Need advice from successful maintainers :) please

Hi. I am a 5'6, 48 yo old female who went from 193 pounds to about 137 pounds, July 2016 to maybe April 2017. After that, I went up and down from 135 (spring 2018) low to 151 (January 2018). I stopped weighing my food and logging in Fall 2018 (busy teaching new grade level, tired of obsessing over food, etc...) and finally got on the scale last Monday and I was up to almost 162! That is a weight gain of 27 pounds from my lowest point. At this rate, I would gain it all back. So, I started tracking, weighing again on Monday, and I am down to 155.4 (lots of water weight) and am currently eating 1200 calories or less. I haven't gone back to the gym yet with the excuse of I am too big for my old workout clothes and don't want to buy more, but I have a elliptical in my room that I have not touched. I don't want to feel like I have to obsess over what I eat for the rest of my life, but I am thinking that maybe I do. It was nice eating what I wanted again, ordering whatever sounded good on the menu, and not worrying about calories when eating dinner at someone else's house. But feeling the fat grow on my stomach, not feeling as energetic, and realizing that all of the nice clothes I bought for myself were now too small felt terrible. I have no doubt that I can get down to a weight I am happy with (my goal is 140-135 was too thin for me). What I am worried about is STAYING there. Please let me know your strategies and advice. Thanks!


  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    Is 1200 cals really necessary to lose weight?

    For me, right now in the beginning it is. I should have said that I upped my calories to 1300, 1400, and 1500 as time went on, and ate back about 75% of my exercise calories. I think MFP started me at 1400 something when I weight 193 and then dropped me to 1200. I need the motivation of a quicker drop right now to stick to it. When I get to 145, I will increase it a little. Do you think I will have more success in the long run by starting with a slower rate of loss?
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Imho... maintaining in as high of an energy flux as you can is the best idea. We humans are eating machines. Eat and breed. That's what we do best. Regaining some weight is not always the worst. I am doing it. Calling it a "bulk" , but it is really just some tightly controlled weight restoration. Best of luck.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I've been maintaining for 3 years. I weigh and track my food, exercise 5-6 days a week. I don't weigh myself though. In fact, I recently threw away my scale.

    Since I know my maintenance calorie range for my activity level, I just eat at that level pretty consistently.

    Good luck!