Goals for 2019?



  • latestarter75
    latestarter75 Posts: 50 Member
    To gain a minimum of 4kg of stage weight
  • TinyRaccoon19
    TinyRaccoon19 Posts: 31 Member
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.
  • didilozz91
    didilozz91 Posts: 11 Member
    Loose 20 pounds
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.

    If half of what you eat is junk, you're not an intuitive eater. You eat whenever and whatever you want. I don't understand why intuitive eating has become so misunderstood. It's simple: you eat when you're hungry and the food you eat is based on how it will make you feel after eating it, minutes hours days and potentially even weeks later.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    letsgain01 wrote: »
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.

    If half of what you eat is junk, you're not an intuitive eater. You eat whenever and whatever you want. I don't understand why intuitive eating has become so misunderstood. It's simple: you eat when you're hungry and the food you eat is based on how it will make you feel after eating it, minutes hours days and potentially even weeks later.

    I'm not sure what you mean here. I considered myself an intuitive eater when I was in University. I did eat a lot of candy, microwaveable meals, fast food, I also ate nutritious meals, and it balanced out over time. I maintained my weight and felt great.
  • TinyRaccoon19
    TinyRaccoon19 Posts: 31 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    letsgain01 wrote: »
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.

    If half of what you eat is junk, you're not an intuitive eater. You eat whenever and whatever you want. I don't understand why intuitive eating has become so misunderstood. It's simple: you eat when you're hungry and the food you eat is based on how it will make you feel after eating it, minutes hours days and potentially even weeks later.

    I'm not sure what you mean here. I considered myself an intuitive eater when I was in University. I did eat a lot of candy, microwaveable meals, fast food, I also ate nutritious meals, and it balanced out over time. I maintained my weight and felt great.

    Me too. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I've had enough and maintain a weight of 57-58kg (162cm). My doctor, blood tests,and energy level all say I'm healthy.

    If I want a cookie or loaded wedges or whatever I'll eat it. But I'm still eating wholefoods daily too. I just think I should eat less junk and more wholefoods and I'm working on it.
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    letsgain01 wrote: »
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.

    If half of what you eat is junk, you're not an intuitive eater. You eat whenever and whatever you want. I don't understand why intuitive eating has become so misunderstood. It's simple: you eat when you're hungry and the food you eat is based on how it will make you feel after eating it, minutes hours days and potentially even weeks later.

    I'm not sure what you mean here. I considered myself an intuitive eater when I was in University. I did eat a lot of candy, microwaveable meals, fast food, I also ate nutritious meals, and it balanced out over time. I maintained my weight and felt great.

    Considering yourself an intuitive eater doesn't make you an intuitive eater. And being an intuitive eater doesn't mean never eating junk. It means basing when and what you eat on how those times and foods make you feel: physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    letsgain01 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    letsgain01 wrote: »
    2019 is a year of new beginnings for me (10 year marriage ended last year).
    - Improve my eating. I'm an intuitive eater but half of it is junk
    - Improve my sleeping. Aiming to go to sleep and wake up at a similar time each day, and get 7+ hours sleep each night (instead of 3-5 like I currently do).
    - Be more consistent with going to the gym. Got more gym buddies. Got a program written for me by a PT.
    - Be able to do unassisted pull ups/chin ups. Currently doing toe assisted pull ups/chin ups.

    If half of what you eat is junk, you're not an intuitive eater. You eat whenever and whatever you want. I don't understand why intuitive eating has become so misunderstood. It's simple: you eat when you're hungry and the food you eat is based on how it will make you feel after eating it, minutes hours days and potentially even weeks later.

    I'm not sure what you mean here. I considered myself an intuitive eater when I was in University. I did eat a lot of candy, microwaveable meals, fast food, I also ate nutritious meals, and it balanced out over time. I maintained my weight and felt great.

    Considering yourself an intuitive eater doesn't make you an intuitive eater. And being an intuitive eater doesn't mean never eating junk. It means basing when and what you eat on how those times and foods make you feel: physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    What makes your definition the only one though? According to sources I have seen an intuitive eater is someone who "makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma, honours hunger, respects fullness and enjoys the pleasure of eating" that fits what I did very well!

    I'm going by articles that have been published in the last month,that went in depth into what your definition really means.

