Girls in their 20's looking to motivate each other!



  • sabrinagjubis
    sabrinagjubis Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am Sabrina, 21 in march and 5'9''. I currently weigh 179 lbs and want to lose 30lbs. I have been dealing with being overweight all my life and felt insecure about it, especially hard when my mom comments on my weight, as well as my dad. I believe sharing this journey with you all will help me keep focused. I tend to get obsessed and frustrated with the number on the scale especially when I feel like i've done everything right; exercise, drinking water, healthy eating, etc. and the number just stays the same. I really want to change and not leave this as another of my unfinished weight loss projects. It would be great to have accountability buddies and share tips or something 😁
  • pigsrock137
    pigsrock137 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! Im 20 and 5'10 and 196lbs and my first goal is to get down to 170 and eventually get around 155lbs. Ive been on break from school since early december so without a proper schedule im snacking basically all day sooo please add me i would love to have an accountability squad maybe start a gc on whatsapp or something
  • sweets4rox
    sweets4rox Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! I’m sorta new to this MFP and working out thing so I really struggle with motivation and my nutrition. I’m 22 years old and having a group that’ll help throughout this process sounds great!! We got this!!
  • Brown0203
    Brown0203 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! This is exactly what I need!!!! I just turned 25 and it’s time to make a change! Not to mention two cruises coming up, way too fast, that I need to slim down for 💪🏼
  • anmille8
    anmille8 Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm 28 5'5 and 188lbs looking to lose about 30lbs by summer :)
  • elliesheppard1994
    elliesheppard1994 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, hey. 24, 5"2, and 131 lbs. Just need to lose these last 10-15 pounds now, but it's been a struggle, losing and gaining the same 5 lbs for years now >_<. Really need to focus on eating less sweets/ chocolate, beginning to exercise again and cutting the cals down. Feel free to add me. I post my journey entries publically for friends, so hoping it'll force me to make healthier choices. ^_^.
  • elliesheppard1994
    elliesheppard1994 Posts: 14 Member
    vla246 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I'm 27 and from the UK. I'm looking for a daily accountability buddy, maybe on WhatsApp, if anyone is interested.

    My main goal is to improve my cardio fitness.

    I'm 5ft 3 and 145lbs. Also my diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me.

    Girl, yes, I'm from the UK too. Will add!
  • Anita4548
    Anita4548 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone I am from the UK - 25yo (almost 26 😭) and I am 5’3. Currently 137 goal weight is 110.
    It would be interesting to know how many calories is everyone eating/do you do any exercise?
    Btw I am friend-requesting you all ✌️🤗
  • alexhayg
    alexhayg Posts: 96 Member
    Hi all, Alex from the Uk, 5ft2 weighing in at 137lbs. want to get down to 126lbs (9st). Needing a bit of motivation as I find it hard to keep going when progress is slow.
  • hollyfoord
    hollyfoord Posts: 30 Member
    Hey ladies, hope you are all doing well!

    So I was doing great, and I completely fell apart this weekend. This is a really bad pattern for me, I always over eat (a lot) on the weekends and it ruins all of my hard work during the week. I'm wondering how you all handle weekends. Do you still diet/calorie count? Do you have any tips for staying on track?

    Second question is for those of you who drink. I have been trying to limit alcohol since it is so high in calories, but I do still want to grab a drink with my friends now and then. I have been drinking Vodka water with lime juice, which is actually pretty good, but I am getting sick of it. Do any of you have suggestions for healthier drinks (healthy being a relative term ;) )?

    Hey! I'm with you on weekends - that's generally when my family gets together for dinner at a local restaurant, and being 'good' all week makes it that much harder to abstain on weekends.

    For drinks, one of my favourite things to do is:

    1) Use the 10 calorie cranberry juice to make mixed drinks

    2) Make 'Green Caesars', which is basically making green juice (I.e. celery/cucumber/ginger/lemon etc. etc.) and adding a clear liquor, because anything clear is actually literally 'cleaner' for your system compared to things like rum/whiskey/bourbon etc.)

    3) Fresh mango (juiced or blended), ginger, honey and turmeric is great for antioxidants and detox. Just add clear liquor of choice for an 'X rated' elixir ;)

    Hope this helps!
  • UmaMageswarymfp
    UmaMageswarymfp Posts: 280 Member
    Hii , I just turned 20 and my target is to lose 30kg. I’m new here so I don’t know how to add people but you can add me and I’ll accept .
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    @elliesheppard1994 I have gained a few lbs now, but I was in that same exact spot while back. I am about 5'2.5" too and it is so hard to lose the last few lbs. You can do it!!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    @hollyfoord Thank you for your ideas- I will definitely be trying some of those! I love mango, so that just sounds delicious. I have a personal preference for clear liquors, but I had no idea they were more healthy - so yay!! :)

    @Anita4548 I am almost exactly your height and weight, and my goal is about 125 lbs. I eat 1350 calories a day right now. In the past I have done 1200, but I found that for me, it didn't make me lose faster, I actually lost weight slower. 1350 is perfect for me because I still feel comfortably full. I run about 2 times a week (only about 20 minutes) and I do horseback riding 3 times a week (about 30 minutes) and that is all I do for exercise. I do eat back my exercise calories if I am hungry, but I don't if I still feel pretty full. This method has been working really well for me so far! The last few lbs are always the hardest though, so hopefully this keeps working, otherwise I will increase my exercise and decrease calories again.

    Progress Update:

    I still fell apart this weekend, but less than that weekend, so that is good! I think I am eating enough of a deficit during the week that on weekends I can have a few more calories as long as I am not going too crazy.

    I already blew my January goal of being down to 140 by the end of the month! Last weigh in on Friday I was at 135.8! I think a lot of that was just bloating/waterweight, but I am super happy anyways! I hope you are all doing well!
  • missynothstein
    missynothstein Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Melissa. I would be interested in losing as much as possible. I am 21, 5’7” and 220 lbs. I just graduated college and instead of putting on the freshman 15, I put on freshman 50 and can’t get it off. I used to be athletic in high school and starting college but when you do leg day so hard that you have issues walking and make it to your dorm where you gotta climb 4 flights of stairs it got difficult so I quit. It would be ideal to go back to high school weight but I know that’s not gonna happen so I wanna at least get under 200.
  • mommahfit
    mommahfit Posts: 11 Member
    I’ll add you! 😊 I’m 22 and looking for the same support! We got this girly! 💪🏼
  • TaylorMeans
    TaylorMeans Posts: 13 Member
    Love to see all the love and support on this thread. You guys are amazing! I love reading about you and your stories and what your goals are. Together, we can motivate and inspire each other. We got this and we're gonna kick some a**!
  • Diviniteee
    Diviniteee Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'0 145 lbs - working on these last 20 lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • pigsrock137
    pigsrock137 Posts: 22 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi i hope everyones doing well! Does anyone have any accounts or youtubers they follow/subscribe to for food inspo?