Food addiction. One extreme or the other



  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    Why did you @ me on this? :D

    You know why.
    Because YOU eat too many little shaffies?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I know these feels. Either starving or stuffing. Trying so hard to just be normal, follow the plan of nutrients and proper calories and not be thinking about either "I crave xyz" or "Holy crap, calories!" I'm prediabetic so lately I have been really cracking down because I do not want full blown diabetes. Nothing's worth that. I am not thinking about food if I'm practicing piano, but there's a time limit to how long I can do that; realistically 2 hours max.
  • Liana_Ish
    Liana_Ish Posts: 671 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    Why did you @ me on this? :D

    You know why.
    Because YOU eat too many little shaffies?

  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    Why did you @ me on this? :D

    You know why.
    Because YOU eat too many little shaffies?
    You woo'd this without even understanding the inside joke? *face palm*
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    I am a food addict.
    I am addicted to eating it. Im also addicted to being a health fiend.
    When I fall into my junk food trap, it's out of control. Cream puffs, pie, lasagna with fresh mozz, cheesecake, breads, cupcakes. Anything rich and delicious i adore. From the way it tastes, to the texture, the the depth of flavors, to the joyful anticipation as im filling cupcakes with cream fillings, just delighted to take that first bite. I'll sit and think up new recipes all day long.
    And when i decide to kick it into gear, i love that proud feeling of self control, my mind twirls with ideas of meal plans, snack plans, water plans. Calorie counting, and learning what foods have what benefits. Delicious healthy smoothie recipes, coming up with smart dessert recipes and how to make my sinful food choices in a more nutricious way.

    I have food on my mind all the time. I just love food, it can be a blessing, it can be a curse. If i could manage to switch my mind into gear, and live in my healthy way, I would be set. However its a constant battle of which side wins. Because of this i've had to lose over 100lbs twice. And thankfully this time, i realized i was getting out of control before i had to do it again. I maintained 10lbs away from my ultimate goal weight for 6 years before that pesky little devil within resurfaced itself. Now instead of being 10lbs away, i am 50lbs away.

    Is there anyone else out there who is a food addict, or who has spent most of their life dieting?

    I've gotten to the point now where i'm sick of it. I have many other things i'd rather think about and focus on. I want to be normal, i want to be one of those people who just lives, eats when their hungry, gets dressed, does things that need to be done, or go out and have fun and thats that. I think about food and dieting so much that it consumes me, and it has for a very long time.

    Story of my whole life right now. I'm also 50 pounds away from my goal weight, which would come off sooner if I wasn't such a freakin' foodie!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I can not relate..but feel compassion for you. I just wonder if you could shift your addiction to healthy eating and fitness? I feel some on this site and just as obsessive..but in the opposite way where they log every bite.. count macros.. work out .. have graphs and charts tracking their weight.. but at least they're healthy.
  • Liana_Ish
    Liana_Ish Posts: 671 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    Why did you @ me on this? :D

    You know why.
    Because YOU eat too many little shaffies?
    You woo'd this without even understanding the inside joke? *face palm*

    Haters in the building
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    Liana_Ish wrote: »
    Why did you @ me on this? :D

    You know why.
    Because YOU eat too many little shaffies?
    You woo'd this without even understanding the inside joke? *face palm*

    Haters in the building
    Clearly meant who* woo'd this. You're right though. Haters.
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    @Liana_ish and @shaf238 I'm confused as to what your private little chat in a public forum is contributing to this I missing something? Just curious!

    Anyway, I could have written the opening comments also. One thing I've learned about addiction is that the addiction is only a symptom of an underlying problem...get to the underlying problem and THEN you can work on controlling/eliminating the addiction. It's more than what, how much, etc etc we put in our mouth...The question is, "what is driving us to do that... ?".... something we KNOW quite clearly is unhealthy!! It's not as much what your eating as it is "what's eating you?" Obviously, it isn't 'just' losing the weight because, people lose weight all the time, it's 'keeping it off' that is the issue because the underlying issue is not being addressed....I think it is WAY more complex than calories in/out...there are emotional & psychological components that are at the root of many of our food addictions.

