5'7 women



  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5' 7.5" and at my highest I was 170. I'm currently at 158. My goal is 130. I have a very small frame and small chest (unfortunately!).

    I was 120 through college and looking back on those photos, I was just too thin. I looked sickly. So i decided to set my goal at 130. I will be happy when I get to 140 but I'm not stopping until I get to 130. :)
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    I'm around 200 but hoping to go to 150ish. I think I would look too skinny at 120 but we'll see!
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    im 5'7, atm i'm 169 my goal is 154, I was 120 years and years ago and for my frame it was too small......I hope i got those conversions right I work in kilograms! haha! but everybody is different, I think it all comes down to listening to your body and giving what it needs, good luck in your weight loss goals :)

    btw anyone can feel free to add me as a friend :D
  • victoriashea
    HW: 150
    LW: 90
    CW: 135
    GW: 130

    Dude, don't go for 120. I've been there and it's way low. I had NO muscle mass... At our height, if we wanna be toned and fit sexy weightloss mamas, we gotta weigh in like... the high 120's or low 130's.
    But hey... everyone's body's different I guess.
  • pp67
    pp67 Posts: 26
    I'm 5'7", HW: 270 lbs; CW: 242.6 lbs; GW: 135 lbs

    I'm following a similar plan presented to folks who have had weight loss surgery. It's easy once you modify it to suit, but the gist of it is: Low Calorie (800-1000), Low Fat, Low Carb, High Protein, Low Sodium. I match my eating calories with my exercise calories and since May, my HW, I've lost almost 30 lbs. Every day I see either scales going lower and when that's not happening the tape measure is getting smaller.

    My exercise is the stationary bike. I use it 10 minutes before and after each time I eat (meal/snack). Additional exercise will be the wii golf, baseball and bowling. I make sure I match my eating calories with my exercise calories, this is telling my body to use what is already stored so I wake up lighter every morning.

    This plan is working fantastic for me :D
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm 5'7", HW: 270 lbs; CW: 242.6 lbs; GW: 135 lbs

    I'm following a similar plan presented to folks who have had weight loss surgery. It's easy once you modify it to suit, but the gist of it is: Low Calorie (800-1000), Low Fat, Low Carb, High Protein, Low Sodium. I match my eating calories with my exercise calories and since May, my HW, I've lost almost 30 lbs. Every day I see either scales going lower and when that's not happening the tape measure is getting smaller.

    My exercise is the stationary bike. I use it 10 minutes before and after each time I eat (meal/snack). Additional exercise will be the wii golf, baseball and bowling. I make sure I match my eating calories with my exercise calories, this is telling my body to use what is already stored so I wake up lighter every morning.

    This plan is working fantastic for me :D

    It's working to help you lose weight, but it is not a good idea, if I'm understanding you right. Your body needs calories to function outside of the exercise. a person who weighs more can sustain a larger deficit, but this one is VERY high. You should probably be eating 1200ish to start, at least, and then eating your exercise calories. This would already be a large deficit. You are eating less and then working off everything you are eating. You'd be a net negative, if my mind is working right, right now.

    This is starvation.

    In the very least, I hope you have your doctor's approval to do this.
  • pp67
    pp67 Posts: 26
    Hi bunchesonothing... your opinion is based on your research... that's fine. I'm on forums where people have had this surgery 10 years ago and they are still eating the same way as I've explained!! They are not unhealthy, they are not wasting away, they are trim, looking fantastic and are healthy, and most importantly, they have not gained back the excess weight that led them to their surgery in the first place. I'm simply following the same plan without resorting to the surgery. And... it's working!! Everyday I see results, which, for an "obese" person, is fantastic!!

    Oh... btw... I wrote my OP a day ago. I have since lost another pound... yippee!!!

    so... my CW is now 241.6 lbs.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi bunchesonothing... your opinion is based on your research... that's fine. I'm on forums where people have had this surgery 10 years ago and they are still eating the same way as I've explained!! They are not unhealthy, they are not wasting away, they are trim, looking fantastic and are healthy, and most importantly, they have not gained back the excess weight that led them to their surgery in the first place. I'm simply following the same plan without resorting to the surgery. And... it's working!! Everyday I see results, which, for an "obese" person, is fantastic!!

    Oh... btw... I wrote my OP a day ago. I have since lost another pound... yippee!!!

    so... my CW is now 241.6 lbs.

    Good luck on your journey, but losing weight is not an indicator that it's a great thing to do.

