for bras in regular stores instead of speciality stores. It's a lot easier on the pocketbook, for sure! lol And although I still have lots to lose, I have lost enough that some of my clothes are really baggy, especially pant. It's very satisfying to not have to look at the size that I have been for way to long, even if I am shopping at Thrift stores at the moment. :smile:
  • nikip6454
    Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?

    I want to wear my clothes again! I am still wearing some maternity clothing or just some of my bigger/stretchier/etc clothing. It sucks. I am an interior designer, its really hard to convince people that I know what I am talking about when it looks like I can't even pull myself together! My co-worker is super cute and put together--I feel so gross next to her (no wonder her commission checks are way bigger than mine!) I guess that's another huge reason I am losing weight, I truly think I will make more money.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Monday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?

    My biggest reason for losing weight is so that I will be around to see my children grow up. My father died when I was 10 of a heart attack that could have been avoided if he had eaten better, exercised etc. I am in the worst shape of my life. I was never skinny in high school, but I was athletic and a lot of my weight was muscle.

    My second reason is for me. I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel healthy, and I don't want food to be a weakness anymore. And it doesn't help that my hubby is in super good shape (which is nice to look at!). I weigh 60 pounds more than him and am 6 inches shorter. I want to feel comfortable letting him pick me up (which he is currently not allowed to do!) and I want to be able to keep up with him without getting out of breath and/or having to stop. I just don't feel like me anymore, I feel limited, and I am SICK of it!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I want to lose weight so that I can be more confident & healthy. I am ready to feel attractive again!
  • NicholeAJ
    #1 reason is for my boys I want to lose "the baby weight" before they figure out they have a fat mom :( but of course at what point does the baby weight become mommy weight, my youngest is almost 5! LOL

    #2 reason for sure is vanity, I want new boobs but not until all the weight is gone!

    *** BTW is there a way to subscribe to the groups on here, I'm not sure what team I'm on or how to get the different messages

  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?

    To he honest, it's mostly vanity. I want to feel better about myself, and I am sick and tired of being the fat girl. I'm ready to feel great and look hot!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Hmm, my biggest reason is also vanity. I'm tired of being depressed about myself everyday. I'm tired of worrying about what I think other people are thinking about me. I'm tired of my clothes not feeling right. I'm tired of being the fat, frumpy mom dropping her kids off at school. I want to feel better about myself, want my husband and girls to be proud of me. And, I want to be able to post a success story on here!

    There's also health reasons, I'd like to make sure I'm around for a long time, diabetes runs in my family (and I had gestational diabetes with one of my pregnancies). I want to be healthy inside and out and be a good role model for my 3 daughters so they don't have the same struggles that I have!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I was reading all the responses so far and kept thinking "me too! me too!" I'm reminded of how multifaceted our reasons for wanting to lose weight are. I'd like to say for me it's also a combination of vanity and health and self-esteem, but my motivations now are a little different than they were a few years ago.

    I've been successful at losing weight before, but that was through very disordered and restricted eating (ED-NOS), which almost landed me in hospital in 2001. I "recovered" (i.e. regained too much weight), and then in 2003 when I went away to school I gained over three years to 178. I've hovered between 165-175 since then.

    Now I have 9m old twin boys and my biggest motivation is to be able to run around after them! That, and being a MILF my DH can be proud of. :) Two years of fertility treatments and three IVF procedures took their toll on my body, and then a twin pregnancy basically meant that for the last 18 months I've been eating however I want. Well, "however I want" isn't necessarily the best thing. LOL.

    I also got quite sick at the end of my pregnancy which has left me with some health issues, not the least of which is hypertension. I'm hoping losing the weight will help with that!

    I feel like my body did this amazing thing in some ways, creating these people (who are total miracles and works of ART), but at the same time I'm ashamed of it. [WARNING: ANALOGY AHEAD] I feel like I'm walking around in shoes that are too big for me. I can stuff the toes with tissue, put in insoles, or wear extra socks, but in the end my gait is still awkward and I ache from moving unnaturally. Does that make sense?

    The bottom line is that I want to be an active mom who is comfortable in her own skin (even the twin skin) so I can project that self-awareness and peace to my children. Oh, and I'd like to recognize myself in pictures with my babies.
  • SiyaL8R
    SiyaL8R Posts: 17
    My biggest reason for losing weight is my clothes are too tight and I REFUSE to go up a size, REFUSE!

    I second that! I can just barely get into a 14 now. I want to look damn hot at my 10 year reunion in May when I see all my Smithies. I want to be healthy and happy.
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?

    1. Vanity, I have always been the fat girl of the group and to be honest I am fed up with it. I want to be able to fit back in my size 11/12s again . I am marrying my best friend next October and I want to be Hot in all my wedding pictures.

