.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    SW: 132
    CW: 132

    I didn't accomplish my goal of working out on Sunday, but I did watch what I ate pretty well...and most importantly I made my goal of returning to my starting weight after last weekend's insane eating.

    Goals for this week:

    1) Finally get my measurements recorded here. :)
    2) Work out every day until I leave for a long weekend trip on Thursday.
    3) Mange eating while traveling as best I can.
    4) Don't gain any weight over my long weekend trip.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Last Halloween the local bar had a dress-up contest. I went and bought a couple of costumes on clearance for this years bash. Just out of curiosity, I tried one of them on to make sure they were gonna fit and get an idea of how much I was gonna have to step up the game...it was actually a little too BIG! It totally made my day!

    Another thing that made my day...I was going thru my drawer looking for a pair of jeans to wear this morning and they were all too big! It totally makes all of this hard work worth it!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Yea...I pretty much suck eggs right about now.

    CW 242
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Sigh...I went down quite a bit mid-week, but I'm back up again. I can only attribute it to heavy working out yesterday and water retention due to the end of TOM and my work out (very sore today). So here's hoping for next week...

    8/15 - 194
    8/22 - 194
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    My goals for this week is to go to the gym at least 4 times and cut down on my carb intake. I want to lose 3 pounds this week. Wish me Luck!!!

    HAve a great day everyone!!1
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I just wanted to say, I think everyone is doing a great job! There are some pretty nice losses being posted! and don't beat yourself up if you didn't reach your goals because today is a new week. You can do this!

    Starting weight: 164
    Todays weigh in: 162.6

    My goals this week are getting in lots of cardio. I plan to take spin classes on M,T & W. On Tues I also will take a weight training class. Thursday I will either do the elliptical or ride my bike outside, depending on the weather. Friday will be my day off.
    I will also stay very close to my calorie goals. I am planning my meals for the rest of the week right now!
  • ElleEmmeKay
    New week - New weight!
    Last week: 147
    This week: 146.4

    This weeks goals:
    Run 4 days (according to C25K plan)
    Zumba for at least 45 min. 4 days a week
    Strength train 4 days (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat.)
    Keep my carbs under 45 grams (after Fiber)

    Ultimately I want to lose 1.2 lbs. this week.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I never did get my measurements done, so this is my first set

    Neck: 13.5
    Bust: 37.5
    Waist: 33.75
    Hips: 42.5
    Arms: 12.25
    Thigh: 24.25
    Calves: 15 (each)

    Lost a pound this first week, technically my goal so YAY :) Plus I have lost inches a bit too, even had some one mention she had noticed :)
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    :happy: Oh Happy Day:happy:. I passed all of my goals for last week.
    *I worked out 6 days
    *I burned 4467 calories
    *I lost 8 lbs (don't know how that happened because I had two stressful bad eating days)

    My goals last week were:
    *Workout at least 5 days this week (one more day to workout)
    *Burn 4000 calories (1315 calories to burn)
    *Lose 3 lbs (1st week back)

    8/15 169.0
    8/22 161.0

    My goals this week are:
    *Workout 6 days this week
    *Go rollerblading at least once this week
    *Don't have any stress eating days
    *Lose 2 lbs
  • abg0220
    abg0220 Posts: 42 Member
    Last week: 137.6 (went from 136.8-17.6 depending on the day)
    This week: 138.0

    This weeks goals:
    Complete week 4 of C25K and start week 5
    Complete level 2 of 30DS
    Burn at least 500 calories per day
    Lower my intake of carbs
    I would like to be at 136 by next weight in!! (or lower!!)
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I overate this weekend, so my loss probably would have been better, but I am still reporting a 0.9 pound loss. I weighed in at 275.6. I did exercise over the weekend, but I ate out several times and overdid it!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Last Halloween the local bar had a dress-up contest. I went and bought a couple of costumes on clearance for this years bash. Just out of curiosity, I tried one of them on to make sure they were gonna fit and get an idea of how much I was gonna have to step up the game...it was actually a little too BIG! It totally made my day!

