LOVE CHUB: is your significant other making you fat??

hahaha I gained most of my weight when I started dating my boyfriend 3 years ago!...and it just piled on and on....5 pounds at a time!! boys seem to eat ALL the time!!!!!! :( it is so frustrating!!....he plays rugby and stays fit.... so it is OK for him to eat an entire pizza. But I started eating as much as him + sweets (which he dislikes usually)...thus I was consuming MORE calories than my boyfriend!!

and when I started to lose weight he is always so discouraging saying stuff like: "I don't want you to become one of those girls that eat salad's only"- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! haha...

I had to start preparing my own food from then on...and he got his own... (makes things very difficult cooking wise!)

Happen to anyone else??


  • curiousmissclay
    I put most of my weight on when i met him 7 years ago and he does this very annoying thing where he supports me for like 3 days then tries to convince me to eat pizza or have something super bad and i used to slip up and give in.I now tell him to eat whatever the hell he wants but i wont be party to it and hes started to do it less. I guess iv just had to be firm with him lol.
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    YES!!!! My boyfriend works out a lot, so he can pretty much eat whatever her wants! In fact some days, he has to make an effort to eat MORE. WTF? This is an unfair world.

    And yeah, completely with you on the sweets things. Before I realised what I was doing I'd eat the same as him at dinner, and then be snacking on chocolate afterwards!

    I find it's all about portion size - we eat the same things, and often cook together, but when we plate it up, mine is a whole lot smaller!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm exactly the same, met my boyfriend 3 years ago and then the weight just came from nowhere. He eats twice as much as me and has not put as much weight on as me, though he still has put a little bit on.
    Now we're losing weight together.

    I had to make him promise to help me lose weight because it was so hard to diet around him while he was scoffing chocolate and pizza. :D
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    It looks like you described my situaton! I put on 2.5 stone since I met my now-husband 4 years ago. And he, also, plays rugby and is an engineer - so very fit. He will eat like 4000 cal a day. Now, I'm 5'0, so I didnt get away with eating that much. Its so funny, cz my hubby also says to me he doesnt want me to eat salads only. Now we eat different things for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The weight has started comming off. 15lbs to go to my pre-relationship weight.
    Someone once described putting weight on in a relationship as a "happy fat". I think we become to comfortable...
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    Yes! I am 5'5", whereas my boyfriend is 6'4", but INSISTS on equality when serving us dinner etc. Which, I know is him trying to be nice and fair, but I don't think he realises that somebody my size shouldn't be eating the same portions sizes as somebody of his build!

    Plus, he is one of those boyfriends who when I say that I'm not happy and need to lose weight, he tells me that I am perfect the way I am and doesn't want me to change.

    Just let me get fit, for goodness sake! Haha.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I gained 18kg's when I was with my first boyfriend! :o AND then as I was so devastated when he broke up with me I went up another 8 kilos in a couple of months.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    My BF seems to live off take aways! Then moans that he's putting on weight! MEN!

    But yeah when we first got together we went out a fair bit or had take aways or he'd cook mammoth portions, as does his mum when she cooks, or it's what they THINK is healthy, but it's battered fish or something with chips, or sauces, or piles of pasta! It got to the point where I'd eat before I went round, or say I felt ill as I'd get the 3rd degree why I wasn't eating everything!

    The BF can't understand now why I can eat a mcdonalds and still loose weight, he forgets that nearly every night I'm riding for at least an hour and then mucking out for the same!
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Been there done that, look at why he doesn't want you to become one of these people that eats just salads!!! Your guy sounds lovely, the guy i was with used it as a control thing. :smile:
  • futurefitgirl88
    I love how guys are so polite lol!! I gained 25 kilos (50 pounds) since I met him... and I've lost most of it now...but when I ask him now..."hey remember how fat I was last year" he says "you never had any weight to lose!!" like "dude I was nearly your weight...and you are 6'1 and I'm 5'5" :P hahaha...

    we eat completely different things! sometimes we would get different take outs for both of i wud grab a subway and he wud get indian take away...haha..yup that's how i'm losing weight!! not eating with my bf anymore...

    we do eat out once a week, but i'm very firm on my ORDER A SALAD WITH DRESSING ON SIDE or SOMETHING GRILLED options hehe...and its working out beautifully !!!!

    but seriously though, how unfair is it!?!?!?! i hate boys and their metabolism!!

    wud love to hear if the weight gain happened for the guy in the relationship..
  • Defloraaa
    Defloraaa Posts: 5 Member
    We all should start and join a club!
    My boyfriend's metabolism rate is much higher than mine and keeeeeeps on feeding me!
    He do it out of love, I eat it with due respect and because he is being really cute. But, ohh my! My weight!
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    Ha! You mean if someone made their boyfriend/husband fat?

    I did!
    I took away his soda (pepsi) and he replaced is sugary beverage with PIZZA at every meal.
    Gained 10-15lbs in about a month and had to buy new pants.

    He's now trying moderation with pepsi and pizza
  • LilMissStrawberry
    LilMissStrawberry Posts: 34 Member
    I've been overweight my whole life, but I would say I gained a whole lot more when I met my boyfriend.

    I thought it was great that he ate a lot, cause it meant I could eat a lot too! I didn't really notice all the weight that came on with eating it all though.

