Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • amber9543
    amber9543 Posts: 17 Member
    I️ would like more friends to exchange workouts and fitness tips!
  • GrannyKattiPatti
    GrannyKattiPatti Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, just starting here, so would love to have friend requests! I fully intend to fed off other's struggles, successes,and motivation to keep me working hard! :smiley: I actually had one request earlier, but for some reason when I tried to accept it, I lost it :neutral: So If you tried to friend me, please try again, I didn't get the full name.
  • iheartnumbers365
    iheartnumbers365 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning/afternoon/evening (to wherever you are in the world lol!)

    I’m Jessica. I need motivation also- I need friends. I’m also a Bariatric patient.
  • kgmclean81
    kgmclean81 Posts: 1 Member
    Would love any motivation i can get
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Hi Everyone! I could always use more Friends for support and Motivation! Anybody Feel free to send me A friend Request!
  • kbush2018
    kbush2018 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy to have more motivating friends!add me 😀
  • snowprincess502
    snowprincess502 Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me. Always looking for motivation.
  • HelloAmbie
    HelloAmbie Posts: 46 Member
    At one time I had a full friend's list, but all but 3 have become inactive profiles in the last year or so. I'd like some friends! It's lonely!
  • Tationie
    Tationie Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for new friendships and motivation, even more since I need to lose over 100lbs.
  • katieadams912
    katieadams912 Posts: 18 Member
    New here! Would totally love some motivating friends!!!
  • wingweaver0730
    wingweaver0730 Posts: 8 Member
    Started this journey about 3 weeks ago. I travel for work almost every single day of my life and so I have found that CICO has helped me to stay on track while not giving up everything that I love. It is hard without having a kitchen at my disposal but I do my best! I try to exercise at least 3 times a week and love weight lifting more than cardio. If anyone wants to add me please feel free! I think I have a unique perspective on weight loss because of my work situation.
  • Meeeee! I need motivating friends! I've never been successful diet wise and now to make matters worst I deal with chronic pain due to my weight.
  • wozzzza
    wozzzza Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me guys Ive just started logging everyday! Thanks.
  • AnnaTheCatLady
    AnnaTheCatLady Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for some friends.
  • DeeKayHimes
    DeeKayHimes Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new and looking for friends!! Not sure how to go about it.

    I just started Tru Vision combo today and decided to hook up with MyFitnessPal for accountability!!

    Any other Tru members out there??
  • Lennie08
    Lennie08 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me .......... working steadily and slowly towards my goals :)
  • jstevens8811
    jstevens8811 Posts: 326 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been a member of MFP for a few years now (off and on). I had some success with it in the past but have gained back some pounds and fell off my fitness path. I am now trying to regain control of it all with some help. Some of the friends I had either left or changed their usernames and I can no longer find them. I'm looking for new friends who are active on MFP, who can hold me accountable and motivate when needed. My diary is open for all my friends to see. Feel free to add me! :)
  • vida23
    vida23 Posts: 8 Member
    Always looking for more motivation to keep going!!! Definitely have fallen off with keeping track on this app and I want to get back on it! Feel free to add me too :)
  • me please!
  • Hello everyone! I'm located in Florida and I'm looking for some positive motivational and inspirational people!