    2. My health. I have diabetes, heart disease and all the other problems associated with being overweight in my family. I refuse to be the next statistic!
  • bbjnkidz
    bbjnkidz Posts: 32 Member
    My biggest reason for wanting to lose weight is my family. I have a daughter, four sons, three granddaughter (soon to be four) and five grandsons. I want to be a good example for them. I want to eat healthy, get exercise, and be "Super Grandma". I want to be healthy so I will be able to play with them for many years to come. Mostly, I want my kids to be proud of me. My daughter is going to Afghanistan in a few weeks and I want her to find a new mom when she returns!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    My biggest reason is health. I REFUSE to be my mother on a billion meds. Not without a fight. But also bc I'm tired of the whole thing. I am tired of buying clothes that are for fat girls. I'm tired of not wanting to go somewhere with friends or family bc there is too much walking and I couldn't do it. 50 lbs has given me a lot of confidence. And I want to be confident/sexy, and not just the funny, smart fat girl. I'm so much more than that and I wanna prove it!
  • Honey1990
    My motivation for loosing weight is that i want to be that hot girl standing over there > >. haha. I really just want to know what it feels like to be skinny. I havent been under 153 in a long time and i cant wait to surpass that on my way to 124. I started this last and final weight loss journey at 204 lbs. ive never been that heavy...... well apparently i was. haha. My boyfriend is a firefighter and in some amazing shape when we first started dating i was around 160 or so and over 3 years i lost some weight but in the end had gained 40 pounds. So over the next 6 weeks i want to get as close to 160 as possible to give him back the girl he fell in love with. I want to be skinny so bad that it hurts sometimes.
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Oooh various reasons for losing weight here, but mostly down to one reason - Self Confidence!!

    We all like to feel nice and we are the only ones who can achieve our dream.

    I have 3 gorgeous daughters aged 17 - 21 and they all have fab figures (as I did when I was their age) Now I know I`m never going to be that age/shape again but I can do my hardest to feel better about my body.

    I also never used to be the fatest one in my group of friends ......... Wooahhh How did that change all of a sudden?????

    So as I say my reasons for losing weight is again down to vanity!

    Good Luck Everyone (especially the purple group) :tongue:
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    My Biggest reason for losing weight is confidence. I am a teacher and I realize how hard my students are on themselves and how that gets in their way of being great, being worried about yourself in the wrong way in counter productive and selfish, I want to be worried about myself in the right way - for my husband (newlyweds) for my health, for my family (cancer, diabetes - not necessarily weight related, but healthy habits certainly never hurt) - and perhaps most of all - for my HONEYMOON (coming up in december) I have lost a total of 52 lbs over the past few years - I had always been chunky (started at 212) until 3 years ago when I pushed hard and lost a lot of weight, but now I'm ready to get the final 15-20 off - I want to be a single digit size!!!

    You can't love someone else properly until you love yourself and I have a lot of love to give - :))

    When I see that donut - I just remember "No thanks, I'd rather be thinner" :)
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    My biggest reason for losing weight is my clothes are too tight and I REFUSE to go up a size, REFUSE!

    I second that! I can just barely get into a 14 now. I want to look damn hot at my 10 year reunion in May when I see all my Smithies. I want to be healthy and happy.

    My high school reunion is in May FL and I'm sure there will be some kind of beach event or something. I want to look SMOKIN' :) haha!

    Moday QOTD: What is your biggest reason for losing weight?
    My biggest motivation is my daughter. I want to be healthy for her and be happier and more self confident. I grew up not having a lot of self confidence (my mother is the same way, but worse) and it's something I want to change for her future. I also want my hubby to see the changes I'm making and maybe he'll get more active too. He's a night-shift nurse in the ICU so our schedules are so different. I'm hoping we'll start taking more outings to parks and hiking trails. I'd love to be some delicious arm candy for him to drag around too!!

    Health is another reason. Just watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on netflix and got some motivation from those guys! I'd like to avoid diabetes and other risks associated with being overweight/obese.

    AND I'd really like some new clothes too! I've been clearing out the garage lately and throwing or giving away all my bigger sized winter stuff. I WILL NOT be wearing the same ol' frumpy clothes for the 3rd winter in a row.

    ***********I have a suggestion too!! I'd love to put a little gift basket together for the overall biggest loser, or winner :) If that's ok with y'all of course! I make bath salts, sugar scrubs and Kozy Kuddlers, which are machine washable hot/cool packs (which I'm thinking I will be using a lot during this challenge! LOL) and I think it would be a neat way to pamper the winner a little bit....besides bragging rights of course!!! *************
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    I definitely agree with everyone. Confidence and health are huge factors in why we want to lose weight. I had an encounter a while ago with a woman who was so rude to me based on my weight and it just made me feel like **** :(

    I hope we can all push each other to get to where we would like to be :)
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I have to agree with your peanut and i also want to be feel confident and be able to get on rides again. I also want to lose weight for my health, it is starting to take a toll on my body. I want to be able to do anything i want without my weight playing a factor in it and i just want look HOT!!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269

    ***********I have a suggestion too!! I'd love to put a little gift basket together for the overall biggest loser, or winner :) If that's ok with y'all of course! I make bath salts, sugar scrubs and Kozy Kuddlers, which are machine washable hot/cool packs (which I'm thinking I will be using a lot during this challenge! LOL) and I think it would be a neat way to pamper the winner a little bit....besides bragging rights of course!!! *************

    that sounds like a great ideal! i could use some now lol