    It gets hard to lose weight sometimes because he is a big eater with a huge sweet tooth, but he's quite happy to have stirfry with me every night of the week. It's also kind of a benefit because he'll eat off my plate so I eat less. He calls it "taking a bullet for me" hehe
  • futurefitgirl88
    during my putting on weight phase i became so greedy with food lol. I wud sometimes try to finish my food fast so I cud dig into my boyfriends food :P lol....because we wud order different dishes and his one always seems better than mine!!! hahaha.... plus he is such a chips-eater (i havent had one since january WOOHOO!!!)...munches of freakin cheetos 24/7!!
  • jea1668
    jea1668 Posts: 32
    "so it is OK for him to eat an entire pizza. But I started eating as much as him + sweets (which he dislikes usually" HAH tell me about it! story of my life! about to hit 4 years with him and he supports me in anything I want to do (including lose weight) as long as i know he loves me just the way i am, but come onnnn, i live with 3 guys, one (the b/f) who hates veggies in all shapes and sizes haha, and two tohers who order fast food like its their job! eek! needless to say ive gained about 40lbs throughout this relationship, with losing and gaining, so really just 20lbs ontop of my starting weight but damn, at 5'1 it dang hard to hide! :-p
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    This is so true! Read my all started with the relationship. We love food, cooking and eating out...we were a disaster together. I remember at uni we'd sit down with a big bowl of pasta and not answer the door because we were so embarrassed of anyone seeing how much food we were eating.

    Also we're around the same height but my belief in gender equality meant I always wanted to eat exactly the same as him. I also did this by drinking pints at uni...matching all my male friends pint for pint...

    Whenever I've dieted he's joined me and he now weighs pasta, rice portions etc but takeaways were a problem and whenever I suggested halving what we ordered or leaving half for the next day he'd look so hurt as though I was depriving him.

    He also indirectly guilt trips me like when we've had a big lunch and he suggests some dinner and I say I'm ok but you go ahead, he says oh never mind I won't eat either which always made me feel guilty so I'd end up eating.

    I managed to prove that he was having a bad effect on my weight when i spent 3 months on my own in Spain, eating for myself, going out freely and certainly not consciously dieting. I lost around 10lbs...he got the message. I think he has his own issues - food is a real treat for him and he can't treat himself with other stuff in the way I can (a nice new Chanel lipstick or something!) He also doesn't like cooking for himself (he'd prefer to get a pizza etc...) but he'll gladly cook for both of us whereas I don't mind cooking for just myself.

    But this time he's been great. Very supportive. The real breakthrough was getting a takeaway and ordering about half of what we'd normally order and he acknowledged that he felt full but did say if there'd been double the amount he'd probably have eaten it! But we're getting there...
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i met my boyfriend two years ago and i was a size 6 i'm now a verty tight 12. He can live off of mcdonalds and hamburger helper, which is what i started eating too rather then my normal meals of lean protein and veggies with good carbs. Well 2 years and 40lbs later he swears i look exactly the same ( if exactly the same is a way swollen version of myself) i've had enough of his nonsense, his cooking is all prepackaged not good for you things (shake and bake hamburger helper mashed potatoes ect) NO MORE HAMBURGER HELPER!
    My weight loss savior has been the crock pot, because i come home after work( i work nights) throw in whatever protein and vegetables set in on low and let it cook the bf thinks hes getting spoiled by me cooking and i have banished hamburger helper from the kitchen. I kno he means well but hes really not educated on food and whats good for you and whats not so bless his heart for trying i'm taking the kitchen back.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I love how guys are so polite lol!! I gained 25 kilos (50 pounds) since I met him... and I've lost most of it now...but when I ask him now..."hey remember how fat I was last year" he says "you never had any weight to lose!!" like "dude I was nearly your weight...and you are 6'1 and I'm 5'5" :P hahaha...

    we eat completely different things! sometimes we would get different take outs for both of i wud grab a subway and he wud get indian take away...haha..yup that's how i'm losing weight!! not eating with my bf anymore...

    we do eat out once a week, but i'm very firm on my ORDER A SALAD WITH DRESSING ON SIDE or SOMETHING GRILLED options hehe...and its working out beautifully !!!!

    but seriously though, how unfair is it!?!?!?! i hate boys and their metabolism!!

    wud love to hear if the weight gain happened for the guy in the relationship..

    lol speaking of metabolism, my bestie (who is a chick) lives off maccas, kfc, kingsleys is 46 kg?! and she is ALWAYS eating :O not fair.
  • futurefitgirl88
    I think we all have that one skinny friend who eats like crazy and never puts on weight. for some reason girls like that tend to put on weight after they give birth (i've seen a few examples!!!)....both my sisters...weighed 110 (height 5'5 ish) before kids...and after kids...BOOM...their gift of fast metabolism seems to have gone.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I have a friend like that (eats everything but super skinny!) She's 17, her prom dress was a UK sz4 (sz 0) Yet I've never met anyone who can put away as much food as she does and STILL STAY SKINNY! Mind you since I've started riding her horses with her and helping out down the yard the weight has started to come off thank god, I really want at least another 10lbs off by xmas... 17 and a bit weeks.... 2 weddings and a 2 week holiday inbetween... I think I can manage that!
  • futurefitgirl88
    I have a friend like that (eats everything but super skinny!) She's 17, her prom dress was a UK sz4 (sz 0) Yet I've never met anyone who can put away as much food as she does and STILL STAY SKINNY! Mind you since I've started riding her horses with her and helping out down the yard the weight has started to come off thank god, I really want at least another 10lbs off by xmas... 17 and a bit weeks.... 2 weddings and a 2 week holiday inbetween... I think I can manage that!

    10lbs is totally do-able!! you go girl! :) I need to loose 20lb to goal! =).... I wanna lose 20lbs by Christmas (4 months....5 pounds a month is pretty do-able!)..