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Help!!!! I need sleep



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    sounds counter-intuitive but spend a couple of weeks going to bed later. By later I mean 1.30am even if you have to get up at six am. After a while your body will think, dammit, I need to maximise sleep so I'd best fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

    Then you can start going to bed half an hour earlier on a gradual basis until you get to the desired bedtime. Helps to keep a consistent bedtime and waketime every day too.

    other things -
    • don't watch TV in the bedroom
    • don't use bluescreen devices before bed
    • books are ok
    • warm baths
    • keep your bedroom cooler than your other living spaces
    • exercise before bed CAN be fine (a recent study showed this). Depends on how you respond to it. I actually find it helps me sleep, even Crossfit
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    melatonin, you can buy it at the local pharmacy, our bodies make it naturally already and it works for helping you fall asleep. I take the quick dissolve and I sleep great!
    You can't actually get it in the pharmacy in the UK (where OP is) it's presription only and usually only prescribed to those 50 and over. (You can however order it from iHerb in the states for delivery to the UK)

    I used to buy Source Natural's sublingual from iherb. They were very effective to help me fall asleep fast. At the lower doses they have replaced these with lozenges.

  • xDanielleForbesx
    xDanielleForbesx Posts: 35 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    Borrow my kids for a day. You’ll be so exhausted by 8pm that you’ll sleep like a baby.

    But on a serious note any caffeine intake?

    Haha your ok I have enough with my own and the dog.

    I don't have caffeine after 3pm and I drink probably 3 coffee from 7:00am onwards
  • xDanielleForbesx
    xDanielleForbesx Posts: 35 Member
    melatonin, you can buy it at the local pharmacy, our bodies make it naturally already and it works for helping you fall asleep. I take the quick dissolve and I sleep great!

    You can't actually get it in the pharmacy in the UK (where OP is) it's presription only and usually only prescribed to those 50 and over. (You can however order it from iHerb in the states for delivery to the UK)

    Ive actually ordered some from pippingrock.com on the recommendation from a lady I work with but it's going to take a few week to get to me. But what's a few weeks if it works
  • cheronsaunders
    cheronsaunders Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m new to myfitnesspal. Of course I’m trying lose weight and be more healthy. However, one problem I’m having is falling asleep. (I’m up all night) and sleeping through the night. Is there any suggestions that anyone has for this?
    Thank you ☺️
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i take two melatonin gummies before bed. i get them at target. i can def tell a difference if i don't take them. also got a sound machine for Christmas that i LOVE and makes a big difference in staying asleep. I know OP said troubles are falling asleep, which is the melatonin. also was recommended a glass of cherry juice before bed as cherries are high in melatonin, but the sugar in the juice was making me stay awake, so maybe a sugar free cherry juice wouldve worked?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Ok so since I've been back fully committed to losing weight and getting in shape I'm having trouble sleeping. I've tried herbal sleep aids, hot milk before bed, horlicks ( malted hot drink ), sleep videos on YouTube. Any help with this would be massively appreciated. Any tips would be lovely. Thanks in advance people

    Since this is a new thing, has anything else changed? If not, how large is your calorie deficit? Did you significantly change the kinds of foods you eat?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You can try a heat/cold treatment. Start with a warm shower for two minutes then two minutes of cool water (doesn't have to be cold), then one of warm and two of cold. Repeat up to seven times. Some people swear by it. I did it once and I fell asleep before I turned off the bedside lamp (don't do that, it woken me up a few hours later).
  • mgookin
    mgookin Posts: 92 Member
    I have this issue. I have insomnia due to autism. Mind never shuts up. I recently starting doing meditation and its helped me a lot, I was asleep by 9pm last night! When usually I am awake till 3am and up by 7:30.

    My routine: Child to bed at 8. No tv/phone/electronic outside of Alexa to turn on my meditation starting at 9pm. Just sit and do deep breathing exercise while listening, and usually asleep by 10-11pm. Which is a huge improvement.
  • thatjodiegirl
    thatjodiegirl Posts: 95 Member
    melatonin, you can buy it at the local pharmacy, our bodies make it naturally already and it works for helping you fall asleep. I take the quick dissolve and I sleep great!

    What brand do you buy?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,825 Member
    melatonin, you can buy it at the local pharmacy, our bodies make it naturally already and it works for helping you fall asleep. I take the quick dissolve and I sleep great!