    Interestingly, I was hunting for an emotional eaters group & came across this thread...thank you for examining this issue and sharing your experience...I get the whole not feeling "normal" thing for sure. It is like an obsession that won't shut off.....some really good suggestions here though.
  • Berkgal33
    Berkgal33 Posts: 71 Member
    This post is me. EXACTLY. I have lost 100 pounds TWICE, 50 at least twice, and 30 pounds more times than I can remember! I started to fall off the wagon about 6 months ago, and I really struggled to maintain, but now I am about 35 pounds heavier. I am grateful I managed to stop the decline before I regained all 100 pounds, but alternately I am angry about losing control. I think about food all the time. My sister suggested Bright Line eating (she is doing) but that is FAR too restrictive for me. I have a disrespect for any eating plan that forbids certain foods forever. So I am back on myfitnesspal, 3 weeks and counting, and am doing well. I find keeping myself HONEST about what I am eating, logging it, helps me eat in moderation. If I want a treat I exercise a bit more. I have stayed away from gym while I get my eating back under control. I am very hungry when I work out. Heading back soon. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. I GET IT.
  • stephaniezinone
    stephaniezinone Posts: 22 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I used to call myself a chocoholic and believed I was addicted to sugar. It seemed that way, because I would constantly hoard and sneak and crave and overeat and lose control and gain weight. I too felt proud whenever I buckled down and started exercising and losing weight. This went on for many years, until something clicked. I realised I was sick of the stressful lifestyle, not just of being fat.
    • I realised that the fearmongering, possibly well intended to make us eat healthily, had backfired. I had become afraid of good taste and mouthfeel, but that is something we need, and we are always reminded of the things we like so there is no escape.
    • I realised that no foods are in themselves healthy or unhealthy. All foods provide something, in different amounts and proportions. A healthy diet is enough of all I need every day, and not too much of anything over time. A healthy diet is balanced and varied.
    • I realised that I can eat enough, and food I like. When I feel I can eat enough, and food I like, the urge to eat too much, dissipates.
    • I realised that what I like, is a lot up to what I'm used to. Real food has real taste now that my tastebuds aren't numbed by too much sugar, fat, salt and flavor enhancers.
    • I realised that occasional overeating is no problem. It's the consistent overeating that is a problem.
    • I realised that I can say no, to others, and to myself.
    • I realised that much of the "eating experience" in reality is anticipation. Building up anticipation, and not get what was anticipated, can make a person with an unhealthy relationship with food, continue in the pursuit of getting the promised satisfaction, instead of accepting that it didn't taste so good afterall, and stop.
    • I realised that eating is not a moral issue.
    • I realised that I need boundaries, but they have to be reasonable, and I have to set them myself.

    I struggled with my weight for over 20 years, ended up borderline obese once or twice, and then actually obese. With MFP and many other resources, I lost 50 pounds, and by being disciplined to do what it takes, and not try shortcuts, I have managed to keep them off for 3 1/2 years, pretty effortlessly. Yes, cravings feel so powerful when they hit, but when I just ride them out, it feels like nothing afterwards.

    This needs to be requoted for emphasis.
    Many who think they have a “food addiction” often need to take a step back and analyze the emotional and situational triggers associated with their behaviors. Food isn’t addictive on the whole. Nor are carbs, sugar, etc. But there are certainly situations which can cause people to have difficulty controlling their intake of certain foods, some, with diagnosed binge eating disorder, may even have a broader category that can be problematic in certain situations.

    Many of the steps outlined here can help someone begin to address their challenges with the mental process and then the physical process of over eating.

    Not sure if the OP is still around but since the old thread got bumped it would be worth paying close attention to these suggestions for a lot of people who are struggling.

    I miss her.
  • aneedforchange
    aneedforchange Posts: 75 Member
    I don’t think about food all the time unless I’m dieting so right now it’s pretty constant and I hate that feeling too. I think I would be good with one of those programs that sends you calorie restricted meals for every meal lol but I’m not rich so that will never work sadly. I wish I had advice for you but you kept it off for so long and you know you can lose it again and that’s something, also there is something to be said for being aware that you have a problem and rectifying it. :)
  • ktaqwa
    ktaqwa Posts: 7 Member
    I totally relate to this , I have struggled with binge eating since high school , I don’t like to call it that but for sake of a better word that’s what it is to me , the only thing that’s helped combat it is mindfulness and reading thich naht hanh books ( a writer for books in mindfulness) and staying true to myself rather then comparing myself to others , I hope the best for you , look out for yourself , food is something we should all be grateful to have but with emotional eating issues it becomes a blur sometimes , this I know first hand <3
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,049 Member
    Maybe it could be a gift! Perhaps you have a future in cooking for others or becoming a nutritionist!? Just a thought.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    The thoughts of food are like a continuous stream. I really think it's a reaction to stressful individuals/relationships.
  • toki33
    toki33 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel this so much. I suffered from eating disorders (bingeing and anorexia) and that constant obsession from the time I was 7 years old. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel like this addiction is from some other type of issues. Someone made us feel bad, caused us some sort of trauma, maybe it’s super ingrained in family culture and how love was expressed, etc. It’s (for me at least) a way to numb physical and mental pain. I was told at one point that by over eating, it’s still a form of attempted self care, even if it’s not a healthy option. You’re trying to soothe yourself from some bad sensations. It’s a matter of finding a healthier, equally quick rewarding thing to replace food with at first until you learn more skills to cope. Having lots of other hobbies to keep me busy helps a lot as well. It’s a life long struggle. Addiction never really goes away, you just learn new, healthier ways to cope with life. Music has been a blessing in my journey to being healthier. I hope to see you find what your other passions are.