    Another thing that made my day...I was going thru my drawer looking for a pair of jeans to wear this morning and they were all too big! It totally makes all of this hard work worth it!

    thamre it is amazing how just trying on something especially jeans and seeing that they are big can make you walk a little taller & prouder!!!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Weight: 197
    Bust: (right across nipples) 46
    Waist: 38.5
    Navel-line: 42
    Hips (widest part!): 43
    Calves: R- 16.5, L- 17.5
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 15.5, L-15
    Thighs: (widest part!) R- 25, L- 25
    Neck: 15

    No Weight loss but some space lost:-)
  • newashley
    newashley Posts: 28 Member
    sw 193.0
    cw 192.2

    Better than nothing!!
    This weeks Goals,
    be good!
    So far I have been losing with very little exercise
    this week and I really going for it,
    I want to start c25k
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Wow girls, some great losses there! Very impressive aablacknell.

    I'm 1 lb down.

    SW. 241 lb
    CW. 240 lb

    Definitely going to try and get in more exercise this week and i've made up a meal plan, so that should really help too!

    I only just took my measurements on saturday so i'll take them again next monday and each monday from then on xx
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    I AM SO IMPRESSED. You're all amazing women! holy cow!!! Kicking butt and taking names!!!

    Sorry I've been MIA, I was out of town with my family all weekend, and as a family, we went on a run (twice!) swam both days, and just enjoyed ourselves...it was wonderful!!!

    Last week's Weight: 179.8
    This weeks: 178.2

    A loss is a loss, right?! 1.6 lbs, almost two pounds!!

    Challenges: 35situps/ 25girl pushups/ 65 jumping jacks

    peggy: Welcome! So glad you're on board...!

    BJ- hope your hike was awesome and that TOM didn't totally take you out this weekend, and maintaining is AWESOME!

    ZumbaQ- Do what works for you! I'm excited for you to accomplish your new goals!

    Erin- A few missed days are ok, it's life!! You got it!!

    Beachgurl- praying for your grandma, and your loss was incredible!!!

    mycrazyturtles- SO impressed with your loss!!!

    drcarrier- total water weight...you're so faithful...you've got this!!

    Carrie- FOUR POUNDS!!! happy dance!!

    thamre- incredible work!! I love that your costumes and jeans were too big!!

    road2peachtree- it happens...today is fresh and new!!! you got this!

    Leah- amazing loss! Love your goals!!

    aablacknell- you've got to be kidding me...fantastic!!!!!

    abg- love the loss!!! well done!!

    kaechelle- don't downplay it...a loss is a loss!! fabulous!!

    mariar- Love that you're losing" space!" that's what TRULY counts!!

    newashley- a loss is a loss- FABULOUS!!!

    kayleigh- amazing work...!!! so proud!

    To you all, and the rest who will still weigh in, INCREDIBLE work.

    it's a marathon, not a sprint! A 1 lb loss or maintaining is incredible!!!

    So proud, so happy to be a part of this group!

    p.s. please welcome embeekay to our group! she's my cousin from NC and she's amazing!!

    Let's make this week even better!!! Get it!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Elisabeth- Congratulations on your 1.6 pound loss and thanks for being such an encouragement!

    Great job everyone!!!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey Girls
    Sorry I know weigh in is Monday but I have been stressed out with finalas at school. I’m very disappointed in myself because last night I was rushing to hand something by deadline and I was super stressed out. To my me feel better my bf made and ice cream sunday, we have nutella, I ate at least 2 Tbsp’s of peanut butter. I actually stayed under my calories (surprised) but still it was 12 at night. I should have had more self control.

    Otherwise, I did weigh and measure myself.

    I reached my goal! I weighed in 151.2!

    Also I did workout 3 times a week! So yay!! LAst two days of classes but I will fight this urge to binge eat.

    Goals this week.

    Workout 30mins every day.
    200 crunches, 20 push ups
    Lose 2 pounds.
  • RealWomenHaveCurves
    Sorry ladies.. I did weigh myself yesterday but it was later on in the evening so I didnt get a chance to come on and post it. The scale showed no difference... could of been due to the fact that I weighed so late or just that Ive been gaining muscle... I know for sure Im losing inches so I guess something is better than nothing.

    SW: 165
    8/22: 165

    congrats 2 all those who reached their goal for the week.. keep up the good work ladies!!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I was feeling good last night...walked 6 miles!

    I want to run so bad...it is just that every time I do I have to pee. I go to the bathroom right before I leave but as soon as a start I get the urge. I have no control...it really sucks.