A grazer...especially when bored! Snack ideas needed, please!!

My big downfall is "grazing" at work; especially, when I am having a slow day!

Since starting MFP, I stocked up on healthy snacks at work. Baby carrots, celery sticks, 100 calorie microwave popcorn, almonds, fruit & nut mix.

Can you offer suggestions for healthy snacks?



  • MarieRosekenji85
    MarieRosekenji85 Posts: 147 Member
    Those sound pretty healthy to me. you could also add protein shakes, the Atkin ones are pretty tasty at about 160 calories and you can pack any fresh fruits and sliced veggies. hummus and veggies are a good combo. Also make sure you're staying hydrated, sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    veggies and hummus
    fruit(not too many pieces-still have calories)
    100 calorie packs of nuts or cookies or chips
    sf jello or sf pudding
    herbal teas
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,986 Member
    If you’re not really hungry, just bored, maybe some coffee or tea might help.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I noticed my grazing curbed when I made an effort to keep my protein up, about at least 70g. That might be something to think about.

    Yup, once I upped protein slightly, stopped having foods made from flour at lunch, and exercised at lunch, my urge to bored-eat went away.
  • kemoon0915
    kemoon0915 Posts: 113 Member
    I like dry kix cereal or honey nut cheerios for something carby to munch on, usually half a serving is a good snack for me. Also a variety of raw veggies in lowfat ranch (a cup of buttermilk, a cup of fat free greek yogurt and a packet of ranch dressing powder)
  • kittycatsinunderpants
    You could try something that takes effort to eat, so it takes you longer and you won’t eat as much. Like a pomegranate, roasted pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or nuts that are still in the shell.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    My big downfall is "grazing" at work; especially, when I am having a slow day!

    Since starting MFP, I stocked up on healthy snacks at work. Baby carrots, celery sticks, 100 calorie microwave popcorn, almonds, fruit & nut mix.

    Can you offer suggestions for healthy snacks?


    Those are healthy snacks, but why not structure your day so you have less inclination for snacking?

    Many days I go all the way from breakfast (6:30am) to lunch (1:00pm) without snacking. Sometimes I may have a cup of coffee, but since the new year started I've been substituting water instead. My lunch is a bit more like dinner usually, and then its back to work until 4:30pm with no snacking. I eat very little in the evening after work. I get home around 5:00pm and may go back out until 8:30pm. A sandwich and a cup of green tea ends my day most times.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hand held video game.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    While it might be nice to figure something else out to do if you are bored, I would assume that's also, well, not too practical. If the habit has persisted into adulthood, it's likely there to stay, you know?

    But one thing you could do is figure out what appeals to you about snacking while bored. Like, do you like the feeling of chewing something, or putting something in the mouth, or the feeling of fullness after the snack, that sort of thing.

    If it's chewing, gum might be a good one to give you the same satisfaction, or even an adult chew toy - they make necklaces for people with big needs to bite on things as a stress habit, and they are just little pendants and such that are also silicon chewies. Just, adult ones. :-) I think they can be found places that have stim toys.

    If you need something to do with your hands (like if your job is something hands off), maybe something you have to fiddle with while eating could be good, like unshelled roasted peanuts that you have to shell yourself.

    Or could fiddle with straws in the mouth, or if feeling full is what helps, maybe just make sure to eat more before work, or during breaks, so that you don't get too hungry.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Hand held video game.

    At work?
  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm with you. I've been trying to find activities to make me forget my hunger for years, and have yet to be successful.

    I like popcorn, pita chips and dry cereal. I do keep a set of measuring cups in my desk at work to help with my portions. Or I buy the individually portioned boxes of cereal. I'm a big fan of individually wrapped items. I feel a little bad about wasting plastic and killing the planet and whatnot, but I need that extra help to stop me from eating the whole bag/box.

    I also find that if I'm craving sweets, the only thing that will fulfill that need is real, actual, chocolate. I keep small, individual wrapped chocolates in the freezer at work and at home. They take longer to eat when they're cold, and ease my cravings.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    string cheese, or laughing cow, sliced meats ( ham and cheese roll up), hard boiled eggs, cooked eggs.... Protein is my theme
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Only keep lower calorie foods in sight... or... just don't graze. I am currently working on establishing extremely consistent meal times.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    If the problem isn't hunger/nutrition, the best solution probably isn't food, in terms of long term good habits.

    Others have had some good ideas (walk around, coffee or tea, gum etc.)

    Or, depending on the type of work you're doing, ask if you can (gasp!) have some extra assignments to work on that are challenging and interesting, or a topic you can study and learn more about that will help you progress at work. In some jobs, if you just have to be there waiting for something to happen, your employer might even let you do something like knitting or sketching. If you work at a computer, maybe you could write something (journal, letter, whatever).

    If you're bored, the solution is engagement in something interesting/distracting, ideally, not food.

    I love you ann.... stay busy... and never have time to eat.
  • jaysgirl092516
    jaysgirl092516 Posts: 18 Member
    Those sound pretty healthy to me. you could also add protein shakes, the Atkin ones are pretty tasty at about 160 calories and you can pack any fresh fruits and sliced veggies. hummus and veggies are a good combo. Also make sure you're staying hydrated, sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst.

    Thanks. I definitely need to up my intake of "water". I think you may have just opened my eyes to something.
  • jaysgirl092516
    jaysgirl092516 Posts: 18 Member
    I use different flavored packs of sugar free gum.

    I just stocked up! Thx