    You can't actually get it in the pharmacy in the UK (where OP is) it's presription only and usually only prescribed to those 50 and over. (You can however order it from iHerb in the states for delivery to the UK)

    But careful there. You're likely to be charged tax and import duty as well if you go over a certain value. And as melatonin is not available in the UK over the counter, prices tend to be hefty. It's freely available in the Netherlands, btw. However, apart from 2-3mg melatonin, there are lots of products with just 0.3ish. Usually pots with 500 or so tiny pills.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,825 Member
    What keeps me awake is working out too close to going to bed. I find it difficult to wind down. Also, I suffer from electrolyte lows and working out and sweating exasperates this. Thus I have a bit of salt, and mg before going to bed. Other electrolytes as I need them.

    Like others wrote: no tv or phone in the bed. No bright light from screens in general. A cold bedroom with a heavy duvet seems to work for many people (it works for me. The heavier the better). If you're very tires during daytime and fighting to stay awake then it's possible there's so much adrenaline in your system once you go to bed. And can't sleep due to that. There's no real advice here as the solution is very individual. You need to break this viscous circle somehow. In my case the day tiredness was due to undiagnosed hashimotos, vitamin B12 and D deficiencies. I didn't get treatment, but taking a few days off, doing nothing, napping when needed and then slowly shifting towards night-time sleeping again helped.
  • Had the same issue. Tried meditation and delta wave videos on YouTube as well :) different food before bed. What finally helped was laughing before bed.I do that by watching funny YouTube videos (I love QI) I didn't look for explanation for that online but I assume it helps lower down the stress levels better than other things.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,102 Member
    melatonin, you can buy it at the local pharmacy, our bodies make it naturally already and it works for helping you fall asleep. I take the quick dissolve and I sleep great!

    You can't actually get it in the pharmacy in the UK (where OP is) it's presription only and usually only prescribed to those 50 and over. (You can however order it from iHerb in the states for delivery to the UK)

    Ive actually ordered some from pippingrock.com on the recommendation from a lady I work with but it's going to take a few week to get to me. But what's a few weeks if it works

    It works great but try not to take it long term, it can stop your body from producing it naturally which is why it's only available on prescription only in the UK. I usually take it for a couple of weeks and then take a few weeks break. Haven't needed it as much recently.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    melatonin makes me nauseous.

    i fall asleep easy enough but dont stay asleep. i take one tylenol pm before bed and its just enough to help me stay asleep through the night. works for me...

    also (disclaimer, i work for a mattress company), your bed set up can make a HUGE difference in quality of sleep. Make sure you are on a mattress and boxspring/foundation that is in good condition and is suitable for the way you sleep (side,back, stomach, etc). And for ME, the bedding is important too. has to be clean and the bed made, and wonderfully soft and fluffy and warm. yes, i have a bedding fetish and my husband would have a heart attack if he knew how much i spent on it all ;) LOL
  • xDanielleForbesx
    xDanielleForbesx Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all again for your comments and reccomendations they are all very helpful :smiley:
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    It's just falling asleep in general I'm having the issue with. I'll have a look. Thank you 👍

    I put on a podcast at low volume , any podcast - topic is immaterial - and I am out in less than 15 minutes.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,289 Member
    Is there some issue in your life that's causing you stress or anxiety? The only time(s) I have trouble falling asleep is when I'm either anxious about something or I've had caffeine or sugary foods too close to bedtime. I have to keep those problems manageable and stay away from sugary stuff in the afternoons/evenings.

    I also need to get some exercise in the daytime, not hours and hours worth, but at least a 30 minute session where my heart rate is significantly elevated.

    Melatonin gives me horrible vivid nightmares. I've heard that before from other people, so just beware.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Honestly one of the best for me is a warm bath before getting into bed. I'm also guilty of not keeping a regular schedule which wreaks havoc on sleeping. If you can try to go to bed the same time every night and get up at the same time even on weekends.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    When do you exercise? I can't exercise in the evening because then i'm too wound up and takes me forever to go to sleep.

    Other than that, I've found mouth taping to be wonderful for having good solid deep uninterupted sleep. I think I even fall asleep quicker when my mouth is taped than when it's not. Google it.

    technical question - do you use micropore tape or similar, and do you tape just before you try and go to sleep? I've been reading a lot about nose breathing and mouth taping lately and am interested (I have a cold and blocked nose at the moment so maybe not the best time to try it)