    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with eating what you want when you want. I'm just saying that if the way you eat stops at that, it isn't intuitive eating yet.
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    billkansas wrote: »
    So what's everyone's goals for 2019?

    I'm going for the 1000 lb club once and for all at age 50 this year. My sub-goal is to do this while only hitting the gym twice per week. I'm quitting the "chase for abs" and all that junk and don't care if I have to bulk to 220 lbs (body weight) to do it. I've been chasing it for a over two years now but shoulder pain and illiac crest pain has been holding me back. We'll see what happens.

    How'd everybody do on the 2019 goals?

    I went backwards a bit. I backed off my heavy squats/deadlifts and went on an extended cut to let my illiac crest/pain heal and I haven't gotten back to the weights I was using routinely back in 2017/2018. My shoulder is completely healed so my bench press is ok. I've also been working to get deeper in the squat to "below parallel"... this has accounted for a bit of the deload. My illiac crest seems to continue to bother me from time to time but it is more a fear (of what's wrong) than something that is actually stopping me from completing a rep or set.

    I said I was quitting the "chase for abs" but I think I did cut too much... I got weaker. Conversely, my bulk didn't seem to help my strength at all.

    I quit my gym membership and started working out in my cold, dirty garage. I've been good at hitting my two strength training workouts per week but now have more distractions and less motivation (am enjoying more time with kids outside though between sets).

    The big question for 2020... start over with the linear progression beginner program or continue to fool myself that I am intermediate? It seems little depressing to go back to the old Starting Strength beginner program however this was where I was when I was at my best.

    Thanks for reading and in advance for any advice or input you may offer.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I am dialing it back this year. Goals are to get at least 3 lifting sessions in per week if I can. Eat a decent amount of protein. Don't go too overboard with the eating. Try to stay sane. Yea that's pretty much it!

    I just found out I was pregnant (with #3) when I wrote this and had my baby in September. I am doing well. I dunno about staying sane, well, despite the chaos I think I'm doing ok !
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2019
    psuLemon wrote: »
    1. Get abs
    2. DL - 400
    3. Bench - 250
    4. Squat - 300
    5. Have a more consistent golf game (single digit handicap).
    6. Stronger forehand in tennis.

    1. Nope (back on the goals for 2020)
    2. I did not get this.. I got injured and went Keto which killed it. But got 355.
    3. I hit 255lb for my 1RM at 173lbs
    4. Nope, hit 280 before I got injured
    5. Didn't get to play much, but the few times I did play, I was in the mid 80s.
    6. Yes... and a killer serve.
  • jesslifts
    jesslifts Posts: 34 Member
    Love reading these, is there a 2020 goals thread?
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I am dialing it back this year. Goals are to get at least 3 lifting sessions in per week if I can. Eat a decent amount of protein. Don't go too overboard with the eating. Try to stay sane. Yea that's pretty much it!

    I just found out I was pregnant (with #3) when I wrote this and had my baby in September. I am doing well. I dunno about staying sane, well, despite the chaos I think I'm doing ok !

    Congratulations. I'm sure you're doing great. I remember when you posted this I thought your goals were a little vague for an expert like yourself- now I understand why! You're 2019 goals seem perfect for someone preparing for a baby. Babies bring some wonderful chaos.
  • smith667metal
    smith667metal Posts: 29 Member
    My goals are to
    1 hit 10% or sub 10% bf
    2 hit a 400lbs bench press. I feel I’m close may even be able to do it I just need a spotter( I have my own gym and workout at home)
    3 do one hand pull ups for reps
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    billkansas wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I am dialing it back this year. Goals are to get at least 3 lifting sessions in per week if I can. Eat a decent amount of protein. Don't go too overboard with the eating. Try to stay sane. Yea that's pretty much it!

    I just found out I was pregnant (with #3) when I wrote this and had my baby in September. I am doing well. I dunno about staying sane, well, despite the chaos I think I'm doing ok !

    Congratulations. I'm sure you're doing great. I remember when you posted this I thought your goals were a little vague for an expert like yourself- now I understand why! You're 2019 goals seem perfect for someone preparing for a baby. Babies bring some wonderful chaos.

    Thanks! Honestly I had no idea how the pregnancy would be. I really had to lower my expectations. Good thing since I was super sick the first three months.. but eventually got back in the gym and started eating better again.