    As I said, I hope you all have your doctor's/nutritionists approval. If you do, great, more power to you. If you don't and you can't, there is a reason why.
  • scpbby1724
    I am 5'7 and weigh between 132-134 and my goal weight is 120 also. I workout 3 to 4 times aweek and ny intake of caliries is
    1200. I started at 170 4 months ago, now its getting harder to lose the 10 more
    Pounds :(
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm 5'6.5", so close enough. The lowest I've weighed as adult was 128, and that was pretty thin for me. It seems like the impossible dream to think that I could get that low again. I'm thinking maybe 140-145. We'll see. Right now I'm just focused in getting my eating habits right and increasing my exercise. I'm not sure how my weight will respond. I plan to weigh myself once per month from now on.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm 5'7 and I started at somewhere around 157lbs. I actually got on the scale this morning for the first time in awhile and I weighed in at 132 lbs. I'm not unhealthy looking by any means and if i got down into the 120's, I probably still wouldn't look unhealthy. It all depends on body shape, frame, & how you carry your weight. I would talk to your doctor and see what they think is unhealthy for you.

    Edit for brain fart.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I am 165 and my goal is anywhere between 155 and 145. I began at 185.

    I was 135 right after high school and I was sickly thin. I have a larger build and can get muscled, so I think my body was angry with me at the time! I always felt really weak.

    It sounds like you are at a great weight now! Maybe work on toning if you are not happy with your size.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    sorry, 5'6" here, you would not be interested.

    In all seriousness, I'm a healthy weight (and always have been). In recent years I've noticed when I travel a lot for work I tend to pack on the extra weight. Just trying to get back to my fall 2011 weight and stay there. Logging helps, and logging honestly helps because if you log and you don't log every bite it's not going to work.
  • KaraGrr
    KaraGrr Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5'7" and was stuck at 135-140 FOREVERRR. I've always worked out 3-5 x/week and ate fairly clean. The only thing that helped me get down to where I am now (125) is lifting heavy and cutting out most of the alcohol in my diet. Sadly...haha getting water wasted these days.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    5'7" started at 208, currently 183, goal weight 145.

    I'm big boned and curvy. In my 20's I was about 132-135 for a while, but it was hard work to maintain. 145 is more realistic for me, I think.

    I'll be happy with anything under 159 (that will put me in to the normal weight range).
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    I'm 5'7". I started out at 180 lbs and, after 5 months, I'm now down to 158 lbs. My goal weight is 142 lbs, which will put me around 23-24% body fat.
    What's been working for me: On a typical day, I burn between 200-400 calories from a combo of cardio/strength training exercise & then I eat between 1300-1600 NET calories. :)
  • abarberc
    Years ago I used to run about 80 miles a week. I am just over 5'7" and weighed 130, but might have had 5% body fat and looked like I might have weighed 100 pounds. If I remember my weight tables correctly, 120 is actually considered underweight for 5'7". when I was actually tracking and loosing my goal was 160. I got to 166, met my man, moved in with him, and ugh, now I have to do it all over again. My goal is still 160-- however I am mostly focused on my waist size, since that seems to be the largest culprit for long term health problems. I have to agree with what many of the other people have said, when I look at pictures from 130, I can see every bone in my body, had NO (ABSOLUTELY NO) curves, and even though I was healthy, I didn't look it. I would think that you are at a good place weight-wise now, and should focus on becoming as strong and healthy as you can be.
  • lisamariepickering
    I'm 5'7" and CW is 212 (HW 220). My goal is 150-160, which will put me in a healthy range. I weighed around 120 in high school, but looking back at pics from then, I looked way too skinny. And I was always sick when I was that skinny. 130 sounds like a healthy weight for you. Maybe check in with your doctor. But in the end you gotta do what's right for you. Good luck!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I'm exactly 5'7", CW is 165, SW 225, GW 140. I clearly still have a ways to go, at 165 still have flabby belly, hips, arms and thighs. I think 140 seems about right, but its much more important to me to get to 18% body fat. If anyone is there, I'd love to know what you're weight is so I can adjust my goal accordingly. Yes, I realize this will vary from person to person. I have a medium frame, I eat about 1600 calories a day +/- and workout 6 days a week:

    M/W/F- light cardio and strong lifts 5x5
    T/T - outdoor run 3-4 miles
    S or S - swimming 45 minutes (alternate rest day)

    5-7" ladies who have similar goals, please friend me.
  • SocWkrBee
    I am 5'7" and currently 147. The lowest that I have ever been was 125 and I think that I looked good at that weight, because I had muscle tone. I was on the track team and lifted. However, I wouldn't want to get much smaller than that.

    My current goal is 130, but I secretly would like to get back to 125...

    Edit to say: I am also small framed. Despite your height, frame size along with lean body mass/body fat is going to make a big difference in how you carry your weight.