Breastfeeding mom

Hi everyone! I’m looking for some advice; I have a 2 week old baby girl. I am currently breastfeeding and am already having a hard time getting my supply going. I am also ready to start eating healthier for weight loss. I didn’t start my pregnancy healthy so I’m clueless about eating better and exercising. So my question is for a breastfeeding mom what should be some basics for eating healthier? I know I can’t completely cut off some basics like carbs because of breastfeeding. Please help!


  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    I recommend eating a wide variety of whatever makes you feel happy and energized. What macros you choose to eat or avoid have nothing to do with weight loss, but some people find it easier to adhere to a calorie deficit by experimenting with what helps them feel full.


    If you're currently experiencing milk supply issues, I strongly suggest you avoid any type of fad diet or rearrangement of macros, and reconsider actively trying to lose weight until those issues are resolved. If you have supply issues now, trying to establish a calorie deficit isn't the best choice because it can further compromise your milk supply. Have you spoken to a lactation consultant? Get you and baby well established with breastfeeding for several months first.
  • chanel_19134
    chanel_19134 Posts: 2 Member
    I have an appointment with a lactation consultant this coming Tuesday, thank u
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    I have an appointment with a lactation consultant this coming Tuesday, thank u

    Good! I'm glad to hear! You're still so early post-partum that you will see some weight loss by the time your 6 week visit rolls around without even trying. Just try to eat intuitively now and plenty of variety and get you and baby off to a good start with breastfeeding. You don't have to eat any special foods. Try to stay well hydrated as well. Plenty of time to focus on more dedicated weight loss a few months from now. Good luck!
  • meritage5
    meritage5 Posts: 32 Member
    Avoid restricting calories just yet.
    Work with your lactation consultant and get milk supply well established.

    I found the best time for losing weight and breastfeeding was when the babe was over 6 months and eating some food as well as breastmilk.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    Really work on staying hydrated - that's vital. :)

    Oatmeal is good for milk supply. So are "lactation cookies" - a totally guilt-free and helpful treat as long as you don't eat them by the dozen. ;)

    Eat a well-balanced, nourishing diet, low on processed garbage and high on real ingredients. Feed yourself when you're hungry, drink when you are thirsty, rest when you are tired, and get out for a walk or something every day that you can. :) Please remind yourself, if you start feeling like you should be following some trendy diet or other, that breastfeeding consumes 500+ calories per day and needs heavy resources, and if you try to do it on a low-calorie diet you'll be costing your own body dearly. In the long run, that's not good for you or for your baby. :heart:

    I hope that helps some!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    She's only 2 weeks old so you must eat balanced and lots of water....not only for you but for her too!
    "Dieting" I would suggest against but do balance your foods with what you like. You may find you naturally lose weight with her eating what excess you may store. Water...water....water!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Yes...I like the idea of you and her going for walks. I did this with my nursing son and I lost 60lbs on a healthy well rounded diet. I never looked or felt so good.