2019 Lose 52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So.... is there an actual challenge thing to join or do we just post here with results??
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    So.... is there an actual challenge thing to join or do we just post here with results??

    Just post your weekly results.
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Week 3
    Last week’s weight: 188
    Today’s weight: 187
    Total loss in 2019: 1

    Last week’s successes: Pilates reformer Monday and Saturday. Walked 20-30 minutes most days. Did hand weight workout Friday. Although I’m sore I feel stronger.

    Last week’s challenges: Seems I’ve stalled out at recording my intake. Have been so distracted by many things, very unhappy about a few.

    This week’s plan:. Pilates Wedn. Continue work on decluttering basement so I can get to my treadmill. Walk daily. Consistent measuring and recording food intake. Drink more water, less wine. End the week with a loss.
  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    2019 Goal weight 140
    Current weight 168.5
    Overall loss 1.5

    This week's successes Cleared out most of the junk food.
    This week's challenges Slow start is discouraging.

    01/01 170
    01/09 168.8
    01/13 168.5

  • Kickastina
    Kickastina Posts: 101 Member
    edited January 2019
    Week 2 Update

    Starting weight: 186 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs
    Current weight: 183 lbs
    Total weight lost: 3 lbs
    This week's successes: I stayed consistent and resisted snacking urges.
    This week's challenges: I kept thinking about wanting food.

    1/5- 186
    1/12- 183
    Jan Loss- 3 lbs
  • kristawatkins52
    kristawatkins52 Posts: 147 Member
    Starting weight: 73.9kg (162.58lb)
    Goal weight: 50 kg (110lb)

    Jan. 7: 73.4 kg
    Jan. 14: 72 kg
    Jan. 21:
    Jan. 28:

    Total weight lost: -1.9 kg
    This week's successes: No alcohol! Tracked everyday!
    This week's challenges: Late night snacking and not eating enough during the day.
  • clew5050
    clew5050 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight: 193.7
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 192.8
    Total weight lost: 0.8

    This week's successes: Recognizing that I was allowing "life" to get in the way and making myself a priority again.

    This week's challenges: Balance and making sure that my health is #1. Get used to saying "no" - no I dont want to eat that, no I am not able to help you with that but here is who can......
  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    Starting weight: 188 (1/2/19)
    Goal weight: 136
    Current weight: 180.2
    Total weight lost: 8.8
    This week's successes: tracked my food
    This week's challenges: not giving in to having the extra helpings of pizza
  • hippysprout
    hippysprout Posts: 1,446 Member
    edited January 2019

    Starting Weight: 242
    Goal Weight: 190
    Current Weight: 239

    1-14: 239

    This week's successes: I stretched every night this week except for one, my water intake was 96oz+ each day, and I managed to avoid late night snacking for 6/7 days.

    This week's challenges: I caved to a snacking session last night and failed to get my stretching session in midweek.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    MFP starting weight: 240 (summer 2013)
    Goal weight: 145ish
    Height: 5’3”
    Age: 66
    Overall total lost: 55. 8

    Challenge start weight: 185.2

    Jan.14: 184.2 (-1)

    Last week’s successes: stayed on plan with exercise/eating despite hub’s b-day celebration.
    This week’s challenge: moving to more plant based eating

    “Don’t TALK about it, BE about it!”

  • donalowen
    donalowen Posts: 54 Member
    Week 1 result.

    Starting weight: 19st / 266 lb (at 6th Jan)
    Goal weight: 15st 4 lb / 214 lb
    Current weight: 18st 8 lb / 260 lb
    Total weight lost: 6 lb
    This week's successes: a combination of Keto, IF and OMAD.
    This week's challenges: Get back to the gym, haven’t been since November.

    Don't count the days, make the days count.
  • BecMarty14
    BecMarty14 Posts: 351 Member
    Starting Weight Dec 2017: 177.6 #
    Total weight lost in 2018: 28#
    Goal weight: 125#
    2019 Starting weight: 150.0#
    Week 2: 1.5# lost
    Goal: include running back into my routine

    This week's successes:
    - kept on track despite being part of a disaster response (dr) effort on my days off work
    - I got my exercise in even though I was very, very tired

    This week's challenges:
    - not much opportunity to get to healthy food on the dr

    December 31, 2018: 150.0#
     7) 148.5#
    14) 147#
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Starting weight as of Jan 2019: 263.8
    Current weight: 261.2

    Goal weight:150
    Goal weight for 2019: 215.8

    Total weight lost: 6.6
    Total weight lost for 2019: 2.6

    This week's successes: I was a lot more mindful of my eating, especially eating at night and emotional eating. I also managed to get out and run three times this week.

    This week's challenges: I'm still working on eating out too often (more than 2x/week). In addition, I need to strength train at least 1x/week. Overall, I'm still happy with my week.

  • shardwilk
    shardwilk Posts: 41 Member
    Just starting out with the challenge. I lost 34 pounds last year but have gained most of it back. I had been counting my calories on MFP, walking everyday, drinking more water, and watching my portions but all that slowly eroded away and I now do a lot of mindless snacking. I've started about 2 times to get back on track since fall of last year and can't seem to keep it going, but I'm here trying once again.

    Starting weight: 201 (as of 12/31/18)
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight:199.6

    This week's challenges: curbing snacking, walking 1 mile everyday, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and logging meals on MFP
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    edited January 2019
    Week 2

    Starting weight: 265lbs
    Goal weight: 213lbs
    Current weight: 263lbs
    Total weight lost: 2lbs

    That's my xmas gain gone, and that puts me back at a 78.5lbs loss since May 2018.

    This week, I've mostly struggled because when its dark when I get up, dark when I go to work, dark when I finish work, and its cold, I get very down. It exacerbates my depression, and I just want to shove junk food in my face all day long.
    This weeks success has been not doing that. I've had a few extra treats that I maybe shouldn't have done, but I managed to stay on track the rest of the time.
  • YouGotThis720
    YouGotThis720 Posts: 4 Member
    Starting today!

    Name: Becky
    Age: 33
    Height: 5' 4
    Starting weight: 199
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 199

    This weeks challenges: starting this challenge
    This weeks successes: starting this challenge, haha