Protein serious mass waste of time

Due to wanting to build bulk up I decided to give the powered vanilla protein at 1250 calories per 50 grams a go only having 25 g at a time
However it’s post workout so all those calories have sat there and like most high calories went to gut not helping because it’s taken before bed as well helping sore muscles overnight etc
Now it’s been left as have lost some belly fat aren’t sure if should just take it prior not post will change things


  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Old school bro... eggs and peanut butter... the fat in that will definitely put you in. Surplus if you eat enough. Cheaper too. Lol
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    As mentioned, it won't matter when you consume the mass gainer in terms of fat gain.

    Take a look at your overall surplus... how much are you gaining per week? What kind of training are you doing? That will determine your overall muslce to fat gain more than anything.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Due to wanting to build bulk up I decided to give the powered vanilla protein at 1250 calories per 50 grams a go only having 25 g at a time
    However it’s post workout so all those calories have sat there and like most high calories went to gut not helping because it’s taken before bed as well helping sore muscles overnight etc
    Now it’s been left as have lost some belly fat aren’t sure if should just take it prior not post will change things

    Timing isn't going to affect where in your body fat goes, or how energy you've consumed is used. If you are bulking, some of the weight you gain will be muscle and some fat. Many folks do find they get a little "fluffy" when bulking, that's why they do bulk & cut cycles - first you gain muscle and fat in a bulk, then you cut the excess fat you gained by eating at a deficit.

    If you feel like you aren't building muscle as expected, the culprit is either your expectations or your program. Are you following a workout program? How are you